首都医科大学学报 ›› 1994, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 106-108.

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陈佩惠1, 卞英华1, 李凤舞1, 曾昭晖2, 陈怡2   

  1. 1. 首都医学院寄生虫学教研室;2. 首都医学院仪器分析室
  • 收稿日期:1993-04-05 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1994-04-15 发布日期:1994-04-15

Preliminary Study on the Component of Amino Acids in Hemolymph of Asopheles Arthropophagus

Chen Peihui1, Bian Yinghua1, Li Fengwu1, Zeng Zhaohui2, Chen Yi2   

  1. 1. Department of Parasitology, Capital Institute of Medicine;2. Laboratory of Instrumental Analysis, Capital Institute of Mdeicine
  • Received:1993-04-05 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1994-04-15 Published:1994-04-15

摘要: 应用LK13-4400型氨基酸分析仪检测嗜人按蚊血淋巴氨基酸含量.初羽化和吸血后5d的雌蚊血淋巴,均含有相同的17种氨基酸,吸血后有15种氨基酸含量下降.提示,蚊虫血淋巴氨基酸组成与蚊虫营养来源和卵巢的发育有密切关系.

关键词: 嗜人按蚊, 血淋巴, 氨基酸

Abstract: The contents of amino acids in hemolymph of Anopheles arthropohagus were determined by LK 13-4400 type of amino acid analyzer. The hemolymphs of both newly emerged female mosquitoes andthose 5 days after taking blood contained the same 17 kinds of amino acids. The contents of 15 kinds of amino acids in hemolymph of the mosquitoes after sucking bled were decreased and less than those newly emerged mosquitoes. The results indicated that the amino acids in hemolymph of mosquito were related to the development of the ovary of mosquito.

Key words: Anopheles arthropophagus, hemolymph, amino acid
