首都医科大学学报 ›› 1991, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 215-217.

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华琦, 汪家瑞, 师树英, 洪方裕, 汤哲   

  1. 首都医学院宣武医院心血管内科
  • 收稿日期:1990-12-08 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1991-07-15 发布日期:1991-07-15

Clinical Effects of Nifedipine on Blood Pressure and Left Ventricular Performance in Patients with Hypertension without Complication

Hua Qi, Wang Jiarui, Shi Shuying, Hong Fangyu, Tang Zhe   

  1. Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Institute of Medicine
  • Received:1990-12-08 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1991-07-15 Published:1991-07-15

摘要: 10例无并发症的高血压病患者于口服国产硝苯吡啶10mg 3次/d后第3d及1周检测血压及应用超声心动图检测左心功能。血压由21.5±3.4/12.4±1.4kPa(161.4±25.9/92.8±10.8mmHg)分别降至18.7±1.6/11.3±1.2kPa(139.8±11.8/84.6±9.4mmHg)、17.9±1.7/11.3±1.2kPa(134.2±12.7/84.6±8.7mmHg)(P均<0.01);平均动脉压由15.2±0.9kPa(114.2±7.7mmHg)分别降至13.9±0.9kPa(104.2±7.3mmHg)、13.6±0.8kPa(102.0±6.3mmHg)(P均<0.01),总外周阻力由1741.0±392.5dyn·s/cm5分别降至1514.0±175.5(P>0.05)及1263.1±237.6dyn·s/cm5(P<0.01)。舒张早期流速积分由7.2±1.3分别增至8.4±2.6及8.7±2.1((P均<0.05),舒张早期及心房收缩期峰值流速、心指数等指标亦有所改善。提示国产硝苯吡啶能有效持久降压并改善左心功能。

关键词: 高血压, 硝苯吡啶, 心脏功能试验, 超声心动描记术

Abstract: 10 patients with hypertension without complication were treated with 10 mg of nifedipine (Chinese product) three times a day.It was found that on 3rd and 7th days the blood pressure decreased on the average from 161.4/92.8 to 139.8/84.6 and 134.2/84.6 mmHg respectively;mean arterial blood pressure decreased on the average from 114.2 to 104.2 and 102.0 mmHg;total peripheral resistance decreased on the average from 1741 to 1514 and 1263 dyn·s/cm5 respectively.With echocardiography we found that early diastolic time-velocity integral increased on the average from 7.2 to 8.4 and 8.7 at third and seventh day.Early diastolic and atrial contraction peak flow velocity and cardiac index were also improved.From above-mentioned findings we are of the opinion that Nifedipine (produced in China) is effective in reducing blood pressure and improving left ventricular performance.

Key words: hypertension, Nifedipine, heart function tests, echocardiography