首都医科大学学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 230-233.

• 基础研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 首都医科大学医学实验与测试中心; 2. 首都医科大学基础医学院生理教研室; 3. 首都医科大学燕京医学院生理教研室
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2011-04-21 发布日期:2011-04-21
  • 通讯作者: 钮伟真

Changes of Monophasic Action Potential in Rabbit Left Ventricles Induced by Ventricular PressureClamping Method

WEI Hua1, LIU Ping2, HUANG Hai-xia2, WANG Wei2, ZHAO Hai-yan3, NIU Wei-zhen2*   

  1. 1. Medical Experiment and Test Center, Capital Medical University; 2. Department of Physiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Capital Medical University; 3. Department of Physiology, Yanjing Medical College, Capital Medical University
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2011-04-21 Published:2011-04-21
  • Contact: NIU Wei-zhen


目的 构建小动物心室压力钳方法,观察机械刺激对心脏电活动的影响,探索心脏机械电反馈现象及其机制。
方法 应用自行构建的心室压力钳方法,在心室肌细胞动作电位末期牵张左心室,观察心室单相动作电位时程的变化。
结果 当左心室分别被强度为130 mmHg、140 mmHg、150 mmHg的额外牵张刺激钳制时,左室MAPD90〔单相动作电位复极90%的时程(monophasic action potential duration upstroke to the level of 90%)〕较正常分别延长15.4%、26.1%、44.4%(P<0.05),左室MAPD20、MAPD50无明显变化;牵张前后右室MAPD20、MAPD50及MAPD90均无明显变化。
结论 自行构建的心室压力钳方法能较准确地模拟生理、病理生理条件下心室内的负荷变化情况,并能灵活地对心脏施加机械刺激,为在器官水平上研究心脏机械电反馈(mechanoelectric feedback,MEF)提供了压力控制方法上的改进;左心室复极末期牵张刺激可引起其心肌细胞动作电位时程(action potential duration,APD)延长、复极减慢,右室则无明显改变,提示该刺激直接导致了左心室上内向电流的发生。

关键词: 心室压力钳, 单相动作电位, 机械电反馈


Objective To establish a ventricular pressure-clamping method for isolatedperfused hearts of small animals, observe the effect of mechanical stimuli on cardiac electrical activities and explore the phenomena and mechanisms of cardiac mechano-electric feedback.
Methods Using the ventricular pressure-clamping method to stretch the left ventricle(LV) during the end of action potential, the effect on monophasic action potential duration(MAPD) of ventricles was observed.
Results LVMAPD90 was lengthened by 15.4%, 26.1%, 44.4%(P<0.05) comparing to the control when the left ventricle was clamped by extra stretch which was 130, 140, 150 mmHg, respectively, while LVMAPD20 and LVMAPD50 had no changes; There was no significant difference in RVMAPD20, RVMAPD50 and RVMAPD90 between before and after extra inflations were applied.
Conclusion This ventricular pressure-clamping method developed by our lab can exactly mimic the changes of load in hearts under the physiological/pathophysiological conditions and can freely deliver mechanical stimuli to the ventricle, which improved the method of pressure-controlling on researching cardiac MEF at organ level; stretching the left ventricle during the end of the action potential could lengthen MAPD, slower repolarization, while the right ventricle had not the same changes, which suggested that the inflations caused a kind of inward current in the left ventricle.

Key words: ventricular pressureclamping, monophasic action potential, mechano-electric feedback
