首都医科大学学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 11-14.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2025.01.003

• 国家卫生健康委加强脑卒中防治工作减少百万新发残疾工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


国家卫生健康委加强脑卒中防治工作减少百万新发残疾工程专家委员会,  吉训明*   

  1. 国家卫生健康委加强脑卒中防治工作减少百万新发残疾工程专家委员会, 北京 100053
  • 收稿日期:2024-12-03 出版日期:2025-02-21 发布日期:2025-02-24
  • 通讯作者: 吉训明 E-mail:jixm@ccmu.edu.cn

Promoting the Stroke Prevention Project, National Health Commission: current status and strategy of stroke prevention and treatment in China

Stroke Prevention Project,National Health Commission,Ji Xunming*   

  1. Stroke Prevention Project,National Health Commission,Beijing 100053,China
  • Received:2024-12-03 Online:2025-02-21 Published:2025-02-24

摘要: 在我国,脑卒中已成为重要的公共卫生问题,面对日益增长的卒中患者带来的巨大健康和经济负担,国家卫生健康委员会于2021年启动了“国家卫生健康委加强脑卒中防治工作减少百万新发残疾工程”,旨在系统性地提升脑卒中防治能力,减少卒中带来的危害。本文从政策和管理实施的角度,简要介绍了该工程的背景和实施策略。

关键词: 脑卒中, 防治体系, 卒中急救, 国家卫生健康委加强脑卒中防治工作减少百万新发残疾工程, 卒中中心建设

Abstract: In China, stroke has become a major public health issue. In response to the growing high-risk population and the substantial health and economic burden, the National Health Commission initiated “the Stroke Prevention Project, National Health Commission” in 2021. This program aims to systematically enhance the stroke prevention and control capacities, therebyreducing the harm caused by stroke. This report offers an overview of the program’s background and strategic implementation from a policy and governance perspective.

Key words: stroke;prevention and control system, first aid for stroke, the Stroke Prevention Project, National Health Commission, construction of stroke center
