首都医科大学学报 ›› 2004, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (3): 353-355.

• 论著·临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


党斌温, 张杰, 邵丽丽, 唐明忠   

  1. 首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院呼吸内科
  • 收稿日期:2003-11-20 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2004-07-15 发布日期:2004-07-15

Distribution and Drug Resistance of Bacteria in Patients with Nosocomial Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Respiratory Ward

Dang Binwen, Zhang Jie, Shao Lili, Tang Mingzhong   

  1. Department of Respiration Medicine, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Affiliate of Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:2003-11-20 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-07-15 Published:2004-07-15

摘要: 为了解呼吸病房院内下呼吸道感染(LRTI)病原菌和耐药性的变迁,为合理用药提供依据,回顾调查1998-2002年天坛医院呼吸病房院内LRTI患者的痰培养结果,药敏用MIC法测定.结果:共检测出病原菌430株.革兰阴性(G-)杆菌(GNB)73%,比例逐年下降;其中非发酵菌群64%,比例上升.革兰阳性(G+)球菌(GPB)27%,比例逐年上升;其中金黄色葡萄球菌(SA)32%,比例上升,耐甲氧西林SA(MRSA)26%,比例上升.细菌耐药率逐渐上升,仅GNB对亚胺培南、GPB对万古霉素的耐药率上升较慢,分别为17%、0.提示:院内条件致病菌的比例上升,耐药率上升,亚胺培南、万古霉素等少数药物成为院内感染治疗的主力药物.要改善现状,需要综合治理.

关键词: 院内感染, 下呼吸道感染, 病原菌, 耐药性

Abstract: The aim was to study the changes on the distribution and drug resistance of the bacteria in patients with the nosocomial lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) in respiratory ward.The sputum's culture of the patients with the nosocomial LRTI in respiratory ward from 1998 to 2002 was studied with MIC methods.Results: 430 strains were isolated, 73% of which were Gram negative bacillus (GNB) and decreased gradually; 64% of GNB were non fermenters and increased.27% of which were Gram positive bacteria (GPB) and increased; 32% of GPB were S.aureus (SA) and increased, 26% of GPB were methicilin resistant SA (MRSA) and increased.Drug-resistant was growing, only few drugs, such as vancomycin to GPB (0) and Imipenem to GNB (17%), kept lower resistance.Conclusions: The distribution and drug resistance of the bacteria had been changing with time and antibiotics use, nosocomial pathogens have shifted away from easily treated bacteria toward more resistant bacteria.Few drugs, such as vancomycin and imipenem and so on, can be selected to treat nosocomial pathogens.Integrated management is a method to improve it.

Key words: nosocomial infection, lower respiratory tract infection, bacteria, drug resistance
