首都医科大学学报 ›› 1992, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 117-123.

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尔秀江, 李哲先, 毕如玫, 徐秀红, 贾保祥, 刘宏   

  1. 首都医学院附属北京友谊医院移植免疫研究室
  • 收稿日期:1991-03-04 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1992-04-15 发布日期:1992-04-15

Initial Study on the Association between Diabetes and HLA

Er Xiujiang, Li Zhexian, Bi Rumei, Xu Xiuhong, Jia Baoxiang, Liu Hong   

  1. Transplant Immunology Research Laboratory of Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Institute of Medicine
  • Received:1991-03-04 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1992-04-15 Published:1992-04-15

摘要: 对29例糖尿病病人做了HLA分型,并同59例健康人HLA分型结果进行了比较。发现糖尿病组DRw12、Cw9、DRw17、Bw75、A3、DR9、A2、DQw2、B35、DQw9、DRw53、Cw6、DR7等抗原频率均有明显增高,而Cw7、Cw1、B39、DR4、DRw16、A26、DR1、DQw5、DQw8、DQw6等抗原频率均有显著性降低。A2-B13、DRwl2-DQw7和B35~Cw93种单倍型,具有显著性水平的连锁不平衡,其△值为正值,呈明显正向连结;而Cw10-DQw6、Cw6-DRw12、Cw10-DRw15、B35-Cw10、A2-B35、Cw4-DQw9、Cw4-DR9、B60-Cw9、DRw12-DQw2、A24-Cw6、A3-B13等单倍型,具有显著性水平的负连锁不平衡,其△值为负值,呈明显负向连结。提示可能同频率降低的抗原一样,是有保护性意义的。

关键词: 糖尿病, HLA抗原, 单倍型, 关联性

Abstract: HLA typing in 29 cases of diabetes patients were perfomed, and then those were com-pared with the HLA typing results in 59 cases of health individuals. The antigen friquencies were distinctly rose in DRw12, Cw9, DRw17, Bw75, A3, DR9, A2, DQw2, B35, DQw9, DRw53, Cw6 and DR7 etc, compared with normal individuals as control group. The antigen friquencies of Cw7, Cw1, B39, DR4, DRw16, A26, DR1, DQw5, DQw8 and DQw6 etc, dis-tinctly reduced. The haplotype A2-B13, DRw12-DQw7 and B35-Cw9 had significant linkage disequilibrium. The linkage disequilibrium parameters were of positive numbers, they showed orthodromic links; but the linkage disequilibrium parameters of Cw10-DQw6, Cw6-DRw12, Cw10-DRw15, B35-Cw10, A2-B35, Cw4-DQw9, Cw4-DR9, B60-Cw9, DRw12-DQw2, A24-Cw6 and A3-B13, were negative, they showed minus links, those prompt to what they could be specific haplotypes with protective sense.

Key words: diabetes, HLA antigen, haplotype, association
