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  • Accepted: 2023-06-09
    Abstract (1074) PDF (1818)
    基于2008~2017 年中国30个省域大中型上市工业企业面板数据, 本文选用固定效应分析(FEM) 测度, 实证分析主要的两种针对高新技术企业的所得税优惠政策的激励效果; 应用双重差分法(DID), 实证分析一种税收激励政策局部变动所带来的政策效应; 基于国际上其他国家先进经验, 结合之前研究, 为我国税收激励政策体系的改进及政策环境下企业研发效率的提升提供建议: (1) 调整已有税收激励的对象, 改变税收优惠方向; (2) 建立企业研发投入的税收优惠税率动态享受机制; (3) 针对行业特点, 调整研发支出抵免优惠年限及设定“ 研发准备” 科目, 进而提升税收政策的执行力; (4)创立一个以研发投入为主体的政策效应动态监查系统。本文对于提升我国科技水平、经济实力, 进而影响我国的国际竞争力提供了政策数据支持。
  • Hu Rongcai, Liao Zhangshun
    Abstract (137) PDF (268)
    Promoting the green transformation of electricity production with the help of green credit has become an important way for China to achieve the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.Selecting 30 provinces in China from 2008 to 2020 as research samples,this peple mainly focus on how green credit can help the low-carbon transformation of power generation industry.The study found that green credit steadily promoted the low-carbon transformation of power generation industry,and the effect is stronger in areas with large scale of electricity consumption,high degree of opening to the outside world and high level of industrialization.Based on the perspective of front-end input, power generation process and terminal output, green credit can reduces the carbon emission of the power generation industry by stimulating the potential of green power generation,promoting the progress of production technology and greening the output structure.In addition,the research on innovative refinement of technological innovation found that green credit mainly promotes the low-carbon transformation of power generation industry by stimulating independent technological innovation,rather than cooperative innovation and technology introduction.The conclusion of this paper provides direction guidance for promoting the steady development of transitional finance and encouraging the power generation industry to accelerate low-carbon transformation through independent technological innovation.
  • Li Jun
    Abstract (176) PDF (176)
    The paper takes the coordination development between the logistics industry and the regional economy as the research object. Based on the analysis of the mechanism of the coordination development between them,the paper calculates the coordination development degree between 2006~2015. The result shows that from the point of view of administrative division,the coordinated development degree of China’s logistics industry and regional economy shows a significant increasing trend; from the angle of economic regionalization,the three economic zones show a significant increasing trend,the average level of the eastern region is significantly higher than that of the central region and the western region,the western region is growing faster than the eastern region and central region. To promote the logistics industry and the coordinated development of regional economy,some countermeasures such as the national strategy should match the development of modern logistics,the establishment of multi-level logistics system and the development of financial channels of the logistics industry are presented.
  • Zhang Dezhi, Zhu Weili, Zhan Qingwen
    Abstract (146) PDF (174)
    In order to avoid the risk in construction and operation of logistics park with uncertain logistics demand, in this paper,the investment timing and size of logistics parks based on the option game theory in the duopoly market are studied by real options and game theory, and the value function model of leaders and followers is built.Besides, the validity and practicability of this model are verified by a numeral example.The results show that the size of the follower's investment in the duopoly market is always bigger than the leader's.And with the increase in demand uncertainty,the gap between the critical value and the scale of investment of the leader and the followers are increasing gradually.Furthermore,the option game model under the uncertain market demand in this paper is more consistent with the logistics park investment.
  • Han Minchun, Zhao Zebin
    Abstract (222) PDF (170)
    This paper uses the panel data of China's provinces from 2003 to 2019,from the perspective of carbon emission constraints,to empirically examine the differences in the impact of industrial intelligence on regional economic gaps and the mechanism by which industrial intelligence affects regional economic gaps.Research shows that industrial intelligence has a significant positive effect on narrowing the economic gap between provinces in the country,eastern,central and western regions.Further considering the carbon emission constraints,it is found that the carbon emission constraints have positively adjusted the positive effect of industrial intelligence on the regional economic gap.Due to its own industrial structure and location factors,the western region inhibited the positive effect of industrial intelligence on the regional economic gap.Finally,the two sub-dimensions of industrial structure upgrading are tested for the mediating effect between industrial intelligence and regional economic gap,and it is found that the mediating effect of industrial structure upgrading exists,and the mediating effect of industrial structure upgrading is more significant than that of industrial structure rationalization.
  • Wang Bin, Wan Lijiang, Luo Jian
    Abstract (417) PDF (144)
    With the advent of the information age and the further advancement of the global division of labor,urban network has become an important perspective for regional innovation research.Then,this paper takes Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration as the object,takes the joint patents of 16 prefecture-level cities in the region as the analysis variables,constructs the innovation network of the region in the past decade with the help of social network analysis,and visually analyzes the organizational framework and evolution process of the network with the help of index methods such as degree centrality,closeness centrality,cohesive subgroup analysis,and network density.The study finds that during the study period: (1) network density continues to increase,forming a network structure with Chengdu as the absolute core,Chongqing,Yibin,Mianyang and other multiple centers;(2) the network status between node cities is quite different,innovation resources and innovation ability are quite different;(3) the number of internal subgroups is gradually decreasing and the mode of cooperation among members is becoming more mature.
  • Wu Zhonglun
    Abstract (321)
    The product innovation efficiency of industrial enterprises in China is evaluated using DEA-SBM method.The research shows that product innovation efficiency of industrial enterprises is generally low in China's provinces and cities because of the low level of pure technical efficiency.Overall,the product innovation in eastern industrial enterprises shows trends of diminishing return to scale,the investment of product innovation is relative surplus;the product innovation in western area shows trends of increasing return to scale.There is no obvious regional differences on technical efficiency and scale effect,and the difference of pure technical efficiency among different regions is significant.The research conclusion provides policy implications for the product innovation of regional industrial enterprises in china.
  • Song Wei
    Abstract (323)
    Based on the standard smooth transition model,the conversion parameters are introduced,and the effects of urbanization and energy consumption on the total factor energy efficiency are estimated using the data from China's industrial level during the period of 2000-2014.The study finds that:when the energy consumption coefficient is higher than 0.0587,the urbanization,energy consumption of industrial total factor energy efficiency shows a significant nonlinear change.Urbanization rate increased by 1%,will lead to total factor energy efficiency of industrial energy efficiency increased by 7.5667%;while energy consumption increased by 1%,which will lead to the total factor energy efficiency of industrial energy efficiency increased by 1.2132%.Further into the urban-rural income gap,the above conclusions are still set up.The conclusion of this paper has profound policy implications:only actively promote the urbanization strategy,and good at using the urbanization effect of the release of the new system bonus,is the only way to achieve sustainable development of China's economy.
  • Jiao Fangyi, Du Xuan
    Abstract (190) PDF (125)
    Based on the panel data of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in China from 2013 to 2022,this paper establishes a fixed-effect model,and empirically tests the impact and mechanism of China's digital economy on the formation of new quality productivity from four dimensions,data elementalization,digital industrialization,industrial digitization,and digital governance.It is found that the digital economy has a significant and positive impact on the formation of new quality productivity,which is most obvious in the eastern region of China,followed by the central region and less obvious in the western region.The grey relevancy analysis shows that development foundation of the strategic emerging industries and the foundation of future industry are the most related to the level of new quality productivity in China.By examining the mechanism of action,it is found that digital industrialization,industry digitization and digital governance are effective routes to promote the formation of new quality productivity with the development of China's digital economy.Vigorously developing the digital industry,promoting digital technology innovation,accelerating the digital transformation and upgrading of industries,building a modern industrial system,improving digital governance capabilities,and narrowing regional gap of new quality productivity are important policy implications to help the formation of new quality productivity in China.
  • Wang Sheng, Zhao Chunchen
    Abstract (93) PDF (123)
    Exchange rate and stock price are two very important variables in macro-economy,their changes have an important impact on financial stability.Based on DCC-GARCH model,this paper empirically examines the transmission mechanism between RMB exchange rate and stock price.Empirical results show that,(1)after the 2008 financial crisis,changes in exchange rate will change stock price through current account,RMB depreciation will increase stock price,the relationship between exchange rate and stock price is in line with the flow-oriented model;(2)with the increasing size of current account,the impact of exchange rate on stock price will become more and more significant.Combining with the reality of China,this paper puts forward some policy suggestions,such as strengthening the expected management of RMB exchange rate,improving the construction of derivatives market,establishing the supervision system of international capital flow,and optimizing the structure of investors in the stock market.
  • Xin Xing
    Abstract (88) PDF (119)
    From 2010, nevertheless, the growth of economic began to calm down, with the decrease of structure bonus,the slow pace of technology innovation.In order to probe the inner mechanism of economic growth attach to the structural effect and inner increase effect,this article gather the latest data about some index of Chinese macroeconomic.With the help of the revised Kuznets Labor Model, we divided the growth rate of labor into structural effect as well as inner increase effect, and selected the data from 31 provinces in China to do regression with the GDP per capita from 1985 to 2018.The results of regression shows that the engine of Chinese economic is the spread of the structural effect.As the structural effect decreasing,it's time to impel technology innovation to promote the inner increase effect,even though China doesn't prepare well for the transition observed from the regression results.
  • Yue Li, Xiao Sa, Wang Weihua
    Abstract (69) PDF (116)
    Based on the data of 128 economies from 2003-2019, this paper uses the DEA-SBM model to construct GML index to measure carbon productivity,and uses threshold regression model to empirically test the impact of technological progress on carbon productivity under the different stages of economic development, finally, quantile regression is used to empirical analysis the heterogeneity of the impact of different carbon productivity.The results show that: (1) the influence of technological progress on carbon productivity has a significant nonlinear double threshold effect. (2) For economies at all stages of development, technological progress has a significant positive impact on carbon productivity, and the higher the threshold value is, the greater the contribution of technological progress to carbon productivity will be. (3) Technological progress and per capita income have a significant positive effect on carbon productivity at different stages, while industrial structure, urbanization level and capital idle rate have a negative effect on carbon productivity.The higher carbon productivity is, the greater the negative effect of capital idle rate and urbanization level on carbon productivity is.
  • Zhu Fuxian, Li Ruixue, Xu Xiaoli, Sun Jiachang
    Abstract (331) PDF (109)
    Accelerating the construction of an innovation system centered on new quality productivity is an important foundation for China to accelerate the realization of high-level technological self-reliance and high-quality development.This paper constructs a new quality productivity level indicator measurement system from three dimensions of new quality workers,new quality labor materials and new quality labor objects.This paper uses the projection pursuit model to measure the development level of new quality productivity at the prefecture level city level in China in 2011~2021,and uses Dagum Gini coefficient method,Kernel density estimation method,and Moran's I to comprehensively explore and verify the dynamic evolution characteristics of new quality productivity on different time and space dimensions.This paper finds that the development level of new quality productive forces is showing a steady growth trend.Compared to new quality workers and new quality labor objects,new quality labor materials account for a larger proportion of new quality productive forces.There are significant differences in the development level of new quality productivity among different regions.Among them,the eastern region is the highland for the development of new quality productivity,while the western and northeastern regions are the depression for the development of new quality productivity.Moreover,there are also significant differences in the level of new quality productivity within the region.The emergence of new quality productivity has a certain degree of coordination with production relations,and new quality productivity can positively promote the improvement of total factor productivity in the region.This article provides a reference on how to capture the dynamic evolution characteristics of new quality productivity and how production relations can better guide the energy efficiency of new quality productivity.
  • Li Zheng, Zhang Yi, Zhao Zhe
    Abstract (190) PDF (107)
    As a new economic factor in building the new pattern of economic development, digital economy is an important driving force for promoting the green transformation of industry.Based on the panel data of 31 provinces from 2011 to 2020, this paper constructs a comprehensive index system to measure the level of digital economy development, scientific and technological innovation and industrial green transformation by entropy value method, and analyzes the relationship between fixed effect model, me-diation effect model and threshold model, and the results are all robust.It is found that the digital economy significantly promotes the green transformation of industry, and promotes the green transformation of industry through the improvement of scientific and technological innovation.The promotion effect of digital economy on industrial green transformation has a nonlinear relationship and has a threshold effect.Group regression shows that the digital economy has heterogeneity in the development degree and industrial structure of the north and south, provinces and industrial structure.The above findings provide new ideas and empirical evidence for understanding the topics related to the digital economy and green economy.
  • Jing Hui
    Abstract (116) PDF (101)
    Many researches have pointed out that leadership behavior in organization plays an important role in the process of promoting the employee’ s voice behavior,but what is the influence of the perceived leadership distance on this behavior? The findings based on social cognitive theory and statistical analysis to 160 survey data in Chinese context show that perceived power distance of leadership distance has significant negative impact on employee’s promotive voice,and perceived social distance has significant negative impact on prohibitive voice behavior. And psychological safety has significant moderating effect on the relationship between power distance and promotive voice behavior,between power distance and prohibitive voice behavior. This conclusion provides a theoretical basis for the promotion and improvement of employee voice behavior in all kinds of organizations in Chinese context.
  • Li Min, Yao Jianming, Wu Yang
    Abstract (145) PDF (100)
    Coal electricity pool is the fundamental measure to solve the contradiction between coal and electricity and promote the coordinated development of coal and electricity industry.Based on the theory of competitiveness, the RAM theoretical framework of coal enterprise competitiveness is proposed, that is, “Resource-Ability-Market”theory framework.We also propose the evaluation index system and evaluation model of coal enterprise competitiveness under coal and electricity joint venture model.Finally, the principal component analysis method is used to conduct an empirical analysis of coal enterprises in H company.The results show that the RAM theoretical framework and evaluation model of coal enterprise competitiveness under the model of coal and electricity joint venture is scientific and feasible, and on the basis of improving the industrial synergy capacity of coal and electricity enterprises, coal enterprises pay more attention to the comprehensive evaluation of the resources, capacity and market requirements of coal enterprises.
  • Han Mengwei, Song Hua, Hu Xueqin, Yang Xiaoye
    Abstract (187) PDF (100)
    Green supply chain management brings the green and low carbon level of products into the decision-making reference system,which is a specific measure to implement the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization at the supply chain level.This paper studies the optimal decision-making and coordination of dual-channel green supply chain enterprises with the price reference effect.Firstly,introducing price reference effect into dual-channel green supply chain model,this paper uses the analysis method of games theory to construct the optimization decision model of the dual-channel green supply chain under the centralized and decentralized decision-making mode,and solve the optimal channel price and the optimal green degree of the green supply chain under different decision modes.Then,it analyzes the impact of consumer reference price in traditional retail channel and network direct selling channel on the optimal price and green degree of green supply chain under different decision-making modes.Then,aiming at the coordination of dual-channel green supply chain enterprises,the two part pricing contract is established.Finally,through the evaluation of the parameters,this paper further explores the relationship between the demand elasticity coefficient considering the price reference effect in two channels and the optimal equilibrium solution of green supply chain.The results show that,under the centralized and decentralized decision-making mode of dual-channel green supply chain,the consumer reference price of traditional retail channel has a positive impact on the optimal price of traditional retail channel and network direct selling channel,and the consumer reference price of network direct selling channel also has a positive impact on the optimal price of network direct selling channel and traditional retail channel;The reference price of traditional retail channel and network direct selling channel have a positive impact on the optimal green degree of products.There is a negative correlation between the demand elasticity coefficient considering price reference effect and the optimal equilibrium solution of supply chain enterprises.Through the application of the two part pricing contract,the coordination of dual-channel green supply chain can be realized.
  • Chai Zhixian, Ren Laihe
    Abstract (124) PDF (96)
    In the post-industrial era, the impact of the improvement of urban functions on the growth of manufacturing industry deserves special attention.According to the economic attributes of urban functions, this paper divides comprehensive functions into market functions and non-market functions, builds an index system to measure the urban functions of 96 cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2008 to 2021, and empirically tests the impact of urban functions on manufacturing productivity growth.The study finds that there is a significant spatial correlation between urban function and manufacturing productivity;urban function promotes the improvement of manufacturing productivity, but has a negative spillover effect on the manufacturing productivity of adjacent areas.It is more obvious in underdeveloped areas and non-central cities.Mechanism analysis shows that urban functions affect manufacturing productivity through three channels:improving administrative efficiency, improving market-oriented operation mechanism, and improving the level of resource reallocation.The conclusion of this paper is of great significance to the study of the coordinated development of urban functions and industries.
  • Hong Jingke, Zhang Tianyi
    Abstract (59) PDF (91)
    Based on the spatial panel data of 30 provinces from 1998 to 2017 and based on the extended Kaya identity,this paper explores the mechanism of urbanization,technological innovation,human capital and other seven factors on industrial pollution in China from the perspective of temporal and spatial differentiation.The results show that there is a significant spatial correlation of industrial pollution in China.From the perspective of spatial differentiation,the impact mechanism of pollution emission shows regional heterogeneity.The pollution effect of per capital GDP and unit GDP energy consumption is the most obvious in the eastern region.The material capital and human capital show the trend of aggravating the industrial pollution in the eastern and western regions,while they inhibit the emission of pollutants in the central region.From the perspective of time differentiation,environmental regulation has alleviated the aggravating trend of industrial pollution in China during the period of the 11th Five-Year Plan and the 12th Five-Year Plan,but the improvement effect also shows significant differences among different pollutants.Based on the above conclusions,this paper puts forward some suggestions to promote the high-quality development of cities and towns and accelerate the realization of technology realization.
  • Jiang Zhaohua, Ma Jiao
    Abstract (169) PDF (90)
    Although the existing DSGE(Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium)analysis of the economic growth has made great achievements, there are still problems of backward economic growth theory, and lack of structural factors, resource factors and environmental factors such as urbanization and informationization, energy conservation and emission reduction.So the exi-sting DSGE analysis of the economic growth can not fully reflect the economic reality of China’s structural reform, innovation-driven and sustainable development.It is necessary to combine the new economic growth theory(synergy theory), supply-side structural reform theory, innovation-driven theory and related population, resources and environmental economic theory to establish a model group and construct the expected utility function and Lagrangian function, then construct the DSGE model system of China’s economic growth, use Bayesian method and econometric method to estimate the parameters, carry out simulation and policy experiments, and analyze the fluctuation of structural variables such as urbanization to China’s economic growth.The analysis of the role of innovation-driven, sustainable state variables and control variables provide a basis for promoting structural reform, innovation-driven and the development of The Belt and Road.
  • Abstract (95) PDF (86)
    区域规划是我国发展规划体系中极其重要的组成部分, 区域规划的初心主要在于引导和促进特定区域的发展。 建国 70 年来, 我国区域规划实施先后经历了沿海向内地区域倾斜发展、 沿海区域 率先突破、“四大板块” 战略区域全面实施和国内外区域全面开放合作四大阶段, 虽然实施取得了巨大的成绩, 但亟需建立统一开放的多层次区域规划理论体系, 亟需耦合各级各类区域规划体系的目标和内容, 亟需对其进行系统的实施成效评估。
  • Xuan Ye, Fu Chen
    Abstract (205) PDF (86)
    In order to verify whether China's manufacturing enterprises will carry out digital transformation through "backwards" during the "Lewis inflection point" period, this paper takes the A-share manufacturing listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2013~2021 as a sample to empirically examine the relationship between labor cost and enterprise digital transformation.The findings show that rising labor costs have significantly promoted the digital transformation of enterprises, and this conclusion is still true after a series of robustness tests.Mechanism analysis shows that the rise in labor costs mainly affects the digital transformation of enterprises through the incentive of independent innovation and the upgrading effect of human capital structure.The heterogeneity analysis shows that the impact of rising labor costs on the digital transformation of enterprises is more significant in non-state-owned enterprises, enterprises with weak financing constraints, labor-intensive enterprises, enterprises deeply influenced by Confucianism, and enterprises facing strong competitive pressure in the product market.This paper evaluates the microeconomic effects of rising labor costs, and also provides new empirical evidence for the factors influencing the digital transformation of enterprises.
  • Li Linbai, Li Beiwei
    Abstract (199) PDF (85)
    Cultivating and developing qualitatively new productivity is a strategic choice for the overall revitalization of Northeast China in the new era,which is of great significance for reshaping the economic pattern of Northeast China and building the core competitive advantage.This paper retrospects the theoretical origin of the qualitatively new productivity,summarizes the realistic representation of the qualitatively new productivity, and on this basis explains the theoretical logic and realistic challenges faced by the construction of qualitatively new productivity to promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era.In view of the characteristic practice of Northeast China,it also puts forward the realization path of cultivating qualitatively new productivity and realizing the new breakthrough of the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the era of digital economy.The research not only analyzes the logic of cultivating qualitatively new productivity in Northeast China from the theoretical level,but also puts forward the policy suggestions of cultivating qualitatively new productivity in Northeast China and promoting the overall revita-lization of Northeast China from the practical level.
  • Du Jianguo,Dou Pinpin,Zhao Liuwei
    Abstract (178) PDF (84)
    The paper establishes the Stackelberg game model of supplier and risk aversion retailer taking the uncertainty of market demand into consideration. The supplier is the leader. The paper studys the integratedeffect of retailer’s risk aversion and fair preference psychology on the operation of the supply chain. We find that when the risk aversion retailer does not have a sense of fairness,the degree of risk aversion of the retailer is positively related to the supplier’s whole sale price,the level of green innovation input,and the effectiveness of the supplier and the whole supply chain. And the impact of risk aversion on product prices and retailer utility is affected by the size of the supplier’s green cost factor.When the risk aversion retailer has a fair preference,the retailer’s fair preference negative affects the product price,the wholesale price,and the supplier’s greeninput level and supplier utility.Meanwhile,the impact of retailers’,fair preferences on retailers and supply chaineffectiveness is affected by the risk of retailers’ risk aversion.
  • Zou Xuan, Zhang Mengyu
    Abstract (187) PDF (83)
    This paper establishes a mechanism for venture capital to clean energy enterprise innovation under the background of financing constraints, and takes the new energy listed enterprises that obtained venture capital as samples, uses heterogeneous SFA2tier model to quantitatively estimate the bilateral effects of financing constraints and venture capital on enterprise innovation.The results show that: (1) on average, venture capital can stimulate the innovation output of new energy enterprises, but it can not really improve the innovation output of new energy enterprises because of the obstacle of financing constraints,which can not offset the negative impact of new energy enterprises' financing constraints on patents,and the innovation output of them is overall insufficient. (2) The effect of venture capital on different types of enterprises is heterogeneous, and the innovation incentive effect of venture capital obtained by state-owned enterprises and small-scale enterprises is stronger;only one-fourth of venture capital of state-owned enterprises completely offset the negative impact of financing constraints and obtain higher than the optimal level of innovation output.
  • Lou Yong, Wang Siqi, Hao Fengxia
    Abstract (67) PDF (82)
    Based on the panel data of 785 A-share listed companies in the manufacturing industry applying industrial intelligence in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2015 to 2019, we empirically test the impact of industrial intelligence on corporate performance,and construct a multiple mediation effect model to study the influence path from the perspective of average salary and salary gap.The results show that: the development of industrial intelligence can significantly improve corporate performance; the average salary is manifested as a “masking effect” in the correlation between industrial intelligence and corporate performance, and the salary gap plays an intermediary role in it;the impact of industrial intelligence on corporate performance shows significant heterogeneity among companies of different nature, different regions, and different industries, and the mediation effects of average salary and salary gap are also different.Therefore, we should further promote the industrial intelligent development layout, accelerate the process of enterprise intelligent manufacturing, constantly improve the enterprise salary incentive mechanism, and promote the deep integration of enterprises,universities and research institutes.
  • Yuan Ruicai
    Abstract (160) PDF (82)
    The digital economy is the current trend of development,and promoting the construction of a unified market is a major strategic decision of China in the new era.We must integrate the two organically.This paper selects the data of 31 provinces from 2007 to 2021 to empirically test and finds that:first,the development of digital economy can significantly promote market integration,and this conclusion remains consistent after dealing with endogenous problems and conducting a series of robustness tests.Second,the development of digital economy has the greatest impact on market integration in the western region,which is higher than that in the eastern and central regions.The western region can catch up with the digital economy.Third,with the improvement of the level of digital economy,the role of digital economy in promoting market integration gradually increases.With the increase of the number of market entities,the role of digital economy in promoting market integration first increases and then slows down.Fourth,the development of digital economy has not only a direct effect on market integration,but also an intermediary effect on market integration by influencing entrepreneurial activity.Fifth,with the improvement of the level of marketization,the role of the development of the digital economy in market integration will increase.When the level of the digital economy is the same,improving the level of marketization will help to amplify the effect of the digital economy.
  • Yu Shengguo
    Abstract (154)
    A Cobb-Douglas production function was constructed to compare the spillover effect to domestic enterprises in high-tech industry in China among Foreign Direct Investment,Out Foreign Direct Investment,Export and Import.A long-term equilibrium relationship was found between the four main channels and the innovation capability of domestic enterprises in high-tech industry in China.In the short term,all the factors except for FDI have a significant positive influence to the innovation capability of domestic enterprises in high-tech industry in China.
  • Zhou Chao
    Abstract (187) PDF (80)
    One of the main tasks of building a modern economic system at present and in the coming period is to transform the driving force of economic growth into innovation driving and improve the quality of economic development.The paper analyzes the main factors that affect the driving capability of national innovation, including of innovation investment, innovation system and innovation environment.Based on the statistical data of 1990~2017 in China, the relationship between the driving factors of innovation and the quality of economic growth is calculated based on the VAR model.The results show that innovation environment has a long-term impact on enhancing innovation driven capability.The effect of innovation investment in the short-term is not obvious.But in the long-term, innovation investment will still have a great impact on improving the quality of economic growth.The improvement of the innovation system will have a great promotion in the short-term, but the effect will gradually weaken as time goes on.
  • Abstract (109) PDF (80)
    本文基于新地理经济学和内生增长理论, 利用 2006 ~ 2015 年我国 30 个省域数据, 采用空间杜宾模型, 在传统的回归模型中加入空间溢出效应, 对我国金融深化、 产业结构升级与技术创新之间的关系进行了分析, 得出以下结论: 技术创新在空间上有很强溢出效应, 金融深化对区域技术创新的溢出效应有促进作用, 金融深化和产业结构升级的交互作用存在空间异质性, 对技术创新的空间溢出效应产生抑制作用; 金融深化和产业结构升级对技术创新有正向的促进作用, 而金融深化和产业结构升级的交互作用对技术创新反而产生了消极作用。
  • Gao Hongxia, Wang Qianqian
    Abstract (124) PDF (79)
    This paper studies the impact of venture capital on the quantity and quality of technological innovation output of listed companies on the SSE STAR Market from 2019 to 2020.Logit model is used to empirically analyze the selection effect of venture capital on technological innovation output.The PSMand multiple linear regression model are used to analyze whether there is a value-added effect or a grab effect on the technological innovation output.The results show that:(1) there is a selection effect on the technological innovation output of listed companies before venture capital enters;(2) The participation of venture capital and the increase of the shareholding ratio of venture capital can significantly promote the improvement of the quantity and quality of the technological innovation output of listed companies on the SSE STAR Market,indicating that venture capital has a strong value-added effect on the technological innovation output of listed companies on the SSE STAR Market.
  • Qi Yong, Wang Mingyang
    Abstract (168) PDF (77)
    The nineteen major reports explicitly pointed out that promoting green development, building the market-oriented green technology innovation system and developing green finance.Through the construction of government, enterprises, financial institutions tripartite game tree model,research on the influencing factors of promoting technological innovation and implementing green production by enterprises.Through the analysis of various influencing factors,we find that the willingness of companies to adopt a green production model is greatly affected by the continuous R&D and innovation investment; financial institutions pay more attention to enterprises to increase their profitability in the future by increasing investment in technological innovation;the starting point of government regulatory oversight is more preferential interest rate for companies and financial institutions that carry out green production models.Finally,propose appropriate countermeasures and suggestions.
  • Li Peizhe, Jian Lirong, Liu Yong
    Abstract (193) PDF (76)
    Scientifically evaluating the innovation efficiency of regional high-tech industry has an important impact on promoting the sustained and healthy development of high-tech industries and promoting regional economic growth.This paper using DEA model and Malmquist index decomposition method and the 2009~2016 years of China's high technology industry development of inter provincial panel data to estimate the 30 provincial administrative regions in China and three regions (East, Central, West regions) high-tech industry innovation in the process of technical efficiency,technological progress and total factor productivity growth.And clusteres the level of innovation efficiency of regional high-tech industry.The results show that after 2009,the efficiency of technological innovation of high-tech industry in China is on the rise, but the change is great.From a regional perspective, the innovation efficiency in the Central region is higher than that in the East and West regions,and the West region has the lowest innovation efficiency.The main limiting factor of the regional innovation efficiency is the low pure technical efficiency.The conclusion of this paper provides some enlightenment for the innovation activities of China's regional high-tech industry.
  • Jing Guowen
    Abstract (146) PDF (76)
    This paper regards the pilot policy of “Broadband China” strategy as a quasi natural experiment, and uses the panel data of prefecture level cities from 2004 to 2020 to establish an asymptotic difference-in-difference model to study the impact of network infrastructure on regional carbon emissions and its mechanism.The empirical study found that the pilot policy of the“Broadband China” strategy can significantly reduce regional carbon emissions.On average, the pilot policy of the “Broadband China”strategy reduced the carbon emissions of the pilot areas by about 12.31 percentage points.The heterogeneity test found that the policy effect of the pilot policy of “Broadband China” strategy on reducing carbon emissions was significant in the eastern region and regions with high carbon emissions.The mechanism test found that technological innovation and industrial structure upgrading are the main mechanisms for reducing carbon emissions of the “Broadband China” strategy pilot policy.
  • Ji Yushan, Dai Shuanping, Yang Bingyu, Cheng Na, Wang Lu, Huang Xiaoye, Wang Miaomiao, Su Meiwen, Zhang Chengsu, Wang Yunfeng, Liu Meiping
    Abstract (271) PDF (76)
    Since the establishment of the PRC,our Party's understanding of the law of economic works has developed and deepened increasingly along with the times,from Mao Zedong's On Ten Major Relations to Deng Xiaoping's "science and technology constitute a primary productivity", and further to the General Secretary Xi Jinping's "obtaining an integration of technology and innovation resources,leading the development of new strategic industries and future industries to speed up the formation of new quality productivity". The General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 11th Group Study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held on January 31,2024 has pushed this understanding to a new height. When presiding over the study,the General Secretary clearly pointed out that "we must bear in mind that high-quality development is the hard truth of the new era"; "high-quality development needs the guidance of new theory of productivity,and the new quality productivity has taken shape in practice and shown a strong impetus and support for high-quality development.All this calls upon us to sum up and generalize in theory to guide our new development practice". He also emphasized that "technological innovation can foster new industries,new models and new growth drivers,and is the core element of developing new quality productivity". In order that we can thoroughly study and carry out the spirit of the General Secretary's speech and focus on the core topics of economic development in the new era of "developing new quality productivity and promoting high-quality economic development", this magazine sincerely invites articles from famous domestic experts and scholars for the sake of our readers.
  • Cao Hongjun, Sun Jihui
    Abstract (60) PDF (75)
    Based on the theory of organizational green learning, this paper studies the internal relations among environmental regulation,organizational green learning and enterprise green innovation in petroleum refining enterprises.The research shows that environmental regulation has a significant positive impact on green learning in organizations and green innovation in enterprises,and the positive impact of market incentive environmental regulation is stronger.Organizational green learning has a significant positive impact on enterprise green innovation.Organizational green learning plays an intermediary role between environmental regulation and enterprise green innovation.The conclusion illustrates the important role of organizational green learning between environmental regulation and enterprise green innovation.It also provides some thoughts for guiding enterprises to carry out green innovation activities by organizing green learning under environmental regulation in reality.
  • Xuan Ye, Peng Jie
    Abstract (138) PDF (74)
    Based on the panel data of 267 prefecture-level cities from 2011 to 2020,this paper deeply analyzes the impact of digital economy on new urbanization,and explores the channel through which digital economy affects new urbanization from the perspective of green innovation.It is found that the digital economy has significantly improved the development level of new urbanization in China,and this conclusion still holds after the robustness tests such as the estimation of instrumental variables and the exclusion of exogenous policy shocks.Heterogeneity analysis based on geographical location and urban characteristics shows that coastal cities and non-resource-based cities have more obvious improvement effects.The mechanism test shows that,different from non-core content innovation,digital economy can boost the high-quality development of new urbanization through radical green innovation.Further analysis shows that the digital economy has a significant role in promoting the development of economic urbanization and social urbanization,but the improvement effect on the development of population urbanization and environmental urbanization is not obvious.The conclusion of this paper provides important enlightenment for deepening the development of digital economy and coordinating the dual relationship between urban and rural areas.
  • Abstract (115) PDF (74)
    中国特色城市化道路目前已成为我国理论界研究热点。 本文通过回顾中国城市化的发展、 收缩、 质疑、 认识深化、 加速、 形成城市化区域 6 个阶段, 从理论上总结了中国特色城市化道路的政府调控与市场积极性的协调、 地方化经济与城市化经济的融合、 城市集聚规模效应与宏观羁留效应的协整、 城市化与现代化的同步共进的四大创新特色。 在此基础上, 针对当前中国城市化中所存在的问题, 分析了中国特色城市化道路的发展趋势。
  • Abstract (116) PDF (74)
  • Xie Tingting, Li Yumei, Pan Yu
    Abstract (140) PDF (73)
    Based on the data of 30 provinces in China, this paper makes an empirical study on the relationship between FDI, technological progress and the upgrading of industrial structure by using spatial econometric model based on the construction of the technological progress model of FDI endogenous technology.The results show that there is a positive spatial spillover effect between industrial structure and FDI in our country.From a national perspective, FDI-induced technological progress has a positive direct and indirect effect on the upgrading of industrial structure, and the indirect effect is greater than the direct effect.In the subregion, the indirect effects of FDI in the eastern and central region are greater than the direct effects and promote the upgrading of industrial structure.The direct and indirect effects of FDI in the western region are negative, which inhibits the upgrading of industrial structure.Different control variables have different impacts on some regions.Based on this, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.