首都医科大学学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 227-231.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2017.02.015

• 基础研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


姚元生, 郑丽飞, 朱进霞   

  1. 首都医科大学基础医学院生理学与病理生理学系, 北京 100069
  • 收稿日期:2016-09-23 出版日期:2017-03-21 发布日期:2017-04-17
  • 通讯作者: 朱进霞,E-mail:zhu_jx@ccmu.edu.cn E-mail:zhu_jx@ccmu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Study on the gastric myoelectric signal recording by implantable radiotelemetry in conscious rats with free movement

Yao Yuansheng, Zheng Lifei, Zhu Jinxia   

  1. Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China
  • Received:2016-09-23 Online:2017-03-21 Published:2017-04-17
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(31400991, 81370482, 81570695)

摘要: 目的 为了减少麻醉对胃肌电活动的影响,优化在体胃肌电活动的记录方法,更好地反映自然状态下胃肌电活动状况,减小手术操作对动物的创伤,以及提高术后动物存活率。方法 通过植入式生理信号无线遥测系统,结合优化记录电极植入方式将植入子电极固定在胃窦浆膜层,术后动物恢复7 d后,进行胃肌电信号采集,分别采集了清醒、自由活动状态下大鼠胃的肌电活动信号,并对其消化期与消化间期胃肌电活动的频率、幅度及特点进行了分析。结果 在消化期,可采集到持续、稳定的胃肌电信号,大鼠胃慢波幅度为(14.39±1.12)μV,频率为(4.76±0.09)次/min,快波幅度为(70.76±5.31)μV,每个慢波上的快波数为10.38±1.22;在消化间期,可观测到周期性变化的移行性复合肌电波形,每个周期持续时间为10~12 min,其Ⅲ相胃肌电活动的慢波幅度为(14.75±0.76)μV,频率为(4.90±0.14)次/min,快波幅度为(72.58±3.67)μV,每个慢波上的快波数为12.00±1.35。在消化期,采用促动力药多潘立酮可以增强胃慢波和快波的幅度及快波的频率,其慢波幅度从(16.87±1.05)μV变为(25.77±2.16)μV(P<0.01,n=6),频率从(4.97±0.18)次/min变为(4.85±0.14)次/min(P>0.05,n=6),快波幅度从(72.25±3.65)μV变为(104.00±7.72)μV(P<0.01,n=6),每个慢波上的快波个数从10.50±1.12变为14.00±0.97(P<0.05,n=6)。结论 通过植入式生理信号无线遥测系统可以较好地采集到清醒自由活动状态下大鼠胃的慢波及快波电信号,为研究生理及病理生理状态下胃肌电活动提供了一种新手段。

关键词: 植入式生理信号无线遥测系统, 胃肌电, 慢波和快波, 多潘立酮

Abstract: Objective To optimize the recording method on the gastric myoelectric activity, reduce operation trauma to animals and improve the animal survival rate after surgery. Methods The optimized recording electrodes were implanted into the serosal layer of gastric antrum. 7 days after surgery, the gastric myoelectricity signals were collected from conscious and unrestrained rats through the implantable physiological signal wireless telemetry system. The frequency, amplitude and characteristics of gastric electromyography in digestive and interdigestive phase were analyzed. Results In digestive stage, sustainable and stable gastric myoelectricity signals were recorded. The amplitude and frequency of gastric slow wave (SW) is (14.39±1.12)μV and (4.76±0.09)cpm, respectively; amplitude of gastric spike potentials (SP) is (70.76±5.31)μV and the mean number of SP on each SW is (10.38±1.22). In interdigestive phase, each cycle duration is 10-12 min, the third period of gastric migrating myoelectric/motor complex (MMC) is strongest. The amplitude and frequency of gastric SW is (14.75±0.76)μV and (4.90±0.14)cpm, respectively; amplitude of gastric SP is (72.58±3.67)μV, the mean number of SP on each SW is 12.00±1.35. In the digestion period, the use of prokinetic drug, domperidone (1mg/kg) increased the amplitude (16.87±1.05)μV to (25.77±2.16)μV (P<0.01, n=6) and frequency (4.97±0.18) cmp to (4.85±0.14)cmp (P>0.05, n=6) of SW and amplitude (72.25±3.65)μV to (104.00±7.72)μV (P<0.01, n=6) and frequency (10.50±1.12) to (14.00±0.97) (P<0.05, n=6) of SP. Conclusion Using implantable radiotelemetry, we successfully acquired rat gastric myoelectricity signals in digestive and interdigestive phase under physiological state, which provided a more accurate and effective experimental technique/method for exploring gastric myoelectric activity and then the function of gastric motility under physiologic and pathophysiologic state.

Key words: implantable radiotelemetry system, gastric myoelectricity, slow wave and spike potentials, domperidone
