首都医科大学学报 ›› 2000, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 147-148.

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陈桂荣, 杨卿   

  1. 首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院
  • 收稿日期:1999-12-20 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2000-04-15 发布日期:2000-04-15

The Analysis on the Risk Factors of Relapse of Cerebral Hemorrage

Chen Guirong, Yang Qing   

  1. Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Affiliate of Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:1999-12-20 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-04-15 Published:2000-04-15

摘要: 为探讨高血压患者再次脑出血发生的危险因素,收集了221例脑出血病例,随访观察3~6年。其中47例发生再次出血,再发生率21%.并研究了再次脑出血与血压、性别及临床相关指标的关系。结果显示:脑出血再次发生与高血压密切相关(P<0.05),脑出血再发生的病例预后较差,仅25%的病人可获得较好的功能恢复。提示:预防高血压和控制首次脑出血后血压水平是减少脑出血死亡和致残的重要途径。

关键词: 高血压, 脑出血, 危险因素

Abstract: cases of cerebral hemorrage were collected to explore the risk factors of the relapse of cerebral hemorrage caused by hypertension. 47 of the cases had relapsing cerebral hemorrage and the relapse rate was 21%. The relation between relapse of cerebral hemorrage and blood pressure, age, sex and prognosis were also studied,which suggested that the hypertension was the first factor whether it was in the first or the relapsing cerebral hemorrage.The prognosis of relapsing cerebral hemorrage was bad, of which, only 25% had better functional recovery. So, prevention and control of hypertention, especially the level of blood pressure after cerebral hemorrage, is very important to reduce the death and disability caused by cerebral hemorrage.

Key words: hepertension, brain hemorrhage, risk factor
