首都医科大学学报 ›› 1992, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 264-268.

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刘玉军, 张国风, 鲁强   

  1. 首都医学院北京神经科学研究所
  • 收稿日期:1991-11-29 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1992-10-15 发布日期:1992-10-15

A Monkey Paralysis Model of Unilateral Motor Cortex Lesion

Liu Yujun, Zhang Guofeng, Lu Qiang   

  1. Beijing Institure for Neuroscience, Capital lnstiture of medicine
  • Received:1991-11-29 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1992-10-15 Published:1992-10-15

摘要: 单侧运动皮质损伤引起对侧肢体和面肌瘫痪及僵直,由于损毁区域主要位于中央前回中部、下部和上部的背外侧部分,而靠近中线的部分及旁中央小叶区未被损毁,所以上肢的瘫痪程度比下肢严重。动物可用后肢站立,用健侧未瘫痪的前肢取食,能正常生活。模型症状与人类单瘫症状相似,并且稳定而持久。在应用移植促进功能恢复的研究中可能会有实用价值。

关键词: 运动皮质, 瘫痪, 动物模型, 恒河猴

Abstract: The muscles of contralateral limbs and face were parlysed and rigid after unilateral mo-tor cortex lesioned, the paralytic degree of foreleg is more severe than that of hindleg, be-cause the damaged area was limited to the dorsal-lateral part of precentral gyrus and the lop of this area and paracentral lobe were not lesioned completely.The animal ware able to stand by two hindlegs and take food by contralateral hand, there fore, no trouble in their living was seen.The animals symptome were similar to those of human hemiplegia, stable and lasting.The model may be useful in studying functional recovery promoted by neuron transplanta-tion.

Key words: motor cortex, paralysis, animal model, rhesus monkey
