首都医科大学学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 454-458.

• 重点学科与重点实验室介绍 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 首都医科大学神经病学系, 首都医科大学神经病学研究所, 首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2010-08-21 发布日期:2010-08-21
  • 通讯作者: 贾建平

Fifty Years History Inheritance and Ten Years Substantial Accumulation:Development of the National Neurology Key Discipline

JIA Jian-ping*   

  1. Faculty of Neurology, Capital Medical University; Neurology Institute, Capital Medical University;Department of Neurology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2010-08-21 Published:2010-08-21
  • Contact: JIA Jian-ping

摘要: 总结首都医科大学神经病学学科的历史沿革与学术传承,重点突出近十年来学系在科研、临床、人才培养3大方面的革命性、飞跃式发展历程。学科的历史沿革分为3个阶段:1978-1988年稳步起飞,奠定扎实基础;1988-1998年风云际会,加速度发展;1998-2008年厚积薄发,不断攀登新高峰。在医疗、科研、教学3方面:精益求精、科研先导、精修临床,在神经病学界占据领先地位;尊重知名专家,老中青三代结合,打造一流团队,为社会提供高水平的医疗服务;注重人才培养,搭建合理人才梯队,保持可持续发展。经过几代人数十年的努力,学科的发展从默默无闻到全国一流,从普通科室到全国重点学科,凝聚了一种独特的不断被传承强化的精神,形成了一种特殊的学院派的学科文化,继续向着更高的目标奋进。

关键词: 国家重点学科, 神经内科, 科研, 临床, 人才, 发展

Abstract: This essay presents a general introduction of the evolution of the National Neurology Key Discipline and the great academic heritage inherited from the Capital Medical University in 50 years. The introduction emphasizes revolutionary and leap-style progresses that the National Neurology Key Discipline of Capital Medical University has made during the past decade in three major fields as follow: scientific research, clinical medicine and personnel training. The history of the National Neurology Key Discipline can be divided into three stages: from 1978 to 1988, a solid foundation was laid to make a substantial beginning; from 1988 to 1998, a quick development was realized in the crucial period; from 1998 to 2008, academic and clinical ambitions were achieved on the basis of profound accumulation and quick development. In conclusion, the National Neurology Key Discipline has made a series of achievements in the three areas of medicine, research and education, and it holds a leading position in neurology field due to the staffs’ excellent performance, science-leading orientation, and clinical expertise. The National Neurology Key Discipline relies on well-known specialists, it also built a firstclass medical team with three generations of the old, middle-aged and young talents, and therefore it has the capacity to provides high quality medical service for the society. The National Neurology Key Discipline attaches great importance to talent training so as to build a well-structured talent echelon, and thus sustainable development could be maintained. Since the establishment of the Capital Medical University fifty years ago, the Neurology Department of Xuanwu Hospital has developed from an unknown department to a nationwide wellknown neurology department, from an average medical unit to the National Neurology Key Discipline, during the course of the development, a unique spirit of inheritance and promotion has been formed, and a distinctive academic culture has been cultivated in the department. The National Neurology Key Discipline will stride forward to a higher goal.

Key words: National Key Discipline, Neurology department, research, clinical, professionals, development
