首都医科大学学报 ›› 2003, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 410-413.

• 论著·临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


王克杰, 王力红, 魏嘉平, 杨强, 贾强, 冯明, 聂秀红, 李坤成, 尹建国, 王立, 续大田, 张泰昌, 王育琴   

  1. 首都医科大学宣武医院SARS专家组
  • 收稿日期:2003-07-23 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2003-10-15 发布日期:2003-10-15

Mechanical Ventilation in Treatment of SARS

Wang Kejie, Wang Lihong, Wei Jiaping, Yang Qiang, Jia Qiang, Feng Ming, Nie Xiuhong, Li Kuncheng, Yin Jianguo, Wang Li, Xu Datian, Zhang Taichang, Wang Yuqin   

  1. Xuanwu Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:2003-07-23 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2003-10-15 Published:2003-10-15

摘要: 为探讨机械通气在SARS病人治疗中的应用,对重症SARS病人经一般面罩、鼻导管吸氧治疗后仍无明显改善者,改用机械通气。根据情况采用无创呼吸机通气或行气管内插管/气管切开造口后进行有创机械通气。结果220名SARS病人重症者131例,进行机械通气者32例,占全组病人的14.55%,占重症病人的24.43%。仅用无创机械通气者24例,占机械通气病例的75%,占重症病例的18.32%。有创机械通气者8例,占机械通气病例的25%,占重症病例的6.11%。其中气管插管6例,占机械通气病例的18.75%,占重症病例的4.58%;气管切开造口3例(其中1例先行气管插管,后又行气管造口),占机械通气病例的9.38%,占重症病例的2.29%。机械通气者中死亡16例,占全组病例的7.27%,占重症病例的12.21%,占机械通气病例的50%。气管插管6例中,死亡5例,占83.33%;改善、痊愈者仅1例,占16.67%。气管造口3例,均死亡。重症病人未进行机械通气者99例,占重症病例的75.57%,其中死亡3例,占3.03%;改善、痊愈者96例,占96.97%。机械通气者中,并发气胸、纵隔气肿或皮下气肿者共7例,占机械通气者的21.88%。提示无创机械通气在重症SARS病人治疗中有积极意义;但有创机械通气应慎用。气管切开造口术对其治疗无特殊积极意义,气管插管的适应证宜严格掌握,插管应在麻醉下实施。

关键词: 严重急性呼吸综合征, 机械通气

Abstract: The objective was to study the application of mechanical ventilation(MV)in the treatment of SARS.Methods:We applied mechanical ventilation to the patients who did not improve after oxygen inhalation by mouth or nose.Artificial ventilation was used through noninvasive ventilator or endotracheal tube/tracheostomy.Results:There were131severe patients in 220 SARS.Mechanical ventilation were applied in 32 cases,which amounted to14.55% of 220 SARS and 24.43% of severe patients.24cases(18.32% of severe patients)used only noninvasive ventilator,which amounted to75%of the total mechanical ventilation.6cases received tracheal intubation and3cases received tracheostomy(1case received tracheostomy after tracheal intubation).16cases died in mechanical ventilation,which amounted to7.27% of 20 SARS,and12.21% of severe patients,50% of mechanical ventilation.5cases died in 6 cases of tracheal intubation.3 cases of tracheostomy all died.99 cases of severe patients did not use mechanical ventilation,with3cases of them died and 96 cases of them recovered.Conclusion:Noninvasive ventilation is useful in treatment of SARS.Tracheostomy is of little value.Endotracheal intubation should be performed with general anesthesia.

Key words: SARS, mechanical ventilation
