彭丹, 庞洁, 史一凡, 崔乐乐, 徐英杰, 李艳崔, 烨陈彦, 袁慧慧, 秦啸峰, 吕喆, 王炜, 孙英
Streptococcus pneumoniae infection at early stage of life affect the severity of asthma induced by exposure to the same bacterial antigens in adulthood
Peng Dan, Pang Jie, Shi Yifan, Cui Lele, Xu Yingjie, Li Yan, Cui Ye, Chen Yan, Yuan Huihui, Qin Xiaofeng, Lyu Zhe, Wang Wei, Sun Ying
首都医科大学学报 . 2023, (2): 212 -220 .  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2023.02.005