首都医科大学学报 ›› 1992, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 128-131.

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  1. 北京市复兴医院妇产科
  • 收稿日期:1990-12-13 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1992-04-15 发布日期:1992-04-15

Emergency Obstetrical Hysterectomy Analysis of 19 Cases

Xia Enlan   

  1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Beijing Fuxing Hospital
  • Received:1990-12-13 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1992-04-15 Published:1992-04-15

摘要: 19例急症产科子宫切除术中,18例指征为子宫出血,其中15例为剖宫产,3例阴道产,说明剖宫产是急症子宫切除的高危因素。但阴道产子宫切除失血量多于剖宫产者,且易引起死亡。子宫出血的首位原因是各种胎盘异常,其发生与多次流产有关;1例指征为羊水栓塞症,因手术过晚,产妇死亡。指出在失血代偿期经连续、迅速、系统的治疗后,子宫出血仍得不到控制者,应立即果断地切除子宫。

关键词: 子宫切除术, 剖宫产, 子宫出血, 产妇死亡

Abstract: Among 19 cases of emergency cesarean hysterectomy the indications of 18 cases was uterine hemorrhage, 15 cases were cesarean section (CS) and 3 eases were vaginal delivery (VD). It has been shown that CS is the high risk factor of emergency obstetrical hysterecto-my. Blood loss of VD was more than CS and leaded easier to maternal death. The first rea-son of uterine bleeding was some kind of abnormal placenta related to frequent abortion. The indication of one case was amnion fluid embolism who died because operation was per-formed too late. It was pointed that if bleeding still couldn’ t be coltrolled through counti-nous, fast and systematical treatment including primary, formal and special therapies in the compensatory period hysterectomy should be done immediately and decisively.

Key words: hysterectomy, cesarean section, uterine bleeding maternal death
