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    15 January 2000, Volume 21 Issue 1
    Distribution of Excitatory Inputs from the Optic Tectum on the Ventral Dendrite of the Mauthner Cell
    Li Xiaoyi;Tong Xuehong;Zhang Shuhua;Chen Zhe;Gao Na;Yu Fen;Zhang Maoxian;Zhang Yingcai
    2000, 21(1):  1-4. 
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    Distribution of the antidromic action potential evoked by the stimulation of the spinal cord (AAPSC) and EPSP evoked by the stimulation of the optic tectum (EPSPOT) on the soma and ventral dendrite of the crucian carp Mauthner cell was explored by means of multiple intracellular recording technique. The results showed that the maximum amplitude of the AAPSC was recorded at the soma, it declined progressively along the ventral dendrite. The minimum amplitude of EPSPOT was recorded at the soma, it increased gradually along the ventral dendrite and declined gradually near the end of the ventral dendrite. It suggested that the optic tectum inputs concentrated and impinged on the sites near the end of the ventral dendrite.
    Expression and Localization of BDNFmRNA to Neurons in the Brain Following Midbrain Reticular Formation Injury by in Situ Hybridization
    Zhang Jiajin;Zhai Jing;Chang Pengfei
    2000, 21(1):  5-8. 
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    In order to observe the expression and localization of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA in the rat brain following midbrain reticular formation(MRF) injury, MRF injury was produced by means of neurotoxin ibotenic acid(IA) injection into MRF. Synthetic oligonucleotide probed for BDNF mRNA was lebeled with digoxigenin(DIG). In situ hybridization was used to study expression and localization of BDNFmRNA in brain. In the hippocampal formation, strongly labeled neurons were found in and around the pyramidal layer, as well as in the granular layer and hilus of the dentate gyrus of the rats. Other neurons in these areas were more weakly labeled or unlabeled. High BDNFmRNA expression was also observed in scattered neurons in cortex cerebri, in many neurons in claustrum and in certain other areas. These results suggested that BDNF might act via a direct neuron to neuron interaction . The localization of BDNFmRNA expression in cortical areas and in claustrum suggested that the target neurons for this factor extended beyond the sensory ganglion and retinal ganglion cells. Finaily , BDNF mRNA expression in vivo in the central nervous system appeared to be mostly confined to neurons.
    A Study of Allotransplanted Fetal Ovary in Rat
    Cao Jinyan;Shi Xiaolin;Zhu Dingshou
    2000, 21(1):  9-11. 
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    Seventeen-day-old to nineteen day-old-fetal ovaries was allotransplanted heterotopically(under the renal capsule and subcutaneous tissure in neck) to bilaterally ovariectomized adult Wistar rat.Restoration of cyclic activity about 25 day or so after transplantation was found by observing ovariectomized adult recipient vaginal smears.Transplanted ovarian necrosis can be observed on day 5 after transplantation in subcutaneous group,there was no obvious necrosis in renal capsule group. Both of the two groups have a lot of primordial follicles on the day 10. Developing follicles of different stages,corpora lutea and interstitial gland existed on day 25 or later. This study showed that the allotransplanted fetal ovaries could live,grow well and secret steroid hormone.
    Effect of Chinese Herb Spinal Cord Granule I on CGRP Expression in Located Dorsal Root Ganglia in Rats with Spinal Cord Hemisection
    Han Fengyue;Su Jing;Liu Weidong;Zhang Ping;Chang Chaoying;Liu En;Ma Yuping;Gao Xiulai;Chen Yaliang;Lu Tao;Jing Peng
    2000, 21(1):  12-15. 
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    In order to study effect of spinal cord granule I (SCI) on calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) expression in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) after spinal cord injury and to inquire into mechanism of promoting spinal cord regeneration in rats with SCI, effect of SCI on CGRP expression in DRG of Wistar rats subjected to right hemisection at the lower thoracic spinal cord were evaluated by immunocytochemistry and quantitative image analysis. The results are followed as: ① A significant down regulation of CGRP expression in ipsilateral 3 DRG oral and caudal to the injury level was caused by spinal cord hemisection respectively. The down regulation of CGRP expression is consistent and no reversed during one month after spinal cord injury. ② The down regulation of CGRP expression was evidently relieved but not prevented with administration of SCI. ③ The down regulation of CGRP expression induced by spinal cord injury was not relieved with administration of Buyang huanwutang or hydrocortisone in a large doses. ④The spinal tissue injured was repaired and regenerated in rats with administration of SCI. So that, the results not only suggested a possibility that reversion of CGRP expression following down regulation may be as a mark for regeneration of spinal cord tissue injured, but also indicated that it may be one of mechanisms for promoting repair and regeneration of spinal cord injured that SCI regulates CGRP mRNA expression.
    Parkinson Disease Models with 6-OHDA-lesioned Rats with Dopaminergic Neurons Loss and Proto oncogene c-fos Expression
    Li Depeng;Xu Qunyuan;Zhang Jinlu;Liu Yujun;Lu Qiang
    2000, 21(1):  16-19. 
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    To explore correlation between proto oncogene c-fos expression in the striatum and dopaminergic neurons loss in the midbrain, twenty rats with unilateral 6-OHDA-lesioned dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain, were used for PD models which were divided into two groups, according to postoperative survival time. The abnormal rotations and c-fos expression could be induced by injection of apomorphine in all these rat models. Distribution of TH positive neurons and c-fos positive cells was observed with immunohistochemistry. The immunohistochemical staining of brain sections showed that a significant loss of TH positive and TH intensively positive neurons in the lesion side could be observed from the rats survived 7 days after lesion and completely disappeared from the rats survived 2 months. In addition, an expression of c-fos gene could be induced in the caudate putamen by injection of apomorphine from the rats survived 2 months in the experiment group. The results indicated that proto oncogene c-fos expression in the caudate putamen could reflect dopaminergic neurons lesion of PD. Whether c-fos expression could be induced or not depended on the degree of dopaminergic neurons lesion.
    The Suppressive Effect of Tumor Necrosis Factor on Proliferation of Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells in Vitro
    Zhang Haiyan;Li Weihong;Ma Hongru;Pan Lizhen
    2000, 21(1):  20-22. 
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    In the present investigation, the cytotoxic activity of tumor necrosis factor was studied on proliferation of human lung cancer cells in vitro. After the MTS were cocultured with TNF (104U/mL), data presented showed the suppressive effects of TNF on MTS of A549(P<0.05). Twenty four hour exposured of the A549 cell line with TNF (104U/mL), the growth curve, the population doubling time and the plating efficiency were tested. After pretreatment with TNF, it shifted the growth curve of A549, the population doubling time increased from 37 h to 43 h, but the plating efficiency was decreased from 52 percent to 15 percent. The proliferation of the stem cell of A549 the human lung cancer cell lines could be inhibited by TNF.
    Key Technique in Computer Assisted Instruction Research and Application
    Ma Binrong
    2000, 21(1):  23-25. 
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    Key technique in CAI research and application was introduced in this paper. Environment of CAI′s research and application has been mentioned. Dispose of multi function classroom and multi media Lab was also offered in the paper.
    Dynamic Changes of Apoptosis Happened in Local Ischemic Penumbra of Rats
    Zhao Xingquan;Long Jie;Zhang Zaiqiang;Li Xiaoling;Wang Qun
    2000, 21(1):  26-28. 
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    In order to observe dynamic change characters of the apoptosis happened in the local ischemic penumbra of rats,models of MCAO(middle cerebral artery obstruction)were made with the thread plugged method. A specific method to test apoptosis named TUNEL method was supplied to observe the ischemia involved brain tissue that happened at different time. Most of the marked positive cells, which were detected at different time, were noticed at local ischemic penumbra areas. The number of apoptosis cells were 3.60±1.02/mm2, 15.60±2.06/mm2, 22.40±1.85/mm2, 33.00±2.83/mm2 respectively which were calculated at 1,3,6,12 h after artery obstruction .It reached at 46.60±3.01/mm2 24 h after obstruction and reduced to 13.60±2.47/mm2 48 h later. It gradually disappeared (5.00± 1.41/mm2)after 72 h. The differences above were confirmed by the statistic analyses(P< 0.01).The number of apoptosis increased following the duration after ischemia of brains, it reached at peak value at 24 h later and reduced significantly after 48 h,then, it almost disappeared after 72 h of obstruction.
    Study on the Curative Effect on Cerebral Ischemia in Gerbils with the Danggui Complex Mixture
    Feng Lianze;Yang Liping;Yang Lianxue;Wang Wei;Liu Qian;Sun Xia;Lu Houzhen
    2000, 21(1):  29-32. 
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    In order to observe the curative effect on cerebral ischemia in the gerbils with the Danggui (Angelica sinensis) complex mixture, the change of the study and memory ability of the gerbils in the cerebral ischemic model group was observed by means of the shuttle box. Morphological change in their hippocampal tissues was observed under the microscopes. The sections of the hippocampal tissue were made use of routine HE, Nills staining. After ligating their unilateral carotid, the memory ability of the gerbils in the model group was significantly lower than that in the preopertive normal value (P<0.01). The regain of memory ability of the gerbils in the treated group with the traditional Chinese medicine (n= 24) was significantly faster than that in the control group (n= 24) (P<0.01). The hippocampal tissue in the model group showed the pathological harm. The pyramid cells of hippocampus in the model group were less than that in the normal group (P<0.01), and the pyramid cells in the treated group were more than those in the control group (P<0.01). The result showed that the Danggui complex mixture could reduce the cerebral pathological harm,promote to regain the physiologic function of postischemic brain,improve the cerebral circulation, and protect on the brain.
    Inactivation of the p16/MTS1 Gene in Multiple Human Cancers
    Gao Juzhong;Zhu Zhangling;Xiao Bai;Wang Yue;Chi Guizhu;Yu Shasha;Liu Fuxing;Li Zhengting;Zhang Yu
    2000, 21(1):  33-36. 
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    Inactivation of the p16/MTS1 gene was examined by homozygous deletion, methylation of 5′ CpG islands and silencing of expression in multiple tumor samples from patients. Homozygous deletion and de novo methylation of the gene were confirmed in 15(14%) of 108 and 8(14%) of 58 patients, respectively. Protein product of p16 was detected by immunohistochemical method. Rate of p16 gene expressive deletion was 44% (28/63). The p16 deletion rates were significantly higher in poorly differen tiated group. In accordance with following up the patients, 6 cases died and 1 case metastasized after operation in a half year in 17 patients with lung cancer or esophageal carcinoma whose p16 gene was inactivated; 4 cases recurred in 6 patients with bladder cancer whose p16 gene were homozygously deleted or methylated. These results suggested that inactivation of the p16 gene appeared to be a common event in multiple cancers and might be associated with histological grade and prognosis.
    Effect of Acute Hypoxia High Altitude on Myocardical Structure in Rat
    Liu Honggang;Wang Yangzong
    2000, 21(1):  37-40. 
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    In order to determine the changes of the myocardial structure at the acute high altitude exposure in rats, the rats were took from lower to higher altitudes, the observation was aimed in the study of rat myocardial specimen under light and electronic microscopes. It was found that there were severe lesions in left and right ventricle and interventricular septum, such as cloud swelling, hydropic degeneration, lytic necrosis and interstitial edema under light microscope. The chondriosomes swelling, sarcoplasmic reticula dilatation, myofibrillae solution and edema of inside and outside of the celles were shown under electronic microscope. The lesions above were more severe in the right ventricle than those in the left(P< 0.01). The results revealed that the cardiac lesions of rats were pancardiac disribution obviously and the lesions of the right ventricle was more severe than those of the left ventricle. It′s also suggested that the protection of whole heart should be paid attention to when move to high altitude in short time.
    Electrophoresis Analysis on Isoenzyme of Different Development Stages of Chinese and American Trichinella spiralis
    Zhang Fan;Jiang Hongjie;Huang Song;Zhu Xinping
    2000, 21(1):  41-42. 
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    The studies on isoenzyme of esterase (EST) and dehydrogenase (LDH) in adults and larvae of Chinese and American Trichinella spiralis (T.s) by PAGE and UVP gel documentation analysis system were reported. The results showed that there were 2 bands of EST isoenzyme in adults and larvae of Chinese heilongjian T.s , respectively. There was only one band of LDH in Chinese T.s larvae. In EST analysis 3 and 2 enzymatic bands were found in adults and larvae of American T.s , respectively. No LDH isoenzyme band of were observed in adults of Chinese and American T.s . Otherwise one band was found both in Chinese larvae and American larvae, the relative mobility was also different. The results indicated that there was genetic difference in different geographical T.s strains. In addition, there was great difference in isoenzyme patterns of different developmental stages of T.s .
    The Serum Levels of Soluble Fas in Patients with Malignant Hematologic Diseases and its Clinical Implication
    Zheng Jia;Liu Fuqiang;Zhai Yanling;Liu Yuanpo;Wang Tian;Li Shoujing;Zhao Xiangyin
    2000, 21(1):  43-45. 
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    In order to study the serum levels of soluble Fas (sFas) in malignant hematologic diseases and its clinical implication, serum levels of sFas in 60 patients with malignant hematologic diseases and in a control group of 30 health volunteers were measured by sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method.Before chemotherapy, the serum levels of sFas in patients with malignant hematologic diseases were significantly higher than those of control group(P<0.01), and were not related to respose to chemotherapy. After chemotherapy, the levels of sFas significantly lowered in complete remission (CR) group (P<0.05), but did not in unremission (NR) group. The levels and changes of sFas might be served as a reference finger to diagnosis some malignant hematologic diseases and to evaluate chemotherapy effect. sFas might be involved in pathogenesis of some malignant hematologic diseases .
    Gastric Electric Activity and Motility in Obstructive Jaundice Rat
    Li Fei;Sun Jiabang;Liu Shuang;Cai Wei;Liu Sumei;Qu Ruiyao;Zeng Wenhong;Qu Belin
    2000, 21(1):  46-48. 
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    The purpose of this study was to determine the gastric electrical activity and motility in obstructive jaundice and stress rat. 41 adult SD rats were used and divided into 4 groups, i.e. sham operation , obstructive jaundice, sham operation stress and obstructive jaundice with stress group. The gastric electrical activity and motility were recorded at same time. Gastric electrical slow wave frequence and motive frequence were increased significantly in obstructive jaundice rat. After cold restrain stress, the amplitute of motility was increased and frequency was decreased obviously. The clustered contractions could be observed in the obstructive jaundice rat. The result suggested that gastric dysrythmias and high frequent clustered contraction may be physical basis of gastric motor dysfunction in obstructive jaundice and stress.
    Relation Ship between the Recessive Cholelithiasis and the Hepatic Lesion
    Jia Yulong;Fan Dongpo
    2000, 21(1):  49-50. 
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    The assay was to study whether the hepatic lesion would exist in patients with gallbladder stone without the typical symtoms. The biopsy of liver tissue was simultaneously performed, when the cholecystectomy was undergone for 100 patients with gallbladder stone.Only 3 cases whose duration of illness were less than 3 months had not abnormality, the remaining 97 cases all existed various kind of the lesions. Because the hepatocyte lesion existed in patients with gallstone,if the diagnosis of gallbladder stone was determined, the cholecystectomy should be needed.
    Clinical Significance of Urodynamics Analysis on Female Dysuria (97 Cases Report)
    Wu Tianping;Dai Qunsheng;Zhou Zongxing;Liang Dejiang
    2000, 21(1):  51-52. 
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    In order to find out the clinical significance of urodynamics on female with dysuria, S WⅢ type urodynamic appratus was used to analyse 97 cases patients. Distal urethrostenosis was 64.9%(63/97), bladder neck obstruction was 5.2%(5/97), uretheral polyp was 3.1%(3/97), urethral cancer was 1.0%(1/97) and normal was 25.8%(25/97). The result showed that urodynamics examination could find out bladder functional status and the site of urethera obstruction and had a great clinical significance.
    Expression of Matrix and Structural Proteins in Cerebral Vascular Malformations
    Yuan Ge;Zhao Jizong
    2000, 21(1):  53-55. 
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    Specimens of 22 cases of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and 22 cases of cavernous malformations (CMs) were paraffin processed with immunohistochemical staining. Four types of matrix and structural proteins (LM, FN, Ⅳc, αSMA) were examined. The results were analyzed by two observes blinded to the antibody and lesion type, and were evaluated in three classes. The AVMs exhibited positive for LM in 9/22, while none of the CMs demonstrated LM expression (P<0.01). By contrast, FN expression was more prominent in CMs than that in AVMs (P<0.01). There was intense and diffuse FN staining in all of the CMs. The expression of Ⅳc and αSMA was noted to be intense throughout the 44 vascular malformations studied. The study demonstrated a clear difference in the expression of FN and LM among the different types of vascular malformations. CMs appeared to exhibit immature vessels devoid of LM, consistent with ongoing dysangiogenesis within a FN rich matrix. In contrast, AVMs represented more mature vessels which expressed LM, consistent with dysvasculogenesis .
    The Effect of Ankangzhui on Induction of Labor in Second Trimester Pregnancy
    Huang Jianping;Hu Yuquan;Chen Shihong;Zhu Yufeng;Wen Jiadi
    2000, 21(1):  56-58. 
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    The efficacy of ankangzhui for labor induction in the second trimester of pregnancy was observed in comparison with revanol. The result showed that the average of duration of labor of ankangzhui group was (24.27±5.18) h, which was significantly less than that of revanol group〔(40.97± 9.26) h, P< 0.001〕. And no more retained placenta or membrane, or vaginal bleeding was found. No more severe reverse effect was recorded. Free allergic test. As it had much successful inducing rate, ankangzhui was thought as a kind of safe and efficient drug for labor induction in second trimester of pregnancy.
    The Relationship between the Degree of Roughness of the Denture Surface and the Adherence of Streptococcus mutans in Vitro
    Zhang Zhenting;Zhao Chen;Yuan Yushu
    2000, 21(1):  59-60. 
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    The purpose of this study was to assess the adherentive ability of Streptococcus mutans to the various textures of base resin surface. The adherence of Streptococcus mutans to three different roughness of denture base was examined in vitro. The results indicated that the degree of roughness of denture base could affect the adherence of the bacteria. The adherence of Streptococcus mutans to higher roughness of denture base was much stronger than that of lower roughness of denture base(P<0.05). It was important to polish the denture base surface to decrease the adherence of Streptococcus .
    The Effect of the Radial Keratotomy with Identical depth Incisions Compared to that with Two-depths Incisions
    Qi Li;Tian Yanjie;Hu Yongxia
    2000, 21(1):  61-62. 
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    In order to compare the effect of radial keratotomy with identical depth incisions and that with two depths incisions, 29 cases (39 eyes) with centripetal incisions were divided into two groups. The groups were operated with identical depth incisions or two depths incisions respectively. The results were dealt with F test. The equal spherical descended (4.7±0.7)D and the corneal refraction descended (4.5±0.8)D two years after surgery with identical depth incisions. To the surgery with two depth incisions , the equal spherical descended (5.0±1.2)D and the corneal refractive descended (4.4±1.3)D. There was no significant difference between the two groups(P>0.05). The surgical effect of redeepened incisions was same as that of identical depth incisions.