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  • Yuan Jingfeng Ji Chuang Li Qiming
    2012, 31(6): 0-0.
    Abstract (225)
    goals of PPPs(Public Private Partnerships)are to improve the efficiency and effe
    ctiveness of delivery of public goods.However,the performance evaluation of PPP
    projects can not be implemented and the expected objectives can not be achieved
    in real projects because of the absence of effective and thorough monitor indica
    tors,which hinder the development of PPPs.Aiming to help public sectors in PPPs
    to improve the performance of PPP projects to achieve VFM(Value for Money),a con
    ceptual model of KPIs in PPPs was established by using extensive literature revi
    ew,through which total 48 Performance Indicators(PIs)were identified.A worldwide
    questionnaire survey was then conducted to obtain the relative significances of
    these PIs.The findings from survey show that all PIs are important,of which 31
    PIs are more important.The findings can be used for future research to identify
    the most important indicators,to help the public sectors monitor and control the
    performance of PPP projects.Moreover,the findings provide important evidences f
    or Chinese enterprise to manage the international PPP projects to improve the pr
    oject performance.
  • Wang Linsheng Mei Hongchang
    2011, 1(4): 0-0.
    Abstract (382)
    Rationalization of industrial structure is an important aspect on the study. Construction of industrial rationalization evaluation system is not only a result of the evaluation industrial restructuring, but also a country or region to industrial restructuring and upgrading of the reference system. The paper summarizes the theory of evolution of industrial structure, then we define the essence of rationalization of the structure. On this basis, both qualitative and quantitative evaluation system are constructed to rationalize the industrial structure
  • 2010, 1(10): 0-0.
    Abstract (274)
  • Sun Tao Zhao ShukuanQiao Zhuang
    2011, 1(5): 0-0.
    Abstract (228)
    promotion of equipment manufacturing industry in our country is an important mis
    sion of executing the twelfth five-years plan.According to the research on the b
    asic effects of equipment manufacturing industry in national economy,the trend o
    f worlds equipment manufacturing industry and the development situation of equ
    ipment manufacturing industry in our country,this article proposes the developme
    nt countermeasures about strengthening scientific and technological legislation,
    formulating technical policy and planning guidance,developing midfielder industr
    y,transforming technical innovation modes and arousing the innovation with passi
    on of entrepreneur.
  • Zhou Daishu Li Xiaofen Wang Shengguang
    2011, 1(2): 0-0.
    Abstract (337)
    As the main supplier and demander of rare earth,which is regarded as an importa
    t kind of strategic resource,Chinas companies have been frequently encounteri
    g embarrassing situation of deficiency for international pricing power.Based on
    the analysis of the definition and the determining mechanism of international p
    ricing power,this paper analyzes the fundamental problems behind theRare Eart
    h Paradox,including unbalanced supply and demand,lack of futures market,low
    value-added products,the enterprise competition etc.Then the study puts forwa
    rd suggestions of getting international pricing power and the way to establish a
    scientific and reasonable price system.
  • Wang Ruipeng Wang Penggang
    2013, 32(1): 0-0.
    Abstract (198)
    the basis of Handling and inspection of the raw data of urbanization,industrial s
    tructure and environment pollution from 1992 to 2011 in Xinjiang,this article bu
    ilds a VAR Model.By the analysis of the impulse response function analysis and v
    ariance decomposition analysis and Johnson cointegration test,itdrawsconclusions
    :external scale economies of urbanization and internal scale economies of non-ag
    ricultural industries plays a vital role in the industrial structure adjustment
    and optimization;In the short term,urbanization is a major factor in causing env
    ironmental pollution,urbanization will help in the long termenvironmental improv
    ement;urbanization and industrial structure optimization help raise improvement
    of the quality of the ecological environment.

  • Qu Hongjian Tuo Zhong
    2013, 32(7): 0-0.
    Abstract (154)
    ng the era of knowledge economy,synergy innovation was the key to a
    business mai
    ntain a competitive advantage,which caused the focus of domestic and
    foreign sch
    olars.Focusing on synergy innovation model,this article systematically
    combing t
    he literature of synergy innovation,analysising two elements synergy
    model,three elements synergy innovation model,multi-element contents
    synergy inn
    ovation model.At last this article summarizes the shortage of these
    nd future research direction to look forward to promoting the theory
    of synergy
    innovation model into integration and development.
  • Liu Changnian Zhang Yinyin
    2014, 33(04): 0-0.
    Abstract (221)
    author constructs the competitiveness evaluation model of high-tech industrial d
    evelopment,in order to improve the high-tech industry competitiveness evaluation
    index.The high-tech industry development status about 30 provinces and autonomo
    us regions in our country is evaluated,which from the high-tech industry investm
    ent,industrial output and industrial development potential,combining factor anal
    ysis,structural equation modeling and cluster analysis method.The results show:H
    igh-tech industry input,industrial output play a significant role in high-tech i
    ndustry development,however,industrial development potential plays an ineffectiv
    e role in high-tech industry development.In addition,regional development of hig
    h-tech industries in China are quite different.
  • Hou Xiaohong Zhao Lingmin
    2012, 31(10): 0-0.
    Abstract (269)
    As t
    he core content of Chinas accounting standards and an important sign of China
    s accounting standards converging with IFRS,whether fair value measurement rai
    ses the value relevance of financial information,and how corporate governance af
    fects the value relevance,are the important issues of Chinas accounting reform
    and corporate governance to be studied.This paper provides evidence on the valu
    e relevance of fair value and the impact of corporate governance by using a larg
    e sample drawn from listed companies in China spanning from 2007 to 2009.The res
    ult reveals that the adoption of fair value measurement has improved the value r
    elevance of financial information,and corporate governance has a significant pos
    itive effect on the fair value relevance,besides the effect of corporate governa
    nce to the transaction monetary assets is greater than it to the financial asset
    s available for sale respectively.This evidence indicates that corporate governa
    nce is a reliable way to improving the value relevance of fair value.

  • Du Chunli
    2011, 1(7): 0-0.
    Abstract (303)
    Base d on the DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis) theory and methods for efficiency ev aluation,this paper,from the angle of undesirable outputs,brings the pollutant e missions,acting as the undesirable input,into the data envelopment analysis mode l(DEA)and then conducts a systematic,scientific and dynamic evaluation about Chi na s eco-efficiency and potential for energy-saving and emission-reducing in the ir on and steel sector.The research results show that:the whole eco-efficiency in t he steel industry is not high,but witnesses a fluctuating upward trend;Through f urther analysis of efficiency improvement in the iron and steel industry,it illu str ates that there are still serious phenomena,such as over inputs and inadequacy o utput,which means there is still large potential for energy-saving and emission- reducing in Chinas iron and steel industry.
  • Zhang Yan
    2011, 1(1): 0-0.
    Abstract (244)
    om 2010,all state-owned companies should be evaluated by EVA.Based on such backg
    round,the article analyzes in details the construction of EVA and its developmen
    t,elaborates regulations and practice of overall budget,discusses the characteri
    stics of EVA-oriented overall budget.Further,determination of EVA and preparatio
    n,implementation and examination of EVA-oriented overall budget are mentioned.
  • Hua Yao;Hou Chuanli
    2011, 1(2): 0-0.
    Abstract (319)
    Human Resource Management Outsourcing in enterprise is paid close attention increasingly.The enterprises can outsource the non-core business to the professional
    service provider,which offers an effective approach for the scientification and specialization of the Human Resource Management.However,the process of outsourcing will inevitably bring about certain risks.The article probes into a study on the motivation and risk which might be come across of Human Resource Management Outsourcing,and puts forward the tactics based on the risk control.
  • Huang Xianfeng Wu Bo Wang Jianhua
    2013, 32(3): 0-0.
    Abstract (177)
    nology Innovation is an important way to improve enterprises competitiveness.I
    n this paper,the clustering analysis of DEA(Data envelopment analysis)-optimal p
    artition method is used for empirical study on Chinas 28 manufacturing industr
    ies.Results show that technology innovation efficiency values of most of China
    s manufacturing industries are low.The efficiency of hi-tech manufacturing is lo
    wer than that of traditional manufacturing.The reasons for low efficiency are:lo
    w utilization of internal spending of science and technology funds,low efficienc
    y of industry-university-institute collaboration and the insufficiency of patent
    application.Lastly,some suggestions are given to improve technology innovation
    efficiency of Chinas manufacturing industry.
  • Huang XianfengWu BoWang Jianhua
    2013, 32(3): 0-0.
    Abstract (176)
    nology Innovation is an important way to improve enterprises competitiveness.I
    n this paper,the clustering analysis of DEA(Data envelopment analysis)-optimal p
    artition method is used for empirical study on Chinas 28 manufacturing industr
    ies.Results show that technology innovation efficiency values of most of China
    s manufacturing industries are low.The efficiency of hi-tech manufacturing is lo
    wer than that of traditional manufacturing.The reasons for low efficiency are:lo
    w utilization of internal spending of science and technology funds,low efficienc
    y of industry-university-institute collaboration and the insufficiency of patent
    application.Lastly,some suggestions are given to improve technology innovation
    efficiency of Chinas manufacturing industry.
  • Peng Yi; Zhou Tao Xu Yeao
    2013, 32(8): 0-0.
    Abstract (170)
    This paper establishes a dynamic panel data model and uses the difference GMM Estimation method to investigate industrial emission reduction of investment in environmental protection under environmental rules based on the data of 30 provinces in China from 2001 to 2010.The results showed that Chinese investment in environmental protection play a certain role in promoting the reduction of industrial emissions;environmental regulation can effectively increase the investment,and thus can achieve reduction of industrial emissions;the lag phase of environmental protection investment and environmental regulation have strong emission reduction effect.Finally,this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the emission reduction of environmental protection investment under Chinese environmental regulation.

  • Jiang Ke
    2011, 1(6): 0-0.
    Abstract (289)
    impact of environmental regulation on FDI is a hot topic now,but little attentio
    n has been paid to the industry aspect.The dissertation empirically analyzes the
    influence of environmental regulation on FDI by Panel Data from the industry as
    pect,the conclusion shows that the environmental regulation has no effect on the
    industrial share of 20 pollution intensive sectors FDI,this shows that the en
    vironmental regulation of industry has no restriction on pollution intensive FDI
    ,and the efficiency is low.The conclusion provides the guidance of revolution of
    the industrial environmental regulation.
  • Su Lin Guo Bing Li Xue
    2013, 32(7): 0-0.
    Abstract (137)
    uction-city integration is an ideal state of combination of urbanization and hig
    h-tech.More accurately,it is a scientific development that in a certain area ind
    ustrial development and urban functions developed cooperatively and interacted p
    ositively.In this paper,we built a index system to evaluate the fusion of city a
    nd high-tech zones,take the data of Zhangjiang High-tech Zone as example and use
    the fuzzy AHP to comprehensively evaluate the degree of production-city integra
    tion of that area.The results showed that the degree of production-city integrat
    ion of Zhangjiang High-tech Zone had reached a relatively high level.Moreover,en
    vironment,security and other indexs played a crucial role in promoting the produ
    ction-city integration.In the last part of this paper,we proposed related counte

  • Ji Chuang Cheng Li Yuan Jingfeng Li Qiming
    2013, 32(2): 0-0.
    Abstract (217)
    value of the Public-Private-Partnership(PPP)project is the most important issue
    that all parties concern in the process of investment,construction,operation and
    transfer of the project.In the PPP project life cycle,uncertainties brought abo
    ut by the market environment,policies,and decision makers may affect the value o
    f the project,which cannot be calculated through the traditional evaluation meth
    od,such as Net Present Value method.However,Real Option method is very helpful i
    n evaluating the uncertainties value of PPP project.Therefore,the general steps
    of PPP project valuation method based on Fuzzy Real Option are proposed on the b
    asis of the related research.And a fuzzy real option value model is developed.Ho
    ng Kong Disneyland project(Stage Two)is implemented to demonstrate the accuracy
    and usefulness of the model,and the value of this project is evaluated.

  • Zhu Yunhuan
    2011, 1(3): 0-0.
    Abstract (271)
    x policies promoting high-tech enterprises development are firstly summarized,
    including corporate income tax incentives and circulation tax incentives and the
    n the major limitations of the incentives are pointed out—the policies are not
    systemized or focused,nor diversified.Based on the analysis of international app
    roaches,suggestions are made on tax policies promoting Chinas high-tech enterp
  • Lu Genyao Sheng Long
    2012, 31(4): 0-0.
    Abstract (255)
    question that whether Chinese situation fits the hypothesis of environmental Kuz
    nets curve is always a controversial focus in environmental economics field.Firs
    tly,the paper uses curve fitting method to analyze the relation between economic
    growth and environmental pollution in Zhejiang province from 1986 to 2009.Then
    it analyzes the main influence factors of environmental pollution by multiple re
    gression method.The results show that Zhejiang province fits the hypothesis of e
    nvironmental Kuznets curve during the sample period,and this proves the applicab
    ility of EKC hypothesis in China.Besides,the results indicate that scale factor
    has been in a dominant position at the increasing stage of pollutant emissions,a
    nd technology factor has been in a dominant position at the decreasing stage of
    pollutant emissions,and structure factor has been not obvious in Zhejiang provin
    ce.Therefore,when governments are making policy goals and economic policy measur
    es,they should be changed from pursuing the increase of economic volume to pay a
    ttention to the improvement of economic efficiency for reducing the deterioratio
    n of environmental quality from scale factor,and should accelerate the optimizat
    ion and upgrading of industrial structure and expand technology investment for p
    romoting the improvement of environmental quality from structure and technology

  • Wang Wenbin Da Qingli
    2012, 31(4): 0-0.
    Abstract (302)
    paper studies the design of incentive mechanisms with collection effort competi
    tion applying the principal-agent theory for the reason of the difficulty about
    contracting the collection effort.The differences of incentive mechanism with in
    formation symmetry and asymmetry are discussed and compared respectively.The res
    ults show that the collector not only gains the fixed income but also gains the
    risk compensation and bears the same proportion of the risk with information asy
    mmetry;however,the collector only gains the fixed income with information symmet
    ry.Secondly,the collectors expected benefit is same in both cases;in contrast,
    the manufacturers expected benefit is lower with information asymmetry.Thirdly
    ,the manufacturer should pay attention to the agent costs influence factors an
    d should balance the agent cost and the supervising cost.The collection effort a
    nd the manufacturers expected benefit increase while the agent cost decreases
    with the increase of competition degree.The manufacturer prefers a hard collecti
    on effort of the collectors.The collector is benefited from an appropriate compe
    tition degree etc.
  • Yang Gaoyu
    2011, 1(10): 0-0.
    Abstract (243)
    In t
    his paper,we use Dynamic Conditional Correlation method to study the correlation
    between the stock market cycle and economic cycle in China.The results show tha
    t the stock market cycle,the real business cycle and the financial cycle basical
    ly have positive correlations,so the real business cycle and financial cycle flu
    ctuations largely have combined effects on Chinas stock market cycle fluctuati
    ons.Compared with the real business cycle,the financial cycle and the stock mark et cycle have a higher degree of dynamic association;moreover the dynamic correl ations among the stock market cycle,the real business cycle and the financial cy cle are different in different bull and bear market phases,and it reflects the o peration characteristics of different stages.Overall,the correlations among stoc k market cycle,real business cycle and financial cycle are continuously strength ened.Although the operation of stock market cycle,real business cycle and financ
    ial cycle are not completely synchronized,indicators which reflect the high and low of the real business cycle and financial cycle are important references to d etermine the top and bottom of the stock market.
  • Yang Gaoyu
    2011, 1(10): 0-0.
    Abstract (270)
    In t
    his paper,we use Dynamic Conditional Correlation method to study the correlation
    between the stock market cycle and economic cycle in China.The results show tha
    t the stock market cycle,the real business cycle and the financial cycle basical
    ly have positive correlations,so the real business cycle and financial cycle flu
    ctuations largely have combined effects on Chinas stock market cycle fluctuati
    ons.Compared with the real business cycle,the financial cycle and the stock mark et cycle have a higher degree of dynamic association;moreover the dynamic correl ations among the stock market cycle,the real business cycle and the financial cy cle are different in different bull and bear market phases,and it reflects the o peration characteristics of different stages.Overall,the correlations among stoc k market cycle,real business cycle and financial cycle are continuously strength ened.Although the operation of stock market cycle,real business cycle and financ
    ial cycle are not completely synchronized,indicators which reflect the high and low of the real business cycle and financial cycle are important references to d etermine the top and bottom of the stock market.
  • Dong Jie
    2013, 32(3): 0-0.
    Abstract (193)
    n finance is under the new situation,the objective trend of financial developmen
    t,also is the result of financial innovation.Green finance in a good development
    beginning in China, but the development is in the initial stage,so there are so
    me problems.Based on the scientific definition of the concept of green finance a
    nd clarify the green financial characteristics,the green financial development s
    ituation of our country and the existing problems were analyzed,and puts forward
    some countermeasures and suggestions to solve the problem.
  • Zhang Yan
    2011, 1(7): 0-0.
    Abstract (294)
    It is a hot topic in the finance field that how to break through the bottleneck for
    small&medium enterprise(SME)finance and facilitate the theoretical research and practical exploration of supply chain finance for SME.The article reviews on t he research outcomes of SME finance,supply chain finance and supply chain risk and puts forward the development trend.
  • Xu Kaijun Yuan Yijun
    2014, 33(12): 0-0.
    Abstract (64)
    In o
    rder to test whether environmental regulations promoted industrial restructuring
    in China,we first did the theoretical analysis of the transmission mechanism be
    tween environmental regulations and industrial structure adjustment,then used th
    e panel data from 2002 to 2011 of 30 provinces in China as a sample and construc
    ted a system dynamic panel model.We measured the intensity of environmental regu
    lations from two aspects of unit wastewater and waste gas treatment facilities r
    unning cost,and did empirical test of the impact of environmental regulations on
    industrial restructuring.The findings showed that environmental regulations pla
    yed a significant role in promoting industrial restructuring,and if other condit
    ions remained unchanged,improving the strength of environmental regulations woul
    d be more conductive to the optimization of industrial structure.We also conclud
    ed that the marginal effect of reinforcing waste gas treatment cost for industri
    al restructuring was much larger than that of wastewater treatment cost arising.
    Therefore,we believe that under the dual pressures of current environmental poll
    ution control and industrial restructuring,improving the strength of environment
    al regulations,especially increasing the intensity of waste gas control,will be
    of great significance for the pollution control and industrial restructuring,and
    an important way to achieve sustainable development.
  • Tao Yongmei;Kang Yu
    2012, 31(6): 0-0.
    Abstract (214)
    oyee behavior is to promote active innovation of motive power of organizational
    innovation to adapt to changing environments.However,under the background of kno
    wledge,personnel flow rates too high in some organizations,staff issues such as
    lacking initiative innovation,it severely restricted the organizations sustain
    able development.Because organizational commitment to effectively predict staff
    turnover and get scholars increasingly broad attention.This research according t
    o staff in organization remain of different motivation,organization commitment i
    s divided into active of emotional commitment and negative of continues to commi
    tment,and take organization commitment for intermediary variable,researching org
    anization innovation atmosphere on staff innovation behavior of role mechanism.I
    t reveals in organization innovation atmosphere effect,staff innovation behavior
    produce inner mechanism,turning found effective way to improve staff innovation
    behavior,promoting organization innovation and development.
  • Hua Yao Zhou Yu
    2011, 1(1): 0-0.
    Abstract (295)
    id item has characteristics of large investment,long cycle and high risk.It is n
    ecessary to do post evaluation of grid item,summarize the experiences of project
    management,improve the level of project management,and provide scientific basis
    to the decisions of power construction projects.Logical framework approach is o
    ne of the methods of project post-evaluation,it analyzes one grid item by the lo
    gical framework approach,and gives the appropriate conclusion.
  • Jin Yanbo Wang Xiaodi
    2013, 32(2): 0-0.
    Abstract (218)
    Strengthen the procurement management is very necessary for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in ordrder to gain a foothold in the fierce market
    competition.This paper brought up the management status of the small and medium enterprise,analyzed the problems existing in purchasing management of the small and medium enterprise,then combined the feature of purchasing management in the supply chain environment,proposed the relevant strategy aiming those problems.

  • Zhao Hongmei
    2012, 31(7): 0-0.
    Abstract (214)
    paper employs the Gompertz model of GDP per capita and the vehicle stock to for
    ecast the vehicle stock of China in the coming decades,with the background of ec
    onomic growth,from the point of view of the whole automobile industry.We study t
    he procedure of vehicle stock reaching its saturation level in the OECD countrie
    s and some emerging economies such as Singapore.Then we forecast the level of ve
    hicle stock in China based on these countries experience and Chinas real eco
    nomic situation.The forecast results show that Chinas vehicle stock has develo
    ped according to Gompertz pattern and it has moved into a rapid development peri
    od.The historical data from 2001 to 2008 indicates that Chinas vehicle stock p
    er 1000 person increases by 38 every year.During the forecast period afterward
    s,this rapid development of vehicle stock will continue until 2037.Chinas vehi
    cle stock per 1000 person increases by 729 if with the high growth rate during
    the period of 2009 to 2037,increases by 234 if with the low growth rate and i
    ncreases by 48 if with the moderate growth rate.After 2037,Chinas vehicle st
    ock Wiu reach its saturation level and its development slow down.The vehicle sto
    ck at that time could be 310 if with the high growth rate,106 if with the low gr
    owth rate and 217 if with the moderate growth rate.The corresponding GDP per cap
    ita could be 400〖DK〗,000 yuan,250〖DK〗,000 yuan and 90〖DK〗,
    000 yuan per year(at 2009 price level)
  • Sun ChengxunLi HongyanLi RunqinWang Xu
    2013, 32(9): 0-0.
    Abstract (127)
    AHP is a combination of qualitative and quantitative,systematic,hierarchical analysis methods.AHP application fields permeate many aspects.This article will use AHP to grid enterprises Comprehensive Evaluation of its management,we found that different regions of the grid enterprise management level,and make recommendations for improvement the deficiencies.
  • Li Yuan Zhang Chuanping Xie Xiaohui
    2012, 31(8): 0-0.
    Abstract (335)
    d on energy intensity,energy consumption,fixed investments,industrial structure
    and carbon dioxide emissions lagging behind a period,this paper used modified ST
    IRPAT model and panel data to conduct regression analysis,focusing on empirical
    research on the influencing factors of carbon dioxide emissions discharged from
    Chinese 39 industrial branches.We came to the conclusion that energy intensity,i
    ndustrial structure and energy consumption are the main factors to curb carbon d
    ioxide’s emission.Analysis showed that:energy intensity greatly contributed to e
    nergy conservation and emission reduction;energy consumption was the factor whic
    h influenced the carbon emission mostly;the carbon emission in industry field ex
    isted dramatic phenomenon of path dependence;at the same time,fixed investments
    and industrial structure could also lead to the increase of carbon emission.In t
    he end,some relevant policies and advices are put forward to adjust to Chinese l
    ong road of energy conservation and low carbon economy.
  • Zheng Hongxia Wang Yi Huang Baorong
    2013, 32(2): 0-0.
    Abstract (199)

    The world economy has entered into a unprecedented period of transformation,for coping with international financial crisis and global climate warming.Now the green development is becoming a new international trend,as the new economic development model,and affecting the economic and social development process and competitive pattern change in different countries.This paper studies the green development indicator system from three aspects:green national accounting,multi-index system and composite index system.Through the study of literature,the
    paper summarizes the research progress on the indicator evaluation system at home and abroad,and points out the challenges encountered in the theoretical framework and methodology.Finally,according with national circumstances,the paper make a proposition for several key research frontiers of evaluation system in the near future for china.
  • Wang Hongqi Tian Li Wu Jianlong
    2014, 33(2): 0-0.
    Abstract (147)
    tegic emerging industry is a typical innovation-driven industry,and major techno
    logical breakthrough is the key to sustainable development of strategic emerging
    industry.Thus,from the angle of modular theory,the paper builds radical technol
    ogy innovation paths of strategic emerging industry:“peripheral modules→core m
    odules”path,“core modules→architecture rules”path and“architecture rules→c
    ore modules”path,based on analyzing the connotation and modular characteristics
    of radical technology innovation of strategic emerging industry,and then valida
    tes the paths of being scientific and feasible with the example of typical repre
    sentative of high-end equipment manufacturing industry——radical technology inn
    ovation paths of large aircraft industry,so as to provide theoretical and method
    support as well as decision references for strategic emerging industry to carry
    out the radical technology innovation.
  • Lu Shichang Guan Na
    2012, 31(2): 0-0.
    Abstract (323)
    paper regards listed companies of equipment manufacturing industry from 2005 to
    2010 as the research main body,regards their performance as the research object .Use principal component analysis and factor analysis to select indicators and c onstruct performance indicators system.Use DEA-Malmquist Productivity Index to e valuate performance and find that equipment manufacturing industry total factor productivity increase mainly thanks to technological progress,the technical effi ciency is another factor.Tobit regression analyzes other factors.Empirical resul ts show that the development of equipment manufacturing industry isnt ideal,to make the healthy development of equipment manufacturing industry,it should take consider technical efficiency,technological progress,and focusing on internal m anagement and decision-making capacity,to achieve economies of scale.
  • Chen Aixue
    Abstract (256)
    This paper based on the review of the supply-side reform,combining with China's steel industry development course and relating policies in the Each period,using new theoretical approaches to discuss the implementation of the current supply side reform in the steel industry.This paper explains the necessity of solving the problem of excess production capacity.At last,based on the foregoing basis,it puts forward appropriate supply-side reform path in the China's steel industry.
  • Gu Haifeng
    2011, 1(6): 0-0.
    Abstract (256)
    nce guarantee is also called credit guarantee.As an important part of finance ma
    rket,small-medium enterprise finance guarantee market plays the important financ
    e function.The paper analysizes small-medium enterprise finance guarantee risk e
    mergence and constructs small-medium enterprise finance guarantee risk managemen
    t system in perspective of risk outer prevention and inner controlling by learni
    ng successful operation experience from international finance guarantee agencies
    .The risk management system mainly includes two parts which are small-medium ent
    erprise finance guarantee risk outer prevention system and inner controlling sys
    tem.This research exists important theory guide and practical significance for C
    hina small-medium enterprise finance guarantee agencies persistant developing.
  • Xu Jun Zhang Na Wang Yuhong
    2014, 33(04): 0-0.
    Abstract (97)
    nization is the only way for countries to achieve social and economic developmen
    t,urbanization construction of each countrys has its own characteristics.This
    pape analyzes urbanization development pattern as well as the experiences and le
    ssons of the Europe,the United States,Japan and India from the perspective of ag
    ricultural modernization,industrialization and information,and the enlightenment
    was given by foreign urbanization construction to our country urbanization cons

  • Liu Chuan
    2012, 31(12): 0-0.
    Abstract (185)

    d on the regional data of Chinas high-tech industry,this study conducts an emp
    irical analysis on the R&D efficiency of Chinas high-tech industry by using th
    e three-stage DEA.The main findings contain:the R&D efficiency of Chinas high-
    tech industry is low,and its main reason is due to the lower scale efficiency;th
    e regional GDP and workers quality have a significantly positive effect on R&D
    efficiency,but the location and government intervention have a significantly ne
    gative effect;according to the pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency,th
    e R&D innovation mode of high-tech industries is divided into four types.Every p
    rovince can improve its R&D efficiency according to its own efficiencys charac

  • Wang Zhenqin Wang Weicai Zhang
    2013, 32(2): 0-0.
    Abstract (210)

    On the sample of 24 iron and steel listed companies from 2005 to 2010,this paper measures and compares technical efficiency by using super-efficiency DEA.Based on fixed-effect model of panel data,this paper makes an examination on the linkage between technical efficiency and firm performance,and the results show that a significant positive relationship exists between them.The results also
    suggest:the linkage between firm scale and performance presents a“U”curve,the correlation between operating expenses and performance is significant negative, the correlation between circulating shares ratio and performance is significant positive,and controlling shareholders’ equity ratio has no significant effect on performance.