能源环境约束下的中国区域工业研发 创新全要素生产率:2001~2011年
The Total Factor Productivity of Regional Industrial R&D Innovation under Energy and Environment Constraint:2001~2011
Feng ZhijunChen WeiMing Qian This paper considers the energy and environmental constraints in R&D innovation process;constructing Malmquist-Luenberger index model which can treat undesirable outputs to measure the TFP of industrial enterprise innovation of Chinas 0 provincial regions and eight economic regions from 00 to 0;and analyzes the basic characteristics of distribution and spatial temporal evolution.It finds:when considering the energy and environmental constraints;the TFP index(ML index)has a certain degree of decline.Technological progress is the source of the TFP growth;technical efficiency is in a downward trend;the regions with a upward trend in the TFP growth rate includes:the southern coast;east coast;north coast;northwest area;the regions with a downward trend includes:Yangtze River;northeast;southwest;the middle reaches of the Yellow River. R&D innovation;total factor productivity;Malmquist-Luenberger index;energy and environment constraint
. 2013, (9): 0 -0 .