首都医科大学学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 199-203.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2018.02.009

• 精神分裂症基础和临床 • 上一篇    下一篇


朱虹, 职利花, 贾竑晓   

  1. 首都医科大学附属北京安定医院中西医结合研究室 国家精神心理疾病临床医学研究中心 精神疾病诊断与治疗北京市重点实验室, 北京 100088
  • 收稿日期:2018-01-23 出版日期:2018-03-21 发布日期:2018-04-14
  • 通讯作者: 贾竑晓 E-mail:jhxlj@ccmu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Evaluating the efficacy of ziprasidone in improving cognition,quality of life and clinical symptom in schizophrenia

Zhu Hong, Zhi Lihua, Jia Hongxiao   

  1. Laboratory of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital Medical University, The National Clinical Research Center for Mental Disorders, Beijing Key Laboratory of Mental Disorders, Beijing 100088, China
  • Received:2018-01-23 Online:2018-03-21 Published:2018-04-14
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (7152069), Capital Clinical Characteristic Application of Beijing Science and Technology Commission (Z151100004015061),Beijing Science and Technology Development Fund Project of Traditional Chinese Medicine (QN2016-09),Capital Health Development Research Project (2018-1-2122).

摘要: 目的 研究齐拉西酮治疗对精神分裂症患者认知功能和生活质量的改善作用。方法 54名受试者采用数字表法随机分为两组,分别给予齐拉西酮或氟哌啶醇单药治疗。分别在基线、第8周、第12周和第16周进行症状、生活质量和满意度及认知功能测查,并对结果进行分析。结果 齐拉西酮组患者在威斯康星卡片分类实验的错误数上第12周、第16周的表现较基线明显减少(P<0.05);持续错误数的表现在第16周较基线明显减少(P<0.05),持续性操作实验(continuous performance test,CPT)的反应时间和数字广度的得分上齐拉西酮组第12周、第16周与基线相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。而氟哌啶醇组均无显著变化(P>0.05)。齐拉西酮组与氟哌啶醇组各时阳性和阴性症状评定量表(Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale,PANSS)量表分与基线相比,差异有统计学意义(F=77.10,P=0.000),但两组间差异无统计学意义。齐拉西酮组生活质量及满意度评分的改善明显优于氟哌啶醇组(F=24.01,P=0.000),并与基线相比差异有统计学意义(F=18.39,P=0.000),而氟哌啶醇组差异无统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 齐拉西酮对精神分裂症患者的注意力、工作记忆、执行功能和生活质量有一定的改善作用,但氟哌啶醇组未见改善作用,两者对患者精神症状都有一定的改善作用。

关键词: 精神分裂症, 认知功能, 生活质量, 齐拉西酮

Abstract: Objective To investigate the efficacy of ziprasidone in improving cognitive function, quality of life and clinical symptom in schizophrenia. Methods Fifty-four patients were randomized to either ziprasidone or haloperidol treatment group. The clinical characters, cognition abilities and quality of their life were re-examined at follow-up intervals up to 16 weeks. Results Ziprasidone significantly improved the scores of Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST) error number at 12th week and 16th week, WCST persistent error number at 16th week, compared with baseline(P<0.05), but not in haloperidol group. Ziprasidone significantly improved the reaction time of continuous performance test(CPT) and the scores of digit span test at 12th and 16th week, compared with baseline(P<0.05), but not in haloperidol group. Both ziprasidone and haloperidol groups showed significant improvement in PANSS scores(F=77.10,P=0.000), with no significant difference between them. Ziprasidone significantly improved the scores of Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire(F=18.39,P=0.000) compared with baseline, but not in haloperidol group. Conclusion Ziprasidone can improve the attention, working memory,executive function and quality of life in schizophrenia patients. Same effect hasn't been observed in the group treated with haloperidol. Both ziprasidone and haloperidol showed similar clinical effects on psychiatric symptom in schizophrenia.

Key words: schizophrenia, cognitive function, quality of life, ziprasidone
