首都医科大学学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 114-118.

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


李慧, 韩丽晖, 吴明辉   

  1. 首都医科大学北京妇产医院妇科
  • 收稿日期:2007-12-25 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2009-02-21 发布日期:2009-02-21

Report of Reproductive Health Situation among Adolescent in Beijing Area

Li Hui, Han Lihui, Wu Minghui   

  1. Department of Gynecology, Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University
  • Received:2007-12-25 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-02-21 Published:2009-02-21

摘要: 目的 调查部分青少年对生殖健康知识的了解及对性行为的态度和性行为状况,了解目前北京市在青少年生殖健康知识的普及和服务上存在的主要问题并探索解决办法。方法 选择北京市西城区、海淀区部分职业高中生和部分大学在校生,采用自行设计的调查问卷,由经过统一培训的技术人员调查,由被调查者本人填写并经过复核检查。结果 1 在性行为特点上,不同性别有性生活的比例不同:男生明显高于女生(P<0.01);在有性生活者中,11.9%有妊娠和流产史,男女生间差异有统计学意义(P=0.022);14%的被调查者有生殖道感染症状;25.3%有2个以上性伴侣;74.6%有避孕措施,其中78.3%使用避孕套;71.4%的男生和63.8%的女生了解紧急避孕知识,差异均无统计学意义。 2 在其社会特征上,60.7%的学生的父亲和50%的学生的母亲的职业属白领阶层。3 在获得生殖健康相关知识的途径上,仅 21.7% 的人在咨询时会选择专业人员; 53.2% 的男生通过网络、 72.5% 的女生通过媒体了解避孕及生殖健康信息(P<0.01),差异有统计学意义;男生和女生对艾滋病的主要传播途径的了解差异亦有统计学意义(P<0.05); 78.6% 的男生和 75.8% 的女生知道避孕套能预防艾滋病。结论 1 在被调查的学生中男生性生活者比例较高,应成为关注的重点。 2 25.3%的被调查者有多个性伴侣,是艾滋病和生殖道感染的潜在高危人群,应加强教育和保护。 3 父母为高收入阶层的子女发生性行为者较多,应同时对学生的父母进行教育。 4 避孕套是最常用也较容易得到的避孕工具,应做好普及发放工作,同时推广紧急避孕方法,更好地保护青少年。 5 针对男女生的不同特点,加强网络教育和媒体宣传。 6 做好专业服务及专业咨询工作,提高就诊率,使青少年能得到更专业、更适合的服务。

关键词: 青少年, 生殖健康, 流行病学

Abstract: Objective To realize the existing problems in reproductive health among adolescent in Beijing area and provide resolvent method. Methods Using questionnaire to study the reproductive health of students in professional high school and university in Xicheng and Haidian districts. The questionnaire included basic situation, understanding and popularization of reproductive health, sexual activity, and service of reproductive health. Results 1 Among different sexual distinction, the proportion of having sexual activity was different. In female student, the proportion is obviously higher than in males(P<0.01). Among the students that having sexual activity, 11.9% had pregnancy and abortion history. There is remarkable difference between males and females(P=0.022).14% had symptoms of genital tract infection; 74.6% had contraceptive measure, and 78.3% of these student using condom; 71.4% of male and 63.8% of female know emergency contraception. 2 As the social characteristic, the profession of 60.7% father and 50% mother were white collar. 3 21.7% students select professional workers to consult. 53.2% male used internet and 72.5% female used medium to get contraception and reproductive health information(P<0.01). There is also remarkable difference between males and females in the the transmitting route of HIV.78.6% male and 75.8% female knew condom could prevent HIV. Conclusion 1 It should be highly concerned that the proportion of having sexual activity is male among investigated addescents. 2 25.3% of students who have more than one sexual partner and are risk group of HIV and genital tract infection. It is important to strengthen the education and protection for these students. 3 The students whose parents having high salary tend to have sexual activity and should be educated. 4 Condom is common and feasible to receive, The popularization and delivery work should be carried out, meanwhile, knowledge of emergency contraception should be provided to protect the health of addescents. 5 Sexual experience popularization should be strengthen through internet and medium according to the different characters of male and females. 6 In order to provide more professional and suitable service for adolescents, professional service and consultant work should be performed well and efficiently.

Key words: adolescent, reproductive health, epidemiology
