首都医科大学学报 ›› 1993, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 30-34.

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沈慧安, 郑淑香, 常志文, 陈小燕, 韩英, 张彦   

  1. 首都医学院附属北京同仁医院
  • 收稿日期:1991-10-31 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1993-01-15 发布日期:1993-01-15

Nosocomiai Infection in Aged Patients

Shen Hui'an, Zheng Shuxiang, Chang Zhiwen, Chen Xiaoyan, Han Ying, Zhang Yan   

  1. Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Institute of Medicine
  • Received:1991-10-31 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1993-01-15 Published:1993-01-15

摘要: 对1195份60岁以上病人的病历作了回顾性调查与分析。结果发现发生医院感染者共99例(8.3%),致死亡者7例(7%)。感染部位以下呼吸道占首位(54.4%),其次为尿路(17.4%)和消化道(16.5%)。共分离病原菌235株,以 G(—)杆菌为主,克雷白菌属、绿脓杆菌和肠杆菌属共占培养菌株的73.5%,G(+)球菌占7.7%。这些病原菌对常用的抗生素耐药情况严重。老年病人发生医院感染与增龄导致免疫功能减退,病人同时存在多种慢性疾病,经常困各种感染而应用抗生素和住院时间较长等因素有关。提出控制老年病人医院感染的对策为改善住院环境,严格消毒隔离制度,积极治疗基础疾病,改善病人自身免疫功能及合理应用抗生素。

关键词: 老年病人, 医院感染, 预防措施

Abstract: Ninety nine cases among 1 195 aged hospitalized patients suffered form nosocomial in-fection(8.3%)with 7% mortality rates.The principal sites of infection were lower respira-tory tract,(54.1%),urinary tract(17.2%)and gastrointestimal tract(16.5%).235 rods were isolated.The most common species was the G(-)bacilli,Klebsiella,Pseudomonas and Enterobac.Accounting for 73.6% of all the rods.Many G(-)rods were resistant to com-monly used antibiotics.The aged patients were particularly susceptible to infection because of deficiency in their immunologic function,the occurrence of more than one underlying di-seases,administration of antibiotics,and relative long hospitalization etc.Nosocomial infec-tion in elderly is often attributable to members of the endogenous human microflora that happen to be the particularly resistant to antibiotics and presenting difficult management problems.Policies to control hospital infection in aged patients may consist of improvement of hygienie condition in hospital,strict sterization and disinfection,treating underlying dis-eases,improving patient's immune status whenever possible,and selecting appropriate antibi-otics.

Key words: aged patients, nosocomial infection, preventive measures
