首都医科大学学报 ›› 2007, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (4): 492-494.

• 基础研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 首都医科大学校医院
  • 收稿日期:2007-01-07 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2007-08-24 发布日期:2007-08-24

Screening Analysis and Preventive Measures of Tubercle Bacillus Infection in Undergraduates Clinic Attached to Capital Medical University

Zhu Xian   

  1. Policlinic, Capital Medical University
  • Received:2007-01-07 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-08-24 Published:2007-08-24

摘要: 目的 分析2005级和2006级学生肺结核筛查的检查结果,讨论控制大学生结核病流行的预防措施。方法 以首都医科大学2005级和2006级2 410名新生作为受检对象,采用500毫安X线机进行胸透检查及结核菌素试验(PPD)。结果 2005级新生1 504名接受PPD试验,结果显示强阳性20例,强阳性率为1.33%;2006级906名新生接受PPD试验,结果显示强阳性11例,强阳性率为1.21%。2005级和2006级所有新生均进行了胸部X线光检查,2005级受检新生1 504例,检查结果显示肺结核患者6例,肺结核患病率为0.399%;2006级受检新生906例,检查结果显示肺结核患者3例,肺结核患病率为0.331%。结论 入学新生的肺结核患病率不低于国家基本控制指标;PPD检测是结核病有效的筛查方法。大学生是肺结核病传播的高危人群,应加强健康教育,提高身体素质,增强对结核病的抵抗力,养成良好的卫生习惯,防止和减少传染机会。应定期对在校学生进行体格检查,以便早期发现肺结核病人,并采取积极措施予以防控。

关键词: 大学生, 结核病结核菌素试验, 筛查

Abstract: Objective To analyze the results of tuberculosis(TB) screening for undergraduate freshmen in Grade 1 classes of 2005 and 2006.Capital Medical University and to discuss the preventive measures of TB infection in undergraduates.Methods Chest X-ray(with 500 mA X-ray machine) and Purified Protein Derivative(PPD) tests were carried out among 2410 undergraduate freshmen in Grade 1 classes of 2005 and 2006 of Capital Medical University.Results PPD tests were carried out among 1504 undergraduate freshmen in Grade 1 class of 2005 with 20 positive cases accounting for 1.33% and among 906 undergraduate freshmen in Grade 1 class of 2006 with 11 positive cases accounting for 1.21%.Chest X-ray for TB was carried out among 1504 undergraduate freshmen in Grade 1 class of 2005 with 6 cases infected with TB accounting for 0.399% and among 906 undergraduate freshmen in Grade 1 class of 2006 with 3 cases infected accounting for 0.331%.Conclusion The prevalence rates of TB among undergraduate freshmen are not lower than that of the national basic TB control index.PPD test is an effective screening method.College students are highly vulnerable to TB.Measures should be taken to improve the resistance to TB and to prevent and reduce the infection of TB,by strengthening health education,building up constitution and developing good personal hygienic habits.Regular physical checkup should be carried out among college students on campus in order to detect early TB cases and take active preventive and control measures.

Key words: undergraduates, tuberculin test of TB, screening
