Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2000, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 1-4.
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Li Xiaoyi, Tong Xuehong, Zhang Shuhua, Chen Zhe, Gao Na, Yu Fen, Zhang Maoxian, Zhang Yingcai
Abstract: Distribution of the antidromic action potential evoked by the stimulation of the spinal cord (AAPSC) and EPSP evoked by the stimulation of the optic tectum (EPSPOT) on the soma and ventral dendrite of the crucian carp Mauthner cell was explored by means of multiple intracellular recording technique. The results showed that the maximum amplitude of the AAPSC was recorded at the soma, it declined progressively along the ventral dendrite. The minimum amplitude of EPSPOT was recorded at the soma, it increased gradually along the ventral dendrite and declined gradually near the end of the ventral dendrite. It suggested that the optic tectum inputs concentrated and impinged on the sites near the end of the ventral dendrite.
Key words: Mauthner cell, ventral dendrite, optic tectum, crucian carp
CLC Number:
Li Xiaoyi;Tong Xuehong;Zhang Shuhua;Chen Zhe;Gao Na;Yu Fen;Zhang Maoxian;Zhang Yingcai. Distribution of Excitatory Inputs from the Optic Tectum on the Ventral Dendrite of the Mauthner Cell[J]. Journal of Capital Medical University, 2000, 21(1): 1-4.
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