首都医科大学学报 ›› 2005, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 90-92.

• 论著·临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


周莉, 吴连方   

  1. 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院
  • 收稿日期:2004-06-28 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2005-02-24 发布日期:2005-02-24

Retrospective Analysis of 40 Cases of Placenta Increta

Zhou Li, Wu Lianfang   

  1. Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Affiliate of Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:2004-06-28 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2005-02-24 Published:2005-02-24


为探讨引起胎盘植入的相关因素及治疗方法, 回顾性分析北京妇产医院1994年1月至2003年12月收治的40例妊娠晚期胎盘植入病例, 探讨其发病因素及诊疗情况。结果:胎盘植入的发病率为0.099%(1:1011), 相关因素为前置胎盘、剖宫产、多次人流。40例中≥2次人流史30例(75%), 剖宫产11例(27.5%), 前置胎盘22例(55%), 胎盘完全植入和植入直径>5cm的出血率(>500mL)达62.5%。前置胎盘中86%发生大出血, 胎盘植入原子宫切口者5例, 出血量均>2000mL。结果提示:胎盘植入与前置胎盘、剖宫产史、多次人流史有关, 胎盘植入可造成产后大出血, 尤其以植入位于子宫切口处最为凶险。治疗方法除切除子宫外保守治疗亦相当重要。

关键词: 胎盘植入, 高危因素, 治疗


The aim was to study the factors related with placenta increta and treatment by retrospectively. The etiology of the placenta incr eta and t he treatments were studied by retrospectively analyzing 40 cases. The incidence of placenta increta in our hospital approxi mated to 1:1 011 and the related risk factors include placenta previa, previou s cesarean delivery, and multiple induced abortion. There were about 75% cases w ith above 2 times of induced abortion, 27.5% cases with cesarean and 55% cases with placenta previa. The incidence of h emorrhage (>500 mL) was up to 62.5% when the patients had the completely placent a pr evia and the diameter of the implanted placenta >5 cm. There were about 86% case s of placen ta previa with serious hemorrhage and the amount of bleeding of above 2 000 mL in the 5 cases in which the placenta was implanted the previous cesarean sectio n scar.The incidence of placenta increta was increased with placenta previa, previous cesarean delivery, and multiple induced abortions. Placenta increta ind uces serious puerperal hemorrhage, especially, the placenta implanted in the pre v ious cesarean section scar. The conservative therapies are very important as we ll as hysterectomy.

Key words: placenta increta, high risk factor, therapy
