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Accepted, unedited articles published online and citable. The final edited and typeset version of record will appear in the future.
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  • Accepted: 2023-04-24
    Abstract (26) PDF (18)
  • Accepted: 2022-09-20
    Abstract (91) PDF (47)
  • Abstract (0) PDF (8)
  • Abstract (70) PDF (34)
  • Jiang Yujie Jian Lirong
    Abstract (374)
    paper applies the entropy-weighting TOPSIS method and Theil index to take a com
    prehensive evaluation and difference measurement of regional Middle and Large si
    zed Enterprise(MLE)technological innovation capability in China from 2005 to 200
    9.The results show that the development difference of regional MLE technological
    innovation capability is great,and the polarization phenomenon is serious.For t
    he regional internal differences which are concerned,western is largest,eastern
    followed and central is the minimum.The difference among the three regions is th
    e most outstanding,which makes the largest contribution to the regional overall
  • Qu Qunzhen Ma Jie
    Abstract (326)
    To b
    etter achieve the objectives of the twelve five-year-plan and to meet the supply
    and demand of the future logistics talents of Shanghai,this paper uses the comb
    ination forecast model of grey fore cast model and time series prediction model
    to predict the demand of the logistics talents of Shanghai based on the data of
    tertiary industry employees during 1970~2009.The effective supply has been fore
    casted after the study of logistics-related professional colleges of Shanghai.Co
    mparing the demand and supply situation of the logistics talentes during the twe
    lve five-year-plan,this paper found the phenomenon that the demand of the logist
    ics talents of Shanghai would exceed the supply of it,in addition,corresponding
    measures have been proposed from the government,universities,and enterprises asp
    ects to ease the demand and supply gap during the twelve five-year-plan.
  • Du Jie Jia Jia
    Abstract (220)
    lopment of low-carbon economy has become an international trend,and a series of
    response measures have been adopted actively in Japan which can be described as
    one of the first low-carbon economy pioneers.This paper combines cost-benefit an
    alysis of law and economics interpretation of Japans low-carbon economy policy
    system inorder to make recommendations for Chinas low-carbon economy.
  • Liu Min Cao Zhongyang
    Abstract (330)
    On t
    he purpose of doing research on the effect of FDI on economy in different consum
    e level,this paper establishes the threshold model to confirm the existence of o
    penness threshold effects by using China provincial panel data from year 2000 to
    2009.The result showed that double threshold effect of FDI on economic growth e
    xists,and FDI boosts the economy most significantly when the opening degree betw
    een the first and second threshold.Most provinces in eastern of China are in low
    er consumer level.In order to improve the positive impression of FDI to economy
    increase,their economic growth mode needs to change from mainly depending on inv
    estment to consuming.While the central and western provinces are still based on
    consuming,they should increase the input of FDI to motivate local economy.
  • Abstract (116) PDF (74)
  • Abstract (103) PDF (62)
  • Abstract (86) PDF (39)
  • Abstract (89) PDF (45)
  • Abstract (77) PDF (32)
  • Abstract (49) PDF (7)
  • Abstract (102) PDF (36)
  • Abstract (72) PDF (23)
  • Abstract (114) PDF (62)
  • Abstract (104) PDF (45)
  • Abstract (69) PDF (26)
  • Abstract (81) PDF (29)
  • Abstract (70) PDF (37)
  • Abstract (71) PDF (26)
  • Abstract (76) PDF (30)
  • Abstract (93) PDF (40)
  • Abstract (84) PDF (56)
  • Abstract (78) PDF (47)
  • Abstract (77) PDF (27)
  • Abstract (83) PDF (24)
  • Abstract (68) PDF (32)
  • Abstract (70) PDF (33)
  • Abstract (67) PDF (50)
  • Abstract (75) PDF (37)
  • Abstract (51) PDF (32)
  • Abstract (43) PDF (30)
  • Abstract (42) PDF (28)
  • Abstract (44) PDF (30)
  • Abstract (43) PDF (49)
  • Abstract (45) PDF (55)
  • Abstract (49) PDF (29)
  • Abstract (49) PDF (33)