首都医科大学学报 ›› 2000, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 330-332.

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张东, 赵继宗, 富壮, 唐凯   

  1. 首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经外科
  • 收稿日期:1999-11-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2000-10-15 发布日期:2000-10-15

Traumatic Intraventricular Hemorrhage

Zhang Dong, Zhao Jizong, Fu Zhuang, Tang Kai   

  1. Department of Neurosurgery, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Affiliate of Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:1999-11-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-10-15 Published:2000-10-15

摘要: 分析了50例创伤性脑室内出血(IVH)患者,其中单纯性IVH9例,其余41例均伴有其他类型的颅脑损伤。致伤的原因主要为交通事故伤(32例,64%);病人均有脑膜刺激征表现,发热35例(70%);19例(38%)临床诊断合并原发性脑干损伤,15例(30%)CT表现为弥漫性轴索损伤;死亡组GCS评分显着低于存活组(P<0.05),Graeb评分高于存活组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);7例病人行颅内血肿清除和去骨瓣减压,3例行V-P分流术。死亡24例,持续昏迷2例,重残8例,轻残6例,痊愈10例。分析结果提示IVH合并的脑损伤是治疗的重点;IVH病人的预后主要受年龄、入院时的意识状态、IVH的出血量、合并其他类型颅脑损伤的程度、持续性高热和血管痉挛等因素的影响.

关键词: 颅脑损伤, 脑室内出血, 治疗

Abstract: To disscuss the clinical characteristics, pathogenesis and management of traumatic intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), 50 cases of IVH were included in this study. The etiology, mechanisms, clinical and CT characteristics, management and prognosis of this injury were analyzed. Thirtytwo(64%) of the cases were caused by traffic accidents. Most patients presented meningeal irritation and fever. In 19 of the cases, the complication of primary brain stem injury was clinically diagnosed. 15 cases could be diagnosed as diffused axonal injury according to CT scan. In the group of death, Glascow Coma Scale(GCS) was significantly lower than that in the survival group, while the Graeb Scale of IVH was significantly higher. Most patients were complicated by other kinds of traumatic brain injury through CT test. In treatment, craniotomy was performed on 5 patients. V P shunts were performed on 3 patients. As the result, 24 patients died, 2 patients were in a vegtative state, 8 patients were severely disabled, 6 patients were mildly disabled and 10 patient were fully recovered. Traumatic IVH has a close relationship with diffused axonal injury. Both lesions are caused by shear stress in deep structure of the brain. The complicated injuries which need more attention in management are commonly more serious than the IVH itself. The prognosis of this injury depends mainly on the ages of patients, state of consciousness on admissison, the amount of hemorrhage, types and degrees of complicated injuries, degree of fever and vasospasm etc.

Key words: traumatic brain injury, intraventricular hemorrhage, managemenh
