首都医科大学学报 ›› 2004, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (3): 387-390.

• 论著·临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


孟凡, 谢争, 龚泉, 吴明辉   

  1. 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院
  • 收稿日期:2003-08-27 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2004-07-15 发布日期:2004-07-15

Clinical Comparison of Norplant and Vcu200

Meng Fan, Xie Zheng, Gong Quan, Wu Minghui   

  1. Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Affiliate of Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:2003-08-27 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-07-15 Published:2004-07-15

摘要: 为指导育龄妇女选用适宜的避孕方法,采用统一的接受标准,共接收Norplant使用者315例,Vcu200使用者320例,每6个月随访1次,直至5年使用期满或终止使用.用生命表法统计2组间各种事件率,使用WHO的MDS软件统计月经日记卡并分析出血类型,对2组间的差异行统计学检验.结果显示:Norplant使用者5年持续使用率和因妊娠、月经问题、医学问题、避孕器反应的终止率分别为80.07%、0.35%、13.37%、6.12%和0.46%;Vcu200组分别为84.42%、9.50%、1.71%、0.37%和4.40%.阴道出血类型分析显示,Norplant组不规则出血者占43.1%~57.6%,使用6个月后阴道出血基本正常者占12.9%~32.7%;Vcu200组出血基本正常者可达54.8%~60.2%.结果表明:Norplant埋植剂和Vcu200节育器具有相同的持续使用率,使用Norplant埋植剂后的妊娠率和脱出率明显低于Vcu200节育器,而阴道出血类型中不规则出血明显高于Vcu200节育器.提示:2种避孕方法各有优缺点.

关键词: Norplant, 宫内节育器, 持续使用率, 终止率

Abstract: The aim was to compare the effectiveness, the rates of side effects, discontinuation and menstrual bleeding patterns in Norplant and IUD.A randomized and clinical trial was done.The users of Norplant and Vcu200 were 315 and 320, respectively.The rates of continuation and discontinuation between two groups were compared by life table method and log-rank Chi-Square method.MDS recommended by WHO was used to analyze the menstrual bleeding patterns.Results: The cumulative continuation rate of Norplant and Vcu200 users were 80.07% and 84.42%, respectively.There was no statistic difference.The cumulative discontinuation of pregnancy, menstrual problem, other medical problem and contraceptive advice problem were 0.35%, 13.37%, 6.12%, 0.46% in Norplant users and 9.50%, 1.71%, 0.37%, 4.40% in Vcu200 users.The analysis of menstrual bleeding patterns showed the rate of irregular bleeding in Norplant users was 43.1%~57.6%.The rate of “normal patterns” was 12.9%~32.7% after six months using Norplant.The rate of “normal patterns” was 54.8%~60.2% in Vcu200 users.There was similar continuation rate between Norplant and Vcu200 for five years.In Norplant users the rate of pregnancy was lower, but the rate of irregular bleeding was higher.There are advantage and disadvantage between Norplant and Vcu200, respectively.

Key words: Norplant, IUD, continuation rate, discontinuation rate
