Submission Guidelines

  • The "Journal of Capital Medical University" is a comprehensive medical and health academic journal supervised by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission and sponsored by Capital Medical University. It is recognized as a source journal for Chinese scientific and technological papers, a core journal in Chinese language, and a "dual-effective" journal in the Chinese journal matrix, included in numerous domestic and international retrieval systems. The journal publishes outstanding research papers from medical and health professionals both domestically and internationally.

    I. Submission Materials

    The submission files mainly include the main text of the paper (in Word format), the introduction letter from the institution (using the template from the "official website-Download Center" or any version from institutions, in PDF or jpg format), the author's authorization (available at "Download Center- Authorization", in PDF or jpg format), ethical approval documents, and fund certification documents. Please upload the relevant documents to the system in the designated response locations. Before submitting, authors should confirm that the content of the manuscript falls within the scope of the journal based on the journal introduction.


    II. Submission Method

    The journal implements online registration for submission, online receipt, and online review. Submissions via email are no longer accepted. When submitting, authors are requested to log in to the journal's website at (, click on "Author Submission," and fill in the registration form to complete the submission process.


    III. Online Inquiry

    Authors can log in to the journal's website, and keep track of their articles after logging into the site using their username and password.


    IV. Layout Fee

    The editorial department of the "Journal of Capital Medical University" will charge a certain layout fee for the manuscripts that are decided to be published. The fee is based on the the printed pages, with a standard of "400 yuan per printed page + 100 yuan per color page." After the article is published, two volumes of the current issue of the journal will be gifted to the first author, and expressed together with the invoice to the author.


    Editorial Board of the "Journal of Capital Medical University"

    December 2023



  • 2025-01-09 Visited: [an error occurred while processing this directive]