首都医科大学学报 ›› 1992, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1): 15-19.

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陈铁军1, 陈瑞芬1, 常松1, 周乙建1, 李楠2, 石晶华3   

  1. 1. 首都医学院病理解剖学教研室;2. 首都医学院解剖学教研室;3. 北京宣武中医医院
  • 收稿日期:1991-01-25 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1992-01-15 发布日期:1992-01-15

Morphological Observation on the Thrombolytic Effect of Mai Tong Ling No.2 in Rabbit

Cheng Tiejun1, Cheng Reifeng1, Chang Song1, Zho Yijian1, Li Nan2, Shi Jinghua3   

  1. 1. Department of Pathoanatomy, Capital Institute of Medicine;2. Department of Anatomy, Capital Institute of Medicine;3. Beijing Xuanwu TCM Hospital
  • Received:1991-01-25 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1992-01-15 Published:1992-01-15

摘要: 在家兔股动脉血管上(直径1mm)制作血栓形成动物模型。在60只血栓模型家兔上观察血栓在形成过程中(1~6d)的形态变化特征,并以此为对照组。另选18只血栓模型家兔为实验组(分为3组)。按不同时期分别给以脉通灵Ⅲ号(经胃管给药每只家兔5ml/kg·d-1)。观察给药后血栓的形态变化,以此估价脉通灵Ⅲ号在血栓形成过程中的溶栓作用。

关键词: 血栓, 血栓形成, 血栓模型, 血栓溶解

Abstract: An animal model of the femoral artery thrombosis was produced in rabbits.Preliminary investigation was made in 60 models rabbits to observe the characteristics of the morphotogic change during the thrombosis process from 1 to 6 days as a contral.Mai Tong Ling No.2 was administered through gastric tube in 18 animal models (thrombus of 3rd day) which was divided into three groups (with different time period of medication).The morphologic change of the thrombus was observed after medication to evalute the thrombolytic effect of Mai Tong Ling No.2 on the process of thrombosis.

Key words: thrombus, thrombosis, thrombolysis, animal model
