首都医科大学学报 ›› 1991, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2): 105-109.

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张子印, 吕国蔚   

  1. 首都医学院神经生物学研究室
  • 收稿日期:1990-11-23 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1991-04-15 发布日期:1991-04-15

The Plasticity of Paralyzied Hindlimb's Locomotion after Spinal Cord Hemisection in the Rat

Zhang Ziyin, Lu Guowei   

  1. Department of Neurobiology, Capital Institute of Medicine
  • Received:1990-11-23 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1991-04-15 Published:1991-04-15

摘要: 应用立体定位磁控脊髓夹断法,于大鼠脊髓T8,T9水平造成脊髓过半夹断。观察脊髓损伤后夹断侧后肢行走行为并分析其可能的机制。结果发现,脊髓过半夹断只造成伤侧后肢短暂的瘫痪,术后1周即可恢复协调的行走并可支持体重;术后2周,脊髓中线纵切后,夹断侧后肢失去行走功能,而对侧仍存在;未损伤侧脊髓过半夹断后,两后肢均出现瘫痪。结果提示,两侧脊髓内的CPG(中枢模式发生器,central pattern generator)或SLG(脊髓行走发生器,spinal locomotion generator)之间可能存在节段性交互联系并与脊髓反射中枢的活动密切相关;在一侧脊髓完全失去下行控制的条件下,可能由于对侧下行节段性交叉支配及(或)CPG或SLG的参与,伤侧CPG或SLG仍能基本执行其对同侧后肢的支配和控制。

关键词: 脊髓半横断, 协调行走, 中枢模式发生器, 脊髓行走发生器

Abstract: Aspinal cord over-hemisection model was reproduced using a sterotaxic and electro-magnet-controlled pincher for spinal injury.The locomotion of paralyzed hindlimb was observed in this model and its possible mechanisms were analysed.Our results showed that the ipsliateral hindilmb paralyzed transiently and gradually restituted its coordinative locomotion and weight-bearing about one week after spinal cord injury.When the spinal cord was sec- tioned longitudinally along its central line from L3~L6,the locomotion in contralateral hindlimb remained.When second over-hemisection was made contralaterally to the first one, both the hindlimb's locomotion disappeared.The results indicate that there are segmental interconnections between left and right central pattern generator(CPG)or spinal locomotion generator(SLG),which may related closely to spinal reflex center.Under the condition of completely losing descending control in one side,CPGs of SLGs in this side can still be activated and basically play their role in controlling the ipsilateral hindlimb's locomotion,possibly by the involvement of descending innervation and/or CPGor SLGat segmental level from the contralateral side.

Key words: spinal cord hemisection, coordinate locomotion, spinal locomotion generator, central patern generator, plasticity