首都医科大学学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 829-833.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.025

• 基础研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


梅雪岭1, 连石2   

  1. 1. 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院皮肤科,北京 100050;2. 首都医科大学宣武医院皮肤科,北京 100053
  • 收稿日期:2011-09-06 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2011-12-21 发布日期:2011-12-21
  • 通讯作者: 梅雪岭

Isolation and identification of putative human epidermal stem cells

MEI Xue-ling1, LIAN Shi2   

  1. 1. Department of Dermatology, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100050, China;2. Department of Dermatology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China
  • Received:2011-09-06 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2011-12-21 Published:2011-12-21

摘要: 目的 分离人表皮干细胞群并鉴定其相关的分子标记蛋白的表达。方法 采用传统方法和快速黏附Ⅳ型胶原的方法分离人正常角质形成细胞群和快速黏附Ⅳ型胶原的人角质形成细胞群,并采用免疫荧光法检测整合素α6, p63蛋白在2种细胞中的表达。结果 成功分离了人正常角质细胞群和快速黏附Ⅳ型胶原的人角质形成细胞群;快速黏附Ⅳ型胶原的人角质形成细胞群高表达α6整合素和p63蛋白,与人正常角质细胞群差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 本研究分离的快速黏附Ⅳ型胶原的人角质形成细胞群是富集了人表皮干细胞的细胞群。

关键词: 表皮干细胞, Ⅳ型胶原, α6整合素, p63蛋白

Abstract: Objective To isolate and identify keratinocytes enriched with putative human epidermal stem cells. Methods We isolated keratinocytes adherent to collagen type Ⅳ and normal primary keratinocytes. We stained cells with antibodies targeting α6-integrin and p63 under the same conditions and examined the expression of these proteins under a confocal microscope. Results Keratinocytes adherent to collagen type Ⅳ expressed high levels of p63 protein and α6-integrin but normal primary keratinocytes expressed low levels of p63 protein and α6-integrin(P<0.05). Conclusion These results indicate that keratinocytes adherent to collagen type Ⅳ are keratinocytes enriched with putative human epidermal stem cells.

Key words: epidermal stem cells, collagen type Ⅳ, α6-integrin, p63 protein
