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  • Zhu Fuxian, Li Ruixue, Xu Xiaoli, Sun Jiachang
    Abstract (331) PDF (109)
    Accelerating the construction of an innovation system centered on new quality productivity is an important foundation for China to accelerate the realization of high-level technological self-reliance and high-quality development.This paper constructs a new quality productivity level indicator measurement system from three dimensions of new quality workers,new quality labor materials and new quality labor objects.This paper uses the projection pursuit model to measure the development level of new quality productivity at the prefecture level city level in China in 2011~2021,and uses Dagum Gini coefficient method,Kernel density estimation method,and Moran's I to comprehensively explore and verify the dynamic evolution characteristics of new quality productivity on different time and space dimensions.This paper finds that the development level of new quality productive forces is showing a steady growth trend.Compared to new quality workers and new quality labor objects,new quality labor materials account for a larger proportion of new quality productive forces.There are significant differences in the development level of new quality productivity among different regions.Among them,the eastern region is the highland for the development of new quality productivity,while the western and northeastern regions are the depression for the development of new quality productivity.Moreover,there are also significant differences in the level of new quality productivity within the region.The emergence of new quality productivity has a certain degree of coordination with production relations,and new quality productivity can positively promote the improvement of total factor productivity in the region.This article provides a reference on how to capture the dynamic evolution characteristics of new quality productivity and how production relations can better guide the energy efficiency of new quality productivity.
  • Ji Yushan, Dai Shuanping, Yang Bingyu, Cheng Na, Wang Lu, Huang Xiaoye, Wang Miaomiao, Su Meiwen, Zhang Chengsu, Wang Yunfeng, Liu Meiping
    Abstract (271) PDF (76)
    Since the establishment of the PRC,our Party's understanding of the law of economic works has developed and deepened increasingly along with the times,from Mao Zedong's On Ten Major Relations to Deng Xiaoping's "science and technology constitute a primary productivity", and further to the General Secretary Xi Jinping's "obtaining an integration of technology and innovation resources,leading the development of new strategic industries and future industries to speed up the formation of new quality productivity". The General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 11th Group Study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held on January 31,2024 has pushed this understanding to a new height. When presiding over the study,the General Secretary clearly pointed out that "we must bear in mind that high-quality development is the hard truth of the new era"; "high-quality development needs the guidance of new theory of productivity,and the new quality productivity has taken shape in practice and shown a strong impetus and support for high-quality development.All this calls upon us to sum up and generalize in theory to guide our new development practice". He also emphasized that "technological innovation can foster new industries,new models and new growth drivers,and is the core element of developing new quality productivity". In order that we can thoroughly study and carry out the spirit of the General Secretary's speech and focus on the core topics of economic development in the new era of "developing new quality productivity and promoting high-quality economic development", this magazine sincerely invites articles from famous domestic experts and scholars for the sake of our readers.
  • Li Linbai, Li Beiwei
    Abstract (199) PDF (85)
    Cultivating and developing qualitatively new productivity is a strategic choice for the overall revitalization of Northeast China in the new era,which is of great significance for reshaping the economic pattern of Northeast China and building the core competitive advantage.This paper retrospects the theoretical origin of the qualitatively new productivity,summarizes the realistic representation of the qualitatively new productivity, and on this basis explains the theoretical logic and realistic challenges faced by the construction of qualitatively new productivity to promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era.In view of the characteristic practice of Northeast China,it also puts forward the realization path of cultivating qualitatively new productivity and realizing the new breakthrough of the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the era of digital economy.The research not only analyzes the logic of cultivating qualitatively new productivity in Northeast China from the theoretical level,but also puts forward the policy suggestions of cultivating qualitatively new productivity in Northeast China and promoting the overall revita-lization of Northeast China from the practical level.
  • Li Zheng, Zhang Yi, Zhao Zhe
    Abstract (190) PDF (107)
    As a new economic factor in building the new pattern of economic development, digital economy is an important driving force for promoting the green transformation of industry.Based on the panel data of 31 provinces from 2011 to 2020, this paper constructs a comprehensive index system to measure the level of digital economy development, scientific and technological innovation and industrial green transformation by entropy value method, and analyzes the relationship between fixed effect model, me-diation effect model and threshold model, and the results are all robust.It is found that the digital economy significantly promotes the green transformation of industry, and promotes the green transformation of industry through the improvement of scientific and technological innovation.The promotion effect of digital economy on industrial green transformation has a nonlinear relationship and has a threshold effect.Group regression shows that the digital economy has heterogeneity in the development degree and industrial structure of the north and south, provinces and industrial structure.The above findings provide new ideas and empirical evidence for understanding the topics related to the digital economy and green economy.
  • Jiao Fangyi, Du Xuan
    Abstract (190) PDF (125)
    Based on the panel data of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in China from 2013 to 2022,this paper establishes a fixed-effect model,and empirically tests the impact and mechanism of China's digital economy on the formation of new quality productivity from four dimensions,data elementalization,digital industrialization,industrial digitization,and digital governance.It is found that the digital economy has a significant and positive impact on the formation of new quality productivity,which is most obvious in the eastern region of China,followed by the central region and less obvious in the western region.The grey relevancy analysis shows that development foundation of the strategic emerging industries and the foundation of future industry are the most related to the level of new quality productivity in China.By examining the mechanism of action,it is found that digital industrialization,industry digitization and digital governance are effective routes to promote the formation of new quality productivity with the development of China's digital economy.Vigorously developing the digital industry,promoting digital technology innovation,accelerating the digital transformation and upgrading of industries,building a modern industrial system,improving digital governance capabilities,and narrowing regional gap of new quality productivity are important policy implications to help the formation of new quality productivity in China.
  • Liu Wenling, Wan Meishan, Zheng Xinzhu
    Abstract (178) PDF (42)
    Under the background of the vigorous development of the digital economy, whether and how digital transformation enables enterprise green transformation has become an important research topic.Based on the data of A-share manufacturing listed enterprises in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2015 to 2021,this paper constructs a comprehensive index system to measure the degree of digital transformation and the level of green development of enterprises by entropy weight method and empirically examines the impact of digital transformation of enterprises on their green development and clarifies mechanisms.It is found that:(1) the digital transformation of enterprises has a significant effect on the green development performance of enterprises, and the results still true after a series of robustness tests.(2) The heterogeneity analysis shows that the impact of digital transformation on the green develo-pment of enterprises is more significant in technology-intensive manufacturing enterprises, enterprises with large capital scale, and non-state-owned enterprises.(3) The mechanism analysis shows that information effect and R&D effect play a mediated role of digital transformation and green development performance.The above findings are conducive to promoting the digital transformation and the green development of enterprises.
  • Wei Fang, Zhou Jie
    Abstract (148) PDF (46)
    Improving the quality of OFDI is an important tool to promote China's new development pattern of comprehensive opening up.This paper focuses on the mechanism and effect of digital economy development in the host country on the efficiency of China's OFDI.The study shows that:the development of the digital economy in the host country has significantly improved the efficiency of China's OFDI,and the effect is equally significant when the different dimensions of the development of the digital economy are broken down;in terms of mechanism,the development of the digital economy in the host country has driven the efficiency of China's OFDI at least through the dual channels of reducing trade costs and improving government efficiency;the results of the hete-rogeneity analysis show that the development of the digital economy in low-and middle-income countries and“the Belt and Road”investment guide countries has a relatively more significant impact on the efficiency of China's OFDI.Based on this,this paper puts forward more targeted policy recommendations in terms of building a synergistic development mechanism for the digital economy.
  • Tian Hui, Guo Ming, Qin Jiaqi
    Abstract (137) PDF (62)
    The entropy weight method is used to measure the digital economy(DE) and high-quality development level of 108 prefecture-level cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt(YEB) from 2011 to 2020, and test the impact of DE on the high-quality development of YEB.The study shows that DE can promote the high-quality development of YEB, and there are different impacts on different dimensions of high-quality development, DE has a significant positive impact on the innovative development, economic vitality, green development and shared development of YEB, and has a non-significant negative impact on the open development.Industrial structure upgrading and technological progress play an intermediary role between DE and the high-quality development of YEB;The positive impact of DE on the high-quality development of the middle and lower reaches of YEB is the most significant, while the positive impact on the high-quality development of the upstream region is not significant.DE plays a role in promoting the high-quality development of mega, super-large and large cities, but has little impact on the high-quality development of medium and small cities.
  • Shi Kuiran, Sun Yi, Li Kuangyi
    Abstract (136) PDF (25)
    With the rapid development of digital technology,digital finance has become an important driving force for improving supply chain resilience.The entropy weight method is used to measure the supply chain resilience level of manufacturing enterprises.The impact and mechanism of digital finance on supply chain resilience are analyzed based on the panel data analysis of manufacturing enterprises in China from 2011 to 2021.The study shows that digital finance has a significant role in improving supply chain resilience,and this conclusion is still true after a series of robustness tests.The intermediary mechanism test shows that technological innovation and corporate financing constraints are important channels for digital finance to affect supply chain resilience,and digital finance can improve supply chain resilience by improving the level of enterprise technological innovation and alleviating financing constraints.The examination of the adjustment mechanism shows that financial supervision has a positive regulating effect on digital finance and supply chain resilience.Based on the research conclusions,this paper puts forward policy suggestions to improve supply chain resilience in the context of digital finance.
  • Han Gang, Li Runqin
    Abstract (130) PDF (33)
    With the booming development of new generation information technology,digital economy is undoubtedly an inevi-table choice to achieve new urbanization.Based on the panel data of 30 provinces(municipalities,cities)from 2013 to 2022,this paper studies the impact of digital economy on new urbanization by constructing the index of digital economy development level and the index of new urbanization level,and introduces technological innovation and carbon emission reduction to analyze the mechanism of new urbanization driven by digital economy.The study finds that the digital economy has an obvious promotion effect on the construction of new urbanization in China,and the provinces with low level of new urbanization and the central region have a more ob-vious promotion effect;the mechanism analysis shows that technological innovation and carbon emission reduction are the important conduction mechanisms of the digital economy to promote the new urbanization;through further threshold test,it is found that the promotion effect of the digital economy on new urbanization shows a positive and then negative characteristic due to the continuous upgrading of the industrial structure.Through further threshold test,it is found that the driving effect of digital economy on new urbanization is positive and then negative due to the continuous upgrading of industrial structure.The findings of the study can provide empirical evidence and policy insights for accelerating the release of digital economy dividends and promoting the development of new urbanization.
  • Sun Guangyu
    Abstract (129) PDF (46)
    This paper studies the dynamic impact of changes in China's macroeconomic environment on corporate financing decisions from a holistic perspective,investigates the mechanism of this impact from an individual perspective,and further explores the differences in the impact of regional financial development levels and financing constraints.The research results indicate that from an overall perspective,in the recovery stage of macroeconomic environment changes,enterprises prefer internal financing,in the expansion stage,enterprises prefer debt financing,in the recession stage,enterprises prefer equity financing,and in the contraction stage,enterprises prefer short-term debt financing.From an individual perspective,the macroeconomic environment can affect a company's debt and equity financing by influencing its Tobin Q and internal cash flow.The impact of macroeconomic environment on corporate financing decisions may also vary depending on regional financial development levels and financing constraints.This paper proposes that establishing a multi-level stock and bond market,adopting precise matching credit policies,and launching more monetary policy tools that directly reach the real economy are of great significance for promoting financial supply side structural reform and supporting high-quality development of the real economy.
  • Zhang Chen, Tang Weibo
    Abstract (127) PDF (67)
    Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2012 to 2021,this paper constructs an evaluation index system from three dimensions of agricultural modernization, industrial modernization and service industry modernization to measure the construction level of modern industrial system, and tests the influence and transmission path of digital economy on the construction of modern industrial system through multiple models.The results show that the digital economy can significantly promote the construction of modern industrial system.After a series of robustness tests, this conclusion is still valid.The adjustment effect test shows that financial support has a positive adjustment effect, which can amplify the promotion effect of digital economy on the construction of modern industrial system.The intermediary test shows that industrial structure upgrading, technological innovation and human capital all play a significant intermediary role in the influence of digital economy on the construction of modern industrial system.Further tests show that the digital economy has a marginally increasing nonlinear impact on the construction of the modern industrial system, and the two have a positive spatial spillover effect.Based on this, it is proposed to promote open data sharing and drive digital technology innovation; accelerate the pace of industrial transformation and upgrading, focus on building a modern industrial system; the policy suggestions on optimizing the financial service model and improving the level of financial support provide useful reference for the construction of modern industrial system.
  • Li Jingwen
    Abstract (119) PDF (35)
    As a new generation of information technology, artificial intelligence has become a new driving force to enhance total factor productivity.In this context, we empirically examine the effect of artificial intelligence on total factor productivity, based on the data of provincial-level administrative regions and on the method of the SAR model.The findings show that the develo-pment of artificial intelligence can significantlyimprove the level of total factor productivity, but there are regional differences in this impact.The effect of artificial intelligence on total factor productivity is significantly higher in the eastern region than in the central and western regions.In addition, artificial intelligence has a significant positive spatial spillover effect on total factor productivity, and the improvement of artificial intelligence level will significantly increase the total factor productivity level of adjacent regions.Further mechanism identification reveals that human capital and industrial structure upgrading are important mechanisms for artificial intelligence to promote total factor productivity.In view of this, the findings of this paper contribute to a better understanding of the external drivers of the spatial strategy of total factor productivity and have important policy implications for achieving industrial transformation and upgrading and economic growth.
  • Ji Yushan, Dai Shuanping, Liu Meiping, Jiao Chenghuan, Cheng Na, Li Bowen, Gao Yilan, Huang Xiaoye, Dong Jinming
    Abstract (119) PDF (44)
  • Gao Yilan, Huang Xiaoye
    Abstract (116) PDF (69)
    New quality productivity is an important component of China's economic development strategy,and high-quality human capital is an important new quality productivity.Generation Z has gradually become the mainstay of the labor market,creating new quality productivity through both factor and collaboration forms.Based on Marx's labor theory of value,a productivity intertemporal model with labor as a variable is constructed.Subsequently,based on relevant theories of economics,sociology,and"three new"economic statistics,a labor"ability willingness"evaluation index system is constructed,and labor related indicator data is extracted from the results of the 2021 China Social Situation Comprehensive Survey(CSS),compare the levels of new qua-lity productivity among different generations of population using a cross generational model of productivity.The results show that in terms of ability dimensions,Generation Z has higher education levels and experiences,participates in more vocational skills trai-ning in professional fields,uses the Internet more frequently for business and work,and has a higher proportion of high-quality human capital in professional and technical work and emerging industries,creating more new productive forces in the form of elements.Through the"Seventh Census"data such as the development practice of educational informatization and the employment situation in the information industry should be provided to confirm.In terms of willingness to participate in new productive forces,Generation Z shows a high enthusiasm for social service participation,but a low level of trust in interpersonal relationships,which may reduce the collaborative productivity of labor.Finally,suggestions are given for Generation Z to create higher quality productivity from both abilities and willingness.
  • Wang Guohong, Yue Xiangyu, Huang Hao
    Abstract (113) PDF (18)
    This study examines the impact of cooperation culture on Organizational Resilience and its heterogeneity, and exa-mines the mediating mechanism and economic consequences of enterprise innovation.The results show that:(1) cooperative culture has a significant positive effect on the dimensions of Organizational Resilience, stability and flexibility.(2) Cooperation culture can effectively improve the innovation efficiency, innovation quality and knowledge width of enterprises.(3) The improvement of enterprise innovation efficiency, innovation quality and knowledge width can enhance the stability and flexibility of Organizational Resilience.(4) The efficiency, quality and diversity of enterprise innovation play a partial intermediary role in the impact of coope-rative culture and Organizational Resilience.(5) The flexibility and stability of Organizational Resilience will further promote the high-quality development of enterprises.
  • Xia Yun, Cai Ke, Lin Ziang
    Abstract (112) PDF (17)
    Using data of non-financial listed companies in China between 2009 and 2021,we investigate the influence of CEO academic experience on corporate ESG performance.The results indicate that companies led by scholar-type CEOs demonstrate superior ESG performance, and the effects of CEO academic experience on the three dimensions of ESG (Environment, Social Responsibility, and Governance) are all significantly positive.The mechanism test reveals that CEO academic experience enhances corporate ESG performance through facilitating of green innovation and improving of internal control quality.Furthermore, we identify media pressure and state ownership as positive moderators in the relationship between CEO academic experience and corporate ESG performance.Our findings enrich the study of ESG,and provide valuable references for companies to recruit suitable executive talents and enhance their ESG performance.
  • Jing Guowen, Wang Da
    Abstract (111) PDF (15)
    The article uses the quasi natural experiment of setting up new energy demonstration cities and uses panel data from 280 prefecture level cities from 2005 to 2021 to study how energy transformation policies affect carbon emissions.Research has found that policies for new energy demonstration cities can significantly promote carbon emissions reduction,and over time,the effect of reducing carbon emissions becomes more pronounced.Mechanism analysis found that increasing the intensity of environmental regulations and technological innovation are the main mechanisms for achieving carbon reduction in policies for new energy demonstration cities.Heterogeneity analysis finds that the policy effect of reducing carbon emissions in new energy demonstration cities is significant in eastern cities,non resource-based cities,cities with low FDI inflows,and cities with high administrative levels.Furthermore,further research has found that the carbon reduction effect of the new energy demonstration city policy has a significant demonstration effect,which can reduce carbon emissions in neighboring areas.The research conclusion of this article provides empirical evidence for promoting the implementation of new energy policies and expanding the capacity of new energy demo-nstration cities.
  • Huang Jing, Xu Zhichao
    Abstract (110) PDF (10)
    Taking the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration as a sample,this paper constructs a measurement index for urban green development,and uses the spatial Durbin model and mediating effect model to explore the spatial effect and transmission mechanism of technological innovation on urban green development.The results show that:(1)Technological innovation has a significant positive effect on urban green development.(2)There is spatial heterogeneity in the impact of technological innovation on urban green development.The direct effect of technological innovation in non-metropolitan cities is significant,but the direct effect in metropolitan cities is weakened and the spillover effect is insignificant.The direct and spillover effects of technological innovation in non-resource-based cities are both significantly positive,while the direct and spillover effects in resource-based cities are both insignificant.(3)Technological innovation has a positive impact on urban green development through energy-saving and emission reduction effects,as well as industrial upgrading effects.In the future,cities in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration need to focus on encouraging enterprises' green technology innovation,establishing regional cooperation mechanisms,and leveraging the innovative radiation effect of metropolitan cities and non-resource-based cities.
  • Sun Quanhui, Jin Shaojun, Zhu Jinyao, Feng Qinglan, Liu yan
    Abstract (108) PDF (32)
    In order to identify the factors that affect the green innovation of resource-based enterprises, so as to take effective measures to improve the level of green innovation of enterprises and accelerate the process of realizing the dual-carbon goal, this paper studies the driving factors of green innovation of resource-based enterprises based on the dual-carbon goal.Specifically, the data collected by questionnaire survey is carried out from three levels:environment and policy, organization and individual, and network organization, and the actual impact of driving forces and interactions at each level on green innovation of resource-based enterprises is empirically analyzed.It is found that the driving forces at the level of environmental policy, organization and individual, and network organization all have a positive promoting effect on enterprise green innovation, and the impact is significant.The interaction effect between environmental policy and the driving forces of organizations and individuals should be an enhanced effect.As the driving forces of environmental policy continue to increase, the positive impact of organizations and individuals on enterprises' green innovation will become higher and higher.On the contrary, the interaction effect between environmental policy and network organization should be a interfering effect.In other words, as the driving force of environmental policy continues to increase, the degree of positive influence produced by network organizations will become smaller and smaller.This study can provide guidance for resource-based enterprises and clarify the work that should be done in the future to achieve green innovation and double carbon goals.
  • Shi Xiongtian, Yu Zhengyong
    Abstract (108) PDF (36)
    Based on the essence of New Quality Productivity,this study constructs an evaluation indicator system for the level of regional New Quality Productivity in China,focusing on new manufacturing,new services,new business forms,and comprehensive indicators.The study employs the entropy-weighted TOPSIS method and the complete permutation polygon illustration met-hod for measuring and visually presenting the level of regional New Quality Productivity in China.Furthermore,it utilizes Quadratic Assignment Procedure(QAP) analysis and spatial econometric models for structural decomposition and convergence analysis of China's regional New Quality Productivity levels.The results indicate:(1) China's New Quality Productivity is on a general upward trend,presenting a gradient pattern of"Southern Coastal>Eastern Coastal>Northern Coastal>National Average>Middle Yangtze River>Southwest>Middle Yellow River>Northeast>Northwest".(2) Improvements in new manufacturing and new service indicators contribute to the enhancement of New Quality Productivity levels.(3) There exists absoluteβ convergence in China's New Quality Productivity levels across the eight major geographical divisions,with most regions demonstrating accelerated convergence speeds under the influence of certain factors.
  • Shen Jie, Chang Zhongze
    Abstract (105) PDF (37)
    This paper takes the A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2007 to 2021 as a research sample, this study empirically tests the impact of venture capital holdings on digital transformation of enterprises using multiple measu-rement techniques such as the double fixed effects model, instrumental variable method, propensity score matching method.The results show that venture capital shareholding has a promoting effect on the digital transformation of enterprises, which has heterogeneity in the property rights nature and lifecycle of enterprise.Improving the level of marketization and strengthening intellectual property protection can strengthen the promoting effect of venture capital shareholding on enterprise digital transformation.Internal mechanism analysis found that venture capital shareholding can promote the digital transformation of enterprises through four channels: alleviating corporate financing constraints, reducing corporate agency costs, reducing corporate operational risks, and promoting enterprise technological innovation.The research in this paper opens up new ideas for understanding the digital transformation of enterprises from the perspective of equity, and has important guiding significance for enterprises to accelerate their integration into the digital era and embrace new changes in digital scenarios.
  • Liu Xiaoying, Wei Xin
    Abstract (105) PDF (10)
    This paper uses the A-share listed companies in Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2012 to 2022 as the research sample to construct a double difference model to explore the impact of the opening of high-speed rail on the quality of information disclosure.The research shows that the opening of high-speed rail can significantly improve the quality of information disclosure of Listed Companies in China,and this conclusion is still true after controlling endogenous problems.At the same time,this paper explores the mechanism of the impact of the opening of high-speed rail on the quality of information disclosure.The results show that the improvement of the degree of marketization and the increase in the number of investors' field research are the internal mechanism of the opening of high-speed rail to improve the quality of information disclosure.This study provides micro empirical evidence for the effectiveness of transportation infrastructure construction in promoting information dissemination and promoting capital markets.
  • Zhou Caiyun, Liu Dingrong
    Abstract (103) PDF (30)
    Improving energy efficiency is an inevitable requirement for the green transformation of China's economy and the realization of the dual carbon goal,and the digital economy has become a new driving force for energy efficiency improvement.Based on the“four modernizations”framework of the digital economy,on the basis of theoretical analysis,the paper empirically tested the mechanism,characteristics and path of digital economy affecting energy efficiency improvement by using the panel data of 284 prefecture-level cities in China from 2011 to 2020.The results show that:(1)the overall effect of digital economy and all dimensions on energy efficiency improvement is positive,among which industrial digitalization has the strongest promoting effect,and the digital economy has regional heterogeneity on the improvement of energy efficiency.(2)The digital economy has a double threshold for the improvement of energy efficiency,showing the“N”type characteristics of intermediate fluctuations but overall promotion.(3)The digital economy can improve energy efficiency by promoting green technology innovation,and the improvement of green technology innovation level helps cities to cross the second threshold of the digital economy and achieve a win-win situation of digital economy development and energy efficiency improvement.
  • Xu Yuanguo, Liu Xin
    Abstract (97) PDF (21)
    The China Railway Express is a landmark achievement of "the Belt and Road" initiative, which is of great significance for China to build a new engine of high-quality development.Considering the opening of the China Railway Express as a quasi-natural experiment, the article investigates the impact of the opening of the China Railway Express on the green total factor productivity of cities and its mechanism of action based on the panel data of 284 prefectural-level and above cities in China from 2007 to 2020 by using a multi-period difference-in-differences model.The results show that the opening of the China Railway Express can enhance the green total factor productivity of cities, and the conclusion still holds after a series of robustness tests.Hetero-geneity analysis shows that the opening of the China Railway Express has a more significant effect on the green total factor produc-tivity of inland cities and resource cities than coastal cities and non-resource cities.The mechanism test shows that the opening of the China Railway Express is conducive to green technological innovation, industrial structure optimization and foreign direct investment, thus enhancing the green total factor productivity of cities.The above findings not only improve the assessment of the green development of the opening of the China Railway Express, but also provide useful references for China to further deepen the construction of "the Belt and Road" and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern.
  • Zhang Jianqing, Hu Zunshen
    Abstract (96) PDF (28)
    This paper uses the OECD database from 2001 to 2021 to match data with China’s manufacturing industry, and uses the DEA-Malmquist index to measure the total factor productivity of China’s manufacturing industry, and studies the impact of global value chain participation on China’s manufacturing industry TFP and its effect of the rate of change.The research shows that global value chain participation has a positive effect on manufacturing TFP,while its impact on the change rate of manufacturing TFP shows a“U-shaped”relationship.In terms of heterogeneity, it is found that the improvement of global value chain participation has a significant effect on manufacturing TFP and its change rate in knowledge-based and technology-intensive industries, but not in resource-intensive industries, the effect of GVC participation on TFP is more obvious before the financial crisis.In further analysis, it is found that GVC participation will promote manufacturing TFP by increasing the utilization of foreign capital; the improvement of TFP mainly depends on the contribution of technological progress.Based on the research conclusions, policy recommendations are put forward to use the changes in the international participation of global value chains to promote the TFP improvement of China’s manufacturing industry.
  • Pan Yi, Zhang Jinchang
    Abstract (96) PDF (18)
    The ESG performance of enterprises is receiving increasing attention,but will the intensification of economic policy uncertainty affect their ESG performance?This article selects the annual report data of listed companies from 2010 to 2022 to empirically test the impact of economic policy uncertainty on the ESG performance of enterprises.The results indicate that the increase in economic policy uncertainty promotes the ESG performance of enterprises.Mechanism research has found that economic policy uncertainty affects the ESG performance of enterprises through the channel of enterprise costs.Among them,economic policy uncertainty can reduce intermediate consumption costs and tax costs,which is beneficial to the ESG performance of enterprises.It also increases the capital and other costs of enterprises,suppressing their ESG performance.The results of heterogeneity analysis indicate that economic policy uncertainty has a significant promoting effect on the ESG performance of non-state-owned,large-scale,and profitable enterprises.Further research has found that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between economic policy uncertainty and corporate ESG performance,and there is a significant difference in the impact of economic policy uncertainty on va-rious costs of enterprises before and after the extreme value.Based on these,this article proposes policy recommendations to promote the ESG performance of enterprises.
  • Liu Jun, Wang Lihua
    Abstract (96) PDF (35)
    Based on panel data of 280 prefecture-level cities in China from 2006 to 2021,this paper employs a multi-period difference-in-differences model to examine the impact,underlying mechanisms,and heterogeneity of the "Broadband China" pilot policy on urban green innovation efficiency.The research reveals:(1)the implementation of the "Broadband China" pilot policy significantly enhances urban green innovation efficiency,and the results remain robust after a series of robustness checks.(2)Labor mobility and the agglomeration of productive service industries are two mechanisms through which the "Broadband China" pilot policy improves urban green innovation efficiency.(3)The promotion effect of the "Broadband China" pilot policy on urban green innovation efficiency is stronger in eastern cities,large-scale cities,and non-resource-based cities.(4)Formal and informal environmental regulations positively moderate the driving effect of the "Broadband China" pilot policy on urban green innovation efficiency.This study provides important policy implications for advancing the construction of information highways and improving urban green innovation efficiency in the era of the digital economy.
  • Deng Wei, Wu Yuxuan
    Abstract (94) PDF (40)
    This paper takes the pharmaceutical collection policy implemented in China in 2019 as an exogenous shock,and uses the difference-in-differences method to examine the impact of this policy on the R&D efficiency of pharmaceutical enterprises from the perspective of market competition.The empirical results show that the pharmaceutical collection policy makes the market competition in the pharmaceutical circulation link more transparent and sufficient,and improves the R&D efficiency of pharmaceutical enterprises through the scale effect and competition effect of R&D respectively.Further research also shows that due to the scale effect of R&D,the promotion effect of centralized procurement on R&D efficiency is more obvious in pharmaceutical enterprises with weak financing constraints,high customer concentration and small scale.Due to the competitive effect of R&D,this effect is more obvious for innovative pharmaceutical companies.
  • Li Biao, Ren Ruixuan, Li Qiuyue, Chen Biao
    Abstract (94) PDF (42)
    In recent years, the digital economy has become one of the main driving forces of China's economic development, and employment migration, in which labour flows from secondary to tertiary industries, has become an important feature of China's labour market changes.This paper constructs the level of digital economy development based on China's city-level data to explore the impact of digital economy development on employment migration.The results show that the digital economy promotes the employment migration of workers flowing from secondary to tertiary industries, and the conclusion still holds after a series of robustness and endogeneity tests.Meanwhile, the employment migration effect of the digital economy is more obvious in the eastern region, southe-rn region and non-resource cities.Among them, the digital economy leads to employment migration mainly by accelerating the advanced industrial structure.Therefore, it is necessary to further develop the digital economy, strengthen inter-regional cooperation to narrow the development gap, and deepen the role of the digital economy in the advanced industrial structure.
  • Zhou Mengwen, Liu Chuanming
    Abstract (93) PDF (29)
    This paper puts the digital economy,energy intensity,and carbon emission intensity into a unified framework,constructs a spatial correlation network weight matrix of the digital economy,and uses the Spatial Dubin Model to test.It is found that the impact of the digital economy on energy intensity and carbon emission intensity presents an inverted“N”pattern,with significant spatial spillover effect.The development of the digital economy can achieve a win-win situation of“energy saving”and“emission reduction”at a certain stage.The test of the dual dimensions of digital industrialization and industrial digitization reveals that,digital industrialization affects carbon emission intensity by changing the degree of industrial agglomeration through the layout of digital industries among regions and their attractiveness to factors;industry digitization is embedded into various industries through digital technology,improving resource allocation efficiency and energy utilization efficiency,and influencing carbon emission intensity through energy intensity.This provides policy inspiration for achieving the“dual carbon”goal through the development of the digital economy.
  • LIU Min-lou, LIU Yu-ting, HUANG Xu
    Abstract (89) PDF (20)
    High-quality industrial development is an important foundation for high-quality economic development, and it is also the fundamental premise for building the economic development pattern in the new era.Based on the three dimensions of industrial coordination, industrial integration and industrial green development, this paper constructs China’s industrial high-quality development index, and analyzes the time evolution characteristics, spatial differences, sources and convergence of the industrial high-quality development index from 2011 to 2021.Research has found that the high-quality development level of China’s industries shows a clear upward trend, characterized by a decreasing distribution pattern in the east, middle, and west, while the growth rate shows an opposite distribution pattern to the ranking; there is a clear improvement trend in the spatial differences of high-quality industrial development, with the Gini coefficient showing a downward trend across the country and in the eastern and western regions.The Gini coefficient in the central region shows an evolutionary trend of first decreasing and then fluctuating upward; from the distribution characteristics of nuclear density curves in the three major regions of the east, west, and central regions, it can be seen that the overall level of high-quality industrial development in the east and central regions is increasing, with a certain polarization trend, but the absolute difference is gradually narrowing; the overall high-quality development of industries in the western region is on the rise, with absolute differences narrowing and no polarization phenomenon; at the same time, regions of different levels have strong stability, and the possibility of demotion and transition is relatively small.
  • Huang Chudiao
    Abstract (88) PDF (15)
    Promoting the development process of Chinese path to modernization is the basic support for China to build an economic power and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Using the panel data of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in China from 2012 to 2021,this paper empirically tests the impact mechanism of the new development pattern of double circulation on Chinese path to modernization.The research conclusion shows that the new development pattern of double circulation can significantly promote Chinese path to modernization.Technological innovation plays a part of intermediary effect in the process of promoting Chinese path to modernization in the new development pattern of double circulation, and the above conclusions are still valid after the endogenous test and robustness test.The spatiotemporal heterogeneity analysis found that since 2016,the new development pattern of double circulation has played a more significant role in promoting Chinese path to modernization.The new development pattern of double circulation in the eastern region plays a stronger role in promoting Chinese path to modernization.Based on this, it is proposed to deepen the supply side structural reform and enhance the endogenous driving force for the construction of a new dual circulation development pattern.Drive collaborative innovation cooperation between industry, academia, and research, and build a technology innovation service platform.Establish a free flow channel for elements across regions to narrow the development gap between different regions.
  • Guo Xiaojian, Lin Hansha
    Abstract (88) PDF (17)
    Digital economy is an important force to promote common wealth in high-quality development.Based on the panel data of 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in China from 2013 to 2021,this paper constructs a preliminary evaluation model through citespace, and then applies R clustering and coefficient of variation to screen the indicators, and finally determines the evaluation index system of common wealth and digital economy.On this basis, combining NCA and fsQCA methods, we explore the grouping mechanism of common wealth driven by six factors of digital economy.The results reveal that the level of common prosperity in China is showing a positive trend, but it remains at a moderate level with significant disparities between regions.It is evident that individual numerical economic factors alone are not a necessary condition for achieving a high level of common prosperity.In driving the vision of high common prosperity, the levels of digital economic benefits and the digital environment play a crucial role.Together with other factors, they form four paths: “Level-Environment Dominant Dual-Scale Driven”, “Level-Environment Dominant Dual-Drive Basic Ability”, “Level-Environment Dominant Triple-Drive Scale” and “Level-Environment Dominant Triple-Drive Ability” .These paths generate five configurations that do not lead to high common prosperity.
  • Yu Luyao, Zhou Tao, Gao Yang
    Abstract (88) PDF (19)
    The digital economy and green technology innovation will be the twin engines driving China's high-quality green development in the new era.Using panel data of 285 prefecture-level cities in China from 2011 to 2021 and the dynamic spatial Durbin model, this paper empirically examines the impact of the digital economic development on urban green development efficiency and identifies the driving mechanism of green technology innovation.The results show that the green development efficiency of citi-es shows a strong alarm effect in the time dimension and a significant spillover effect in the spatial dimension.The digital economy can simultaneously promote the improvement of local and spatially related green development efficiency, which is significant in both the long and short term and still holds after a series of robustness tests.Heterogeneity analysis shows that the direct and indirect effects of the digital economy on green development efficiency are significantly affected by differences in urban resource endowments and innovation performance.The mechanism analysis shows that the digital economy can improve local green development efficiency by guiding the direction of green technology innovation, expanding the scale of green technology innovation, and improving the quality of green technology innovation.Its spatial spillover effect is currently mainly achieved by guiding the direction of green technology innovation.
  • Xu Yanjun, Xiong Yan, Lin Ziang
    Abstract (86) PDF (31)
    The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes that sustainable develop is crucial to building a comprehensive socialist economic system.This paper takes A-share listed companies from 2009 to 2021 as research samples and uses a staggered DID model to empirically test the relationship between employee stock ownership plan and corporate social responsibility.The study finds that employee stock ownership plan significantly improves corporate social responsibility performance.The mechanism test shows that employee stock ownership plan alleviates financing constraints and thereby enhances corporate social responsibility.Further analysis shows that these effects are more pronounced in firms with better internal control system, higher media attention and in more competitive industries.This study contributes the literature on labor and finance, and provides insights on achieving sustainable development.
  • Sun Ying, Fan Jin, Jia Weiguo
    Abstract (84) PDF (16)
    The Party's report on the 20th National Congress of the People's Party of China (CPC) emphasizes the “planned and step-by-step implementation of the carbon peak action”,which objectively requires scientific measurement of the phase and effectiveness of carbon emission reduction in green GDP.Based on the scenario analysis technique and the theory of green GDP accounting, this paper measures the changing trend of green GDP in our country.The findings are as follows: first, China's participation in global carbon emission reduction governance has entered a new stage after its accession to the WTO.In Phase Ⅰ(2002~2012),China is a passive recipient of global carbon reduction governance; in Phase Ⅱ(2012~2030),China is an active parti-cipant in global carbon reduction governance.The above two stages can be further subdivided into: Ⅰ.1 stage(2002~2008),carbon emission explosion stage; Ⅰ.2 stage(2008~2012),air refueling stage of carbon emission; Ⅱ.1 stage(2012~2020),the shift stage of carbon emission deceleration; Ⅱ.2 stage(2020~2030),the carbon peak stage.Second, we can only achieve the 2030 carbon peak under a low carbon emission scenario.In a low-carbon scenario, technological progress is the key to enhancing economic resilience.To achieve green transformation, the troika of consumption, investment and exports needs to work toget-her.Third, the key to carbon emission reduction in the new era is to build a green energy supply system based on zero-carbon electricity, among which it is particularly important to establish an efficient coupling mechanism between high-energy semiconductor industry and new energy industry chain and innovation chain.
  • Guo Xuemeng, Zhu Jing
    Abstract (83) PDF (13)
    In order to verify whether institutional investors' shareholding improves corporate environmental protection beha-vior, Based on the research sample of heavy pollution companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen A-shares in 2011~2022,this paper establishes A comprehensive evaluation index system of enterprise environmental protection behavior, and empirically tests its influence path.The research results show that overall, institutional investors can significantly promote corporate environmental behavior.From the perspective of channel mechanism, institutional investors can promote the improvement of corporate environmental behavior by alleviating financing constraints and increasing analysts' attention.Further research shows that there are obvious differe-nces in the improvement degree of different types of institutional investors, and institutional investors holding shares in western China and polluting companies with a high degree of equity concentration have a more significant role in promoting the environmental behavior of enterprises.
  • Liu Weihua, Qiu Jingcheng, Yuan Chaolun, Liu Tingting, Liu Yufei, Cao Yuenan
    Abstract (83) PDF (17)
    With global value chain reconstruction and deepening anti-globalization development, China pays more attention to the deep integration and development of logistics manufacturing industry(that is“integration of the two industries”).Many scholars have carried out relevant studies on the integration policy of the two industries, but the existing studies lack of in-depth exploration on the impact of enterprise performance.Therefore, this study focuses on the policy document“Implementation Plan for Promoting the Deep Integration and Innovative Development of the Logistics Industry and Manufacturing Industry”,issued by the National Development and Reform Commission.It selects 614 logistics and manufacturing companies listed on the A-share market in China between 2018 and 2022.By constructing a Propensity Score Matching-Double Difference(PSM-DID)model, this study evaluates the effects of the policy.The conclusions of this study can be summarized in three aspects: first, it verifies that the policy has a positive effect on the performance of the logistics industry and manufacturing enterprises in China.Second, due to organizational inertia and other reasons, there is a lag in the promotion effect of the“integration of industries”policy.Third, regarding the heterogeneity of the impact, the promotion effect of the“integration of industries”policy is better for larger enterprises, while it is less significant for smaller enterprises.In terms of industry classification, contrary to our assumption that the“integration of industries”policy would have a greater impact on logistics enterprises, it actually has a better promotion effect on manufacturing enterprises.In terms of regional differences, the“integration of industries”policy has a stronger promotion effect on enterprises in economically developed regions, demonstrating the advantages of these regions.Based on the above conclusions, this paper puts forward relevant suggestions for enterprises and governments to promote the integration of the two industries.
  • Yue Li, Gao Xianqiao
    Abstract (82) PDF (19)
    Actively promoting multiple investment and financing mechanisms and rationally distributing manufacturing agglomerations are particularly important for building a pioneer area for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin.Under the premise of considering the ecological environment carrying capacity, the non-radial directional distance function is applied to measure the energy and environmental efficiency of the Yellow River basin from 2006 to 2021,and the non-linear impact of manufacturing agglomeration on energy and environmental efficiency is investigated through the spatial Tobit Durbin model, as well as the role of heterogeneous investment is explored.The results show that manufacturing agglomeration has an inverted U-shape effect on energy environmental efficiency, and manufacturing agglomeration in neighbouring places has a positive U-shape spillover effect on local energy environmental efficiency; the mechanism analysis shows that there is an inverted U-shape effect of domestic investment, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investment plays a positive U-shape role, and there is a positive linear effect of foreign investment; the regional heterogeneity analysis reveals that there is a positive U-shape relationship between the upstream manufacturing agglomeration and energy environmental efficiency, and there is a positive U-shape relationship between the midstream manufacturing The analysis of regional heterogeneity finds that there is a positive U-shaped relationship between upstream manufacturing agglomeration and energy environmental efficiency, an inverted U-shaped relationship between midstream manufacturing agglomeration and energy environmental efficiency, and no significant effect of downstream manufacturing agglomeration on energy environmental efficiency.