首都医科大学学报 ›› 2005, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 46-46.

• 专题报道 • 上一篇    下一篇


崔国辉1, Wang L2, Davis P J3, Kara M1, Liu H2,3   

  1. 1. 首都医科大学化学生物学与药学院;2. School of Pharmacy, Memorial University of Newfoundland;3. Department of Biochemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2005-02-24 发布日期:2005-02-24

Effects of PEG Chain Lengths and Charges of Surfactants on the Physical Stability of a Marine Oil-in-Sater Emulsion

Cui Guohui1, Wang L2, Davis P J3, Kara M1, Liu H2,3   

  1. 1. School of Chemical Biology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Capital University of Medical Sciences;2. School of Pharmacy, Memorial University of Newfoundland;3. Department of Biochemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2005-02-24 Published:2005-02-24


以富含ω-3不饱和脂肪酸的海豹油为主要原料, 研究不同表面活性剂对所制备脂肪乳的物理稳定性的影响, 结果如下:1)表面活性剂的亲水链中PEG的比例不同, 其稳定性有很大区别, 以Croda系列产品为例, 在表面活性剂的质量分数为2.5%, 海豹油为10%, 乳剂的粒径范围在240~270nm时, Croda-RX40的效果最好。2)乳粒表面带不同电荷、不同电量对其稳定性影响不同。加入带负电的sinicLS-30, 质量分数在0.25%~0.5%范围内, 对其表面所带电荷及电量影响不大, 因此对其稳定性没有明显影响。加入带正电的Behenyl TMS, 在同样含量范围内, 对乳粒的带电及稳定性产生较大影响, 乳粒表面所带正电值迅速下降, 导致乳液破坏, 电镜下观察可见乳粒聚合。其原因为脂肪不断水解释放脂肪酸, 脂肪酸部分电离带有负电荷, 作用于Behenyl TMS。pH值测定显示, 乳液的pH的降低与乳粒电量的下降呈正相关, 证实了上述结果。此外, 无论乳粒带何种电荷, 其Zeta-电位(表面所带电量)均要求在20mV以上。低于此值, 粒子间的排斥力将无法克服由粒子热运动引起的聚合作用, 导致乳液破坏。


Oil-in-water emulsion formulations often contain vegetable oil such as soybean oil as the core component. In the current study, oil derived from harp seals, rich in ω-3 long chain fatty acids, was used. The effect of different polyet hleneglycols (PEGs) coated on hydrogenated castor oils as emulsifying agents on the physical stability of seal oil-in-water emulsions was studied. It was fou nd that 2.5% PEG-40 coated hydrogenated castor oil (Croda-RX40, HLB 13) formed the most stable 10% of seal with diameter of 240-270 nm. The effe ct of surface charge on the physical stability of seal oil emulsions was also st udied by adding different amounts of either negatively charged surfactant (Croda,sinic LS-30) or positively charged surfactant (Incroqal Behenyl TMS). The neg atively charged Croda,sinic LS-30 had very little effects on the particle sizes. For the positively charged surfactant such as Incroquat Behenyl TMS, there w ere big fluctuations of particle sizes, especially in the concentrations of 0.25 % and 0.5%. pH values of 10% of seal oil emulsions were found to decrease over the time because of the hydrolysis of triacylglycerides into free fatty acids. The current studies demonstrated that the stable emulsion systems could be form ed when the absolute Zeta-potential value exceeds *20 mV*, regardless of the po sitive or negative charges on the surface of emulsions.