首都医科大学学报 ›› 1991, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2): 122-127.

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刘东风, 苏鸿禧, 杨素琴, 李玉珍, 赵丽萍   

  1. 北京市耳鼻咽喉科研究所
  • 收稿日期:1990-08-27 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1991-04-15 发布日期:1991-04-15

The Effect of Continuous White Noise of Different Intensities on Corti's Organ in Guinea Pigs

Liu Dongfeng, Su Hongxi, Yang Suqin, Li Yuzhen, Zhao Liping   

  1. Beijing Institute of Otorhinolaryngology
  • Received:1990-08-27 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1991-04-15 Published:1991-04-15

摘要: 豚鼠分别暴露于125 dB SPL和132 dB SPL的稳态白噪声中1h后.即时、1、3、7、15和30d进行螺旋器扫描电镜观察,发现主要是第3回和蜗顶螺旋器受损,表现为外毛细胞听毛肿胀、融合、倒伏、断裂和丧失,甚至外毛细胞缺如.暴露于132dB白噪声后即时有10mm耳蜗螺旋器受损,125 dB为7mm.前者有70%外毛细胞受损,后者为50%.噪声强度越大,螺旋器病变范围和外毛细胞受损数量增大,随存活时间延长而减轻.得到恢复的主要是轻度病变的外毛细胞,如静纤毛肿胀和融合,但中、重度损伤时静纤毛倒伏和消失未能恢复.白噪声暴露早期(125dB组暴露噪声后7d,132 dB组15d),及时采用治疗措施的重要性.本文对噪声所致螺旋器损害的特点进行了讨论.

关键词: 白噪声, 螺旋器, 扫描电镜

Abstract: The Corti's organs of the guinea pigs were examined by scanning electron microscope either immediately or 1,3,7,15,or 30 days after the exposure to continuous white noise at different intensities of 125 dB SPL and 132 dB SPL for 1 hour.Swelling,fusion,collapse and even loss of OHC stereocilia were mainly observed in the third and forth turns of cochlea. There was a lesion length of 10mm of corti's organ in guinea pigs immediately after the exposure to white noise at 132 dB SPL,and 7 mm at 125 dB SPL.70% of OHC was damaged in the lesion length of 10 mm of Corti's Organ in guinea pigs immediately after the exposure to white noise at 132 dB SPL,and 50% of OHC in the lesion length of 7 mm at 125dB SPL.The lesion length of Corti's organ and the amount of OHC were increased with the intensity of white noise,and decreased with the survival intervals after the exposure.The slight damage to OHC stereocilia,such as swelling and fusion,could be recoverable subsequent to the exposure to white noise,but the moderate and severe damage,such as collapse and loss of stereocilia were unrecoverable.It seemed that the early stage(less than 15 days after the exposure to white noise at 132 dB SPL,and 7 days at 125 dB SPL)was essential for the affected OHCto recover from the damage.The relationship of the features of damage to hair cells with white noise was discussed.

Key words: white noise, Corti's organ, scanning electron microscope