首都医科大学学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 516-520.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2014.04.027

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赵佳佳, 王拥军   

  1. 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院消化内科 北京市消化疾病中心, 北京 100050
  • 收稿日期:2014-01-09 出版日期:2014-08-21 发布日期:2014-07-22

Sphincter of Oddi manometry

Zhao Jiajia, Wang Yongjun   

  1. Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Digesitve Disease Center, Beijing 100050, China
  • Received:2014-01-09 Online:2014-08-21 Published:2014-07-22

摘要: 内镜下Oddi括约肌测压可直接对Oddi括约肌(sphincter of oddi,SO)运动功能进行评价,被认为是Oddi括约肌功能障碍(sphincter of oddi dysfunction,SOD)诊断的金标准,对Oddi括约肌功能障碍的治疗及预后判断具有很大意义。Oddi括约肌测压(Sphincter of oddi manometry,SOM)是一项有创性的操作,对操作人员要求严格,术后胰腺炎发生风险高,临床应用受到一定限制。目前一些研究主要致力于通过改善导管构造、类型,明确SOM适应证,谨慎选择患者来减少SOM术后相关胰腺炎的发生率。本文就Oddi括约肌测压的技术方法,有效性、安全性、数据结果的准确性、测压术后合并症,以及其在胆胰疾病诊治中的应用作一综述。

关键词: Oddi括约肌测压, Oddi括约肌功能障碍, 逆行性胰胆管造影术后胰腺炎

Abstract: Using the sphincter of oddi manometry(SOM) we can directly evaluate function of sphincter. SOM which is considered the golden standard diagnostic modality for sphincter of oddi dysfunction(SOD) can stratify therapy. However it has not been generally used in medicine because SOM as a invasive assessment is associated with post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP) pancreatitis risks. Moreover,SOM needs experienced skills in endoscope and cannulation.Some research is mainly performed by improving the duct structure, type, defining indications SOM, carefully selecting patients to reduce the incidence of postoperative pancreatitis. This section reviews technique, efficacy, safety, accuracy,complication associated with sphincter of Oddi manometry. The clinical application of SOM in diagnosis of biliopancreatic diseases will be discussed.

Key words: sphincter of Oddi manometry, sphincter of oddi dysfunction, post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP) pancreatitis
