首都医科大学学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 914-922.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2020.06.009

• 基础研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


袁惠莉1, 宫晓丽2,3, 范征4, 梁志刚5, 王晓民2,3,6*   

  1. 1.北京卫生职业学院思想政治教学部,北京 101101;
    2.首都医科大学基础医学院生理学与病理生理学系,北京 100069;
    3.首都医科大学教育部神经变性病重点实验室,北京 100069;
    4.首都医科大学基础医学院药理学系,北京 100069;
    5.青岛大学附属烟台毓璜顶医院神经内科,山东烟台 264000;
    6.首都医科大学北京脑重大疾病研究院,北京 100069
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-30 出版日期:2020-12-21 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Effects and mechanism of Tenuigenin on lipopolysaccharide induced Parkinson's disease model

Yuan Huili1, Gong Xiaoli2,3, Fan Zheng4, Liang Zhigang5, Wang Xiaomin2,3,6*   

  1. 1. Department of Ideological and Political,Beijing Health Vocational College,Beijing 101101,China;
    2. Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology,School of Basic Medical Sciences,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100069,China;
    3. Key Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Disorders of the Ministry of Education,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100069,China;
    4. Department of Pharmacology,School of Basic Medical Sciences,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100069,China;
    5. Department of Neurology, Yuhuangding Hospital,Qingdao University, Yantai 264000, Shandong Province, China;
    6. Beijing Research Institute of Brain Diseases,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100069,China
  • Received:2020-06-30 Online:2020-12-21 Published:2021-01-18
  • Contact: * E-mail:xmwang@ccmu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Chinese National Basic Research Program (2011CB504100), Beijing Municipal Commission of Education Science and Technology Development Program General Project Fund(KM201810025001).

摘要: 目的 通过模拟中药口服、疗程用药的方式,探究远志皂苷(Tenuigenin,TEN)对细菌脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide, LPS)诱导的帕金森病(Parkinson's disease, PD)模型大鼠的作用及机制。方法 实验分5个组,通过动物行为学测试、大鼠黑质及血浆中炎性反应因子含量测定、黑质多巴胺(dopamine,DA)能神经元存活率检测和主要脏器组织形态学切片观察,研究TEN对炎症性PD模型大鼠的作用及机制。结果 TEN能够改善炎症性PD模型大鼠的行为学损伤,降低黑质DA能神经元的病死率,抑制黑质炎性反应因子含量,对主要脏器的组织形态学无影响。结论 TEN对PD模型大鼠具有神经保护作用,其机制与抗感染活性密切相关。

关键词: 远志皂苷, 帕金森病, 细菌脂多糖, 细胞因子, 炎性反应

Abstract: Objective To investigate the effects of Tenuigenin (TEN) on lipopolysaccharide (LPS) -induced rat model of Parkinson's disease (PD). Methods Five experimental groups were set up to analyze the effect and mechanism of TEN on PD rats, with animal behavior tests, detection of inflammatory cytokines in the substantia nigra and plasma, detection of the survival rate of dopamine (DA) neurons and observation of morphological sections of major metabolic organs. Results The treatment with TEN improved motor impairment induced by LPS. Also, TEN significantly ameliorated the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons and inhibited the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines in substantia nigra. Furthermore, TEN had no effect on the major metabolic organs. Conclusion TEN showed neuroprotective effect on PD rats. The mechanism is related to the anti-inflammatory activity of TEN.

Key words: Tenuigenin, Parkinson's disease, lipopolysaccharide, cytokines, inflammatory response
