首都医科大学学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 719-725.

• HN/ADS基础与临床研究进展 • 上一篇    下一篇


王峰, 王文奎   

  1. 泰一和浦中医药研究院(北京)
  • 收稿日期:2010-11-20 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2010-12-24 发布日期:2010-12-24

Studies on the Innovation of TCM Five-organs Theory and Its Treatment of AIDS

WANG Feng, WANG Wen-kui   

  1. Tyhoop(Beijing)Traditional Chinese Medicine researsh institutes
  • Received:2010-11-20 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2010-12-24 Published:2010-12-24

摘要: 中医在几千年的发展过程中,不断地在发生着变化,尤其是在应对一些特殊历史时期的重大疾病时,总会有一些医学流派诞生,这极大地丰富了中医学理论。五脏理论就是中医学中最具代表性的基础理论,也是中医学理论的基础。五脏理论经过历代医家的不断丰富,日趋完善。时至今日,中医学又面临着新的历史考验,承载着重大责任。在新型疾病不断涌现的现代社会,中医学要不负众望,实现自己的华丽变身,就必须要与时俱进,进行创新。笔者就是在寻求符合中医自身发展规律和疾病变化规律的基础上,继承传统,大胆创新,已初步完成中医理论创新体系和中药药物创新体系的构建,为解决艾滋病等重大疑难疾病提供新的理论支持和技术支撑。

关键词: 五脏理论, 中医理论创新体系, 中药药物创新体系, 艾滋病

Abstract: The Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) theory has been continually changing for thousands of years,and it contains many different schools.The birth of new medical schools are always accompanied with those major diseases' occuring in some special historical period,which has greatly enriched the TCM theories.Among the above,the Five-organs theory is the most basic one,and the basis of all the TCM theories.Besides,it has been improved and well-established by the different schools from different times.Nowadays,the TCM is facing new historical challenges and ready to undertake the significant social responsibility which means resolving the emerging new diseases.The TCM theory is sure to be innovated.In accordance with the laws of TCM's development and the diseases' changing,the authors hasd initially completed TCM Theory Innovation System and TCM Medicines Innovation System which both provide new theoretical and technical supports during the course of solving AIDS and other major diseases.

Key words: five-organs theory, TCM theory innovation system, trational Chinese medicines innovation system, AIDS
