Open Access Statement

  • 1. Open Access: "The 'Journal of Capital Medical University' is an open-access journal. Once published, all articles will be permanently available for readers to read and download for free on our website. The publication uses the Creative Commons license to allow third-party users to reproduce and distribute this work in any medium and in any form in accordance with the BY- Non-Commercial (NC) - No Interpretation (ND) (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) agreement. As long as the terms of the license agreement are complied with, the licensor cannot withdraw these rights.The conditions that must be followed are as follows: The user must give an appropriate attribution, provide a link to this license, and indicate whether the original work has been modified. It may be attributed in any reasonable manner, but it must not in any way imply that the licensor endorses its use. This work may not be used for commercial purposes. If a work is remixed, converted, or re-created based on that work, a modified work may not be distributed. Authors have the right to share and use their articles under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 agreement. The creative Commons license for details, please visit:

    2. Copyright Ownership: All authors who publish papers in this journal agree to sign the 'Authorization for the exclusive use of Copyright'. Once the paper is published in this magazine, the authors agree to automatically and freely transfer the copyright of the paper to the Editorial Department of Capital Medical University, including the rights of reproduction, distribution, compilation, and communication through information networks. Capital Medical University has the right to use the paper through electronic, multimedia, network, and other forms.

    3. Archiving Methods: All journal articles published in this journal have been digitally archived and are searchable and downloadable on the journal's website. Both the print and electronic versions of each issue are archived in the editorial department. To ensure data security, all information is also backed up in the editorial department. All other relevant materials, such as additional information and forms provided by the authors when submitting their papers, are also archived in the editorial department.

    4. Open Science and Data Sharing: The editorial department strives to respect the protection of intellectual property rights and requires editors, authors, and reviewers to respect intellectual property rights as well. Any potential infringement should be avoided. Third-party organizations must also respect the intellectual property rights of this journal and must not infringe upon them. Under the premise of protecting intellectual property rights, this journal encourages open science practices and encourages authors to publish and share research data when appropriate. Data that can generally be shared includes raw data, observation records, experimental results, etc. This journal also encourages authors to share research-related software, code, models, algorithms, protocols, methods, and other useful materials. Authors can upload the materials to accessible third-party storage platforms and provide the links as attachments at the end of the article.


    Editorial Board of the "Journal of Capital Medical University"

    December 2023

  • 2023-12-14 Visited: 2231