首都医科大学学报 ›› 2000, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 315-317.

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朱斌, 孙家邦, 周继盛, 杨磊, 陈宏, 李非, 贾建国   

  1. 首都医科大学宣武医院普外科
  • 收稿日期:2000-06-28 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2000-10-15 发布日期:2000-10-15

How to Choose the Operative or Non-operative Treatment of Severe Acute Pancreatitis

Zhu Bin, Sun Jiabang, Zhou Jisheng, Yang Lei, Chen Hong, Li Fei, Jia Jianguo   

  1. Department of General Surgery, Xuanwu Hospital, Affiliate of Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:2000-06-28 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-10-15 Published:2000-10-15

摘要: 为探讨重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)的非手术治疗措施及中转手术的时机。对223例SAP患者均先行包括重要脏器功能的支持、防治感染及促进胃肠功能恢复等非手术综合治疗,以后根据有无胰腺感染等并发症决定是否中转手术。结果:前期组(1990~1994年)97例,患者一经诊断胰腺感染即手术治疗,病死率为11.3%;近期组(1995~1999年)126例,选择性延期手术,将胰腺感染局限作为手术时机,病死率为5.6%.全部患者非手术治疗过程中因胰腺感染中转手术23例,其中胰腺感染局限者的手术病死率(7.7%)显着低于感染未局限者(50%)(P<0.05).结果提示,SAP应以积极、有效、综合的非手术治疗为主,胰腺感染局限者中转手术的效果优于感染未局限者.

关键词: 胰腺炎, 感染, 综合疗法

Abstract: To explore non-operative methods and the opportunity of operative in patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP), 223 patients with SAP were treated in our ICU from 1990 to 1999. Non operative methods included fluid resuscitation, reduction of pancreatic secretion, elimination of inflammation mediators, supportive measures and close supervision, nutritional support, prevention and treatment of infections etc. Indication for operation in patients was pancreatic infection from 1990 to 1994.Aggressive debridement with placement of several drains into lesser sac for the purpose of continuous lavage was performed on the patient of the infectious pancreatic necrosis or fluid collection. The drainage of pancreatic abscess or localized infection with debridement of necrotic tissues was adopted from 1995 to 1999. Twenty-three patients underwent operations due to pancreatic infection during the treatment. The postoperative mortality rate of pancreatic abscess or localized infection was lower than that of infectious pancreatic necrosis or fluid collection. Active ,effective and comprehensive non operative treatment is the basic treatment of SAP. The operation of pancreatic abscess or localized infection is more effective than that of unlocalized pancreatic infection.

Key words: pancreatitis, infection, combined modality therapy
