首都医科大学学报 ›› 2003, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 478-482.

• 论著·临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


万云高1, 黄蔚1, 华琦1, 杨莘1, 吴昊2, 徐武夷3, 田建华4, 葛堪忆5, 杨凤池6, 刘朝晖1, 李学文1, 吉训明1, 张建1   

  1. 1. 首都医科大学宣武医院心血管内科;2. 佑安医院;3. 小汤山医院;4. 地坛医院;5. 北京大学第三医院;6. 首都医科大学心理学教研室
  • 收稿日期:2003-07-20 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2003-10-15 发布日期:2003-10-15

Emotional and Depressive Differences between Doctors and Nurses Fighting Against SARS

Wan Yungao1, Huang Wei1, Hua Qi1, Wu Hao1, Xu Wuyi2, Tian Jianhua3, Ge Kanyi4, Yang Fengchi5, Yang Xin6, Liu Zhaohui1, Li Xuewen1, Ji Xunming1, Zhang Jian1   

  1. 1. Xuanwu Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences;2. Yuan Hospital;3. Xiaotangshan Hospital;4. Ditan Hospital;5. Capital University of Medical Sciences;6. Renmin Hospital
  • Received:2003-07-20 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2003-10-15 Published:2003-10-15

摘要: 为分析抗击严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)的医生与护士的心理状态和差异,在SARS暴发的3个月中共收集了来自多家SARS定点医院的1532份医生和护士的心理健康问卷,应用时勘心理量表与Zung自评抑郁量表进行分析比较。发现无论处于一线还是二线,医生的一般心理健康得分要高于护士,自评抑郁量表得分低于护士,且护士的自评抑郁量表得分要高于常模组。逐步相关回归分析显示,抑郁量表得分同压力源,如“社会对医护人员的支持不够”,“治疗条件和生活环境不好”,“缺乏家庭亲人的支持和交流”等有关,同参加体育锻炼的程度,文化程度呈负相关。医生的心理状态和抑郁状态好于护士。提示应针对不同原因给予干预,同时应对于发现的相关因素予以改善。

关键词: 严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS), 自评抑郁量表(SDS), 心理, 临床, 医生, 护士

Abstract: The objective was to analyze the difference in mentation between doctors and nurses.In three months of SARS epedemic,altogether 1532 psychological questionnaires were collected from doctors and nurses who were working in many SARS-related hospitals.No watter in the firstline or the supparting line,doctors scored higher than nurses,and lower in SDSthan nurses.Compared with the normal persons nurse scored higher about SDS.SDSwas about"being short of support from the society","bad treating and living condition","being short of support from relatives",and so on.In addition was the score about SDS,reversely correlated with the degree of the exercise and the educational level.Compared with the nurses,doctors have better mentation.The psychological intervention should be based on the different causes.The related factors that cause the increase of the stress should be controlled.

Key words: SARS, Self-Rating Depression Sale(SDS), psychology, clinical, doctor, nurse
