首都医科大学学报 ›› 2000, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (3): 226-229.

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艾林1, 戴建平1, 郭启勇2, 刘兆玉2   

  1. 1. 北京神经外科研究所神经影像中心;2. 中国医科大学第二临床学院放射科
  • 收稿日期:1999-09-02 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2000-07-15 发布日期:2000-07-15

Experimental Study of Self Expandable Metal Stents Inserted in Trachea of Piglets

Ai Lin1, Dai Jianping1, Guo Qiyong2, Liu Zhaoyu2   

  1. 1. Neuoimaging Center of Beijing Neurosurgery Institute;2. Radiology Department of No.2 Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University
  • Received:1999-09-02 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-07-15 Published:2000-07-15

摘要: 在2组幼猪气管内留置自涨式金属内支架,观察留置支架后2组动物的症状、气管直径与支架直径变化、大体标本及组织病理学等表现,以期为儿童气管狭窄的介入治疗提供实验依据。结果:除中张力组幼猪中1例有症状外,其他动物无明显症状或症状轻微。2组中各有1例幼猪发生金属内支架移位,低张力组中无气管狭窄的发生。病理检查示低张力组幼猪的炎症反应较中张力组幼猪轻。结果提示低张力自涨式金属支架可以应用于儿童气管狭窄的治疗.

关键词: 气管, 自涨式金属内支架, 张力

Abstract: To study situation of growing trachea inserted with self expandable metal stents and provide the base of treating stenosis of trachea in childhood with the stents, stents of different tension being inserted into tracheas of two groups of piglets. The symptoms of the animals, the changing diameters of tracheas and stents, and the appearance of gross specimen and histopathology were observed. All, excep one, the animals had little or no symptoms. Stents inserted migrated in two animals. No trachea stenosis happened in low tension stent group. Inflammation existing in trachea of low tension stent group was milder than that of middle tension stent group. There is possibility that low tension and large diameter self expandable metal stents can be used to treat the stenosis of trachea in childhood.

Key words: trachea, self-expandable metallic stent, tension
