首都医科大学学报 ›› 2000, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (3): 193-194.

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翁静, 许晴, 梁元晶, 路欣, 史小林, 诸定寿   

  1. 首都医科大学生殖医学研究中心
  • 收稿日期:1993-03-19 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2000-07-15 发布日期:2000-07-15

The Relationship between Blastocyst Implantation and Active Proteins within Granulated Metrial Gland Cells

Weng Jing, Xu Qing, Liang Yuanjing, Lu Xin, Shi Xiaolin, Zhu Dingshou   

  1. Reproductive Medical Center, Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:1993-03-19 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-07-15 Published:2000-07-15

摘要: 取孕13~14d小鼠的子宫腺细胞区,经细胞分离和蛋白提取获得颗粒子宫腺细胞(GMG细胞)中的活性蛋白。将注入活性蛋白的10只孕3d小鼠作为实验组;对照组10只小鼠给予PBS.注射后5d取子宫观察胚胎着床情况并计算孕胚数。结果:实验组有9只可见胚胎,胚胎数为112个;对照组有7只可见胚胎,胚胎数为87个。提示:GMG细胞中的活性蛋白对胚泡着床可能有一定促进作用.

关键词: 胚泡着床, 颗粒子宫腺细胞, 活性蛋白

Abstract: Twenty mice in 3 days of gestation were divided into 2 groups. Ten mice were subcutaneously injected with proteins derived from the isolated granulated metrial gland cells (as experimental group), the others with PBS (as control group). All mice were killed on the 5th day after injection. The numbers of pregnant mice and the implanted blastocysts were counted. Nine out of ten mice in experimental group were pregnant with totally 112 implanted blastocysts, whereas 7 out of ten mice with 87 implanted blastocysts in control group. The results indicate that proteins derived from the isolated GMG cells may promote the implantation of blastocyst.

Key words: blastocyst implantation, granulated metrial gland cell, active protein
