首都医科大学学报 ›› 1991, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 211-214.
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夏恩兰, 刘颖玲
Xia Enlan, Liu Yingling
摘要: 1986年1月~1988年12月共分娩新生儿10401人。其中脐带异常2784例(26.77%),引起31例围产儿死亡,居死因之首位。脐带异常中脐带真结节、扭转均属偶然因素,难以预防。羊水过少、胎动减少有可能导致脐带过短,新生儿窒息及胎儿窘迫率明显升高。脐带缠绕拉紧可致胎儿死亡,相对过短尤为危险。脐带脱垂一经诊断,应从速结束分娩。孕期加强羊水量、胎动监测,B超扫查胎颈有无脐带缠绕;产时连续胎心监测有助于早期发现脐带异常。
关键词: 脐带绕颈, 脐带脱垂, 围产儿死亡
Abstract: Atota of 10401 newborns were delivered from January 1984 to December 1988.Among them 2784 cases(26.77%) had cord abnormalities,which caused 31 perinatal deaths and were the leading cause of perinatal mortality.True knot and torsion of cord are cause by occasional factors and difficult to prevent.Short cord might be the result of oligohydramnios and decreased fetal movement,and it markedly increases the occurrence of fetal distress and neonatal asphyxia.Fetal death could be caused by cord entanglement with tension especially in relative short cord.As soon as prolapse of cord is diagnosed,delivery should be completed immediately.Intensive monitoring the volume of amniotic fluid and fetal movement,ultrasound scanning fetal neck to look for entangled cord in antenatal care and continuous monitoring of fetal heart rate during labor are helpful for early diagnosis.
Key words: nuchal cord entanglement, prolapse of cord, perinatal death
夏恩兰;刘颖玲. 脐带异常2784例分析[J]. 首都医科大学学报, 1991, 12(3): 211-214.
Xia Enlan;Liu Yingling. An Analysis of 2784 Cases of Umbilical Cord Abnormalities[J]. Journal of Capital Medical University, 1991, 12(3): 211-214.
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