首都医科大学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 36-41.doi: 10. 3969/ j. issn. 1006-7795. 2024. 01. 007

• 核医学与分子影像辅助临床诊疗 • 上一篇    下一篇

骨髓坏死18F-FDG PET/CT与MRI对照分析


  1. 北京大学第三医院核医学科,北京 100191
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-16 出版日期:2024-02-21 发布日期:2024-03-21
  • 通讯作者: 张卫方 E-mail:tsy1997@126.com
  • 基金资助:

A comparative analysis of 18F-FDG PET/CT and MRI in bone marrow necrosis

Song Le, Li Hui, Zhang Weifang*   

  1. Department of Nuclear Medicine,Peking University Third Hospital,Beijing 100191,China
  • Received:2023-10-16 Online:2024-02-21 Published:2024-03-21
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by  the Special Fund of the Beijing Clinical Key Specialty Construction Program(2022).

摘要: 目的  探索骨髓坏死氟-18-脱氧葡萄糖(18F-fluorodeoxyglucose,18F-FDG)正电子发射断层显像/计算机断层显像(positron emission tomography/computed tomography,PET/CT)表现,提高对该病的认识。方法  回顾性分析9例磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)诊断为骨髓坏死患者的PET/CT及临床资料,对照MRI影像,总结病变分布,选择最大病变,分析18F-FDG代谢特点及CT征象。结果  患者男6例,女3例,中位年龄28.0岁,均患淋巴瘤。MRI检查髋部6例、胸腰椎2例、膝部1例。6例髂骨病变,内部均为T1加权像(T1-weighted image,T1WI)高信号,T2脂肪抑制像(T2-fat suppressed image,T2FSI)低信号,伴T1WI边缘环状低信号,其中5例内部代谢减低,边缘代谢增高伴骨质硬化;1例密度及代谢未见异常,MRI显示病变狭长。2例脊柱病变T1WI呈等、低信号,T2FSI高信号,其中1例为等代谢,密度稍高;1例代谢减低,密度未见异常。1例股骨病变T1WI高信号,T2FSI低信号,代谢及密度增高。8例PET/CT发现MRI检查范围之外更多病变。8例更早期的PET/CT发现部分病变呈低代谢、等密度。结论  18F-FDG代谢减低,后期可伴有边缘线状代谢及密度增高,是骨髓坏死的常见PET/CT影像特点。PET/CT有助于检出骨髓坏死,发现多骨病变。

关键词: 骨髓坏死, 骨坏死, 氟-18-脱氧葡萄糖, 正电子发射断层显像/计算机断层扫描

Abstract: Objective To explore the fluoro-18-deoxyglucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) features of bone marrow necrosis and improve the understanding of the disease. Methods  The PET/CT and clinical data of 9 patients with bone marrow necrosis diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were retrospectively analyzed. Compared to MRI,the distribution of lesions was summarized. The 18F-FDG metabolic and CT features of the selected largest lesion were analyzed.  Results  There were 6 males and 3 females with a median age of 28.0 years. All patients were diagnosed with lymphoma. MRI scans of the hip,spine and knee were performed in 6,2,and 1 case respectively. The iliac lesions in 6 cases showed internal high signal intensity on T1-weighted images (T1WI),low signal intensity on T2-fat suppressed images (T2FSI),and peripheral linear hypointensity on T1WI. The iliac lesions in 5 cases demonstrated internal decreased 18F-FDG metabolism,peripheral linear increased 18F-FDG uptake and density on PET/CT. The iliac lesion in one case did not show abnormal 18F-FDG metabolism and density on PET/CT,the lesion was narrow and long on MRI. The vertebral lesions in two cases showed isointensity to hypointensity on T1WI and hyperintensity on T2FSI. On PET/CT,one vertebral lesion was isometabolic with slightly higher density,the other vertebral lesion showed reduced 18F-FDG metabolism with normal density. One femoral lesion showed high signal intensity on T1WI and low signal intensity on T2FSI,with increased 18F-FDG metabolism and density on PET/CT. PET/CT revealed more lesions beyond the scan range of MRI in 8 cases. In 8 cases,abnormal signs were demonstrated on much earlier PET/CT scans performed at a median time about 13.5 (8.25,32.75) months before the MRI scan,but no one complained of any related discomfort at that time. The iliac lesions in 5 cases had decreased 18F-FDG uptake,of which 3 lesions showed peripheral linear high-density,and 2 lesions showed no abnormal density. The iliac lesion in one case did not show abnormal 18F-FDG metabolism and density. One vertebral lesion showed reduced metabolism and isodensity. In the case with knee MRI,the earlier PET/CT showed multiple linear increased 18F-FDG uptake in the bilateral femoral heads and the humerus heads,without abnormal density. During follow up PET/CT scans,the femoral head lesions in 3 cases showed cortical fracture and collapse,the vertebral lesions 2 cases demonstrated multiple Schmorl's nodules or compression fracture. Conclusion  Decreased 18F-FDG uptake,with probably subsequent peripheral linear increased metabolism and density,is a common PET/CT feature of bone marrow necrosis. PET/CT is helpful to detect bone marrow necrosis and find multiple skeletal lesions.

Key words: bone marrow necrosis, osteonecrosis, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose, positron emission tomography/computed tomography
