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15 April 2000, Volume 21 Issue 2
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Cloning and Identification of Human IgG1Fc cDNA
An Yunqing;Ke Yan;Chen Jindong
2000, 21(2): 93-96.
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According to the cDNA sequences which encode the human IgG1Fc, a pair of primers were designed; The expected gene (Fcγ1
) which encode Fcγ1 was amplified by RT-PCR from mRNA extracted from normal person′s leukocyte; PUC18-Fcγ1
recombinant cloning vector was successfully constructed, and the enzyme digestion analysis are identical to expected results. Sequences are identical to those in GenBank report.
Study on the Fibrous Skeleton of the Normal Heart of Chinese Adults by Using the Computerized Medical Image
Feng Lianze;Lü Fengping;Wang Wei;Lu Houzhen;He Bin
2000, 21(2): 97-100.
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50 normal hearts of Chinese adults have been made into the specimens of the fibrous skeletons of the hearts, and input into the medical image processing system. Their structures were observed and surveyed. The left fibrous trigones and the right ones, the left atrioventricular annuluses and the right ones, the aortic annuluses and the pulmonary ones, the tendons of Todaro, the suraortic curtains, the tricuspid annuluses and the membranous septa of the fibrous skeletons of the hearts have been observed and surveyed. The survey provides 104 data in the treatise. The statistical data are supplied not only for the exploration of the fibrous skeleton and the atrioventricular junction deeply, but also for the operation of cardiac surgery and the technology of cardiac image.
Experimental Observation of in Vitro IL-2 Transcription on the Spleen Cells of Mice Infected by
Schistosoma japonicum
Tian Xiaojun;Xue Yanping;Zhu Xinping;Huang Minjun
2000, 21(2): 101-103.
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In the present study, IL-2 mRNA levels was observed on the spleen cells of mice infected with
Schistosoma japonicum
by RT-PCR in order to find out how relevant the dynamics of the gene expression of the cytokines to granulomatous inflammation. It was found that the expression of IL-2 could not be detected in SEA or ConA treated spleen cells from both uninfected and 3 week infected mice. IL-2 mRNA could be found obviously expressed at 5 week infection, significantly increased at 8 week infection, However, neither 10 and 12 infected mice indicating the modulated expression of mRNA of the cytokine. The observation revealed that the dynamic of IL-2 gene expression paralleled to the granuloma formation and modulation in
S. japonicum
infected BALB/c mice and that IL-2 may play an important role in the modulation of granuloma formation in schistosomiasis japonica .
Morphology Study and Isolated and Cultured Method of Adult Myocytes
Xu Xiufang;Li Wenbin;Chen Baotian;Lü Yanning;Zhao Limin;Chen Yan
2000, 21(2): 104-107.
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In order to build method of a stable isolation and culture of adult myocytes, adult rat myocytes were isolated with bioenzymes (including 5 g/L trypsin and 1 g/L colleagase) perfusing tissue through acceding aorta of the heart. Calcium-tolerant myocytes were harvested, purifyed and cultured with DMEM culture medium . The myocytes quality was evaluated with morphology and trypan blue dye. States of myocytes growing in culture were observed with optical microscope and electron microscope photography. Result: Survival rate of aduld rat myocytes was 91.7%, survival myocytes were motionlessly attached to the bottom of culture plates, they were intact and rod-shaped, their length/width ratio was 4~6: 1. Conclusion: The method of isolation and culture of adult rat myocytes was successful.
Experiment Study on Effects of Artificial Cordyceps Sinensis (Q80) on Lowering Blood Glucose and Excreting Function of Endocrine Cell in Islets
Jia Baoxiang;Zhang Yuhai;Wu Junjie
2000, 21(2): 108-111.
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This study is to determine effect of Q80 on lowering blood glucose and excreting function of endocine cell in islets of diabetic mice by cyclosporine. The diabetic mice resulted from cyclosporine levels were determined by 125 I insulin radioimmunoassay and glucoseoxidation assay. ① Different dose of cyclosporine could heighten the blood glucose and lower the insulin of mice . But the blood glucose and insulin levels recovered to normal levels when withdrawal. And there were significant differences between the blood glucose increase and normal or the insulin reduce and normal. ② The blood glucose of the mice got to normal and insulin could not get to normal after cyclosporine plus Q80 treated by intra abdomial or intro oral way. ③ Using Q80 alone could not change the blood glucose, but Q80 injection could resulted in difference of insulin level. ④ The cyclosporine alone group was compared with Q80 combing with cyclosporine infra oral group in which the insulin level increased and recoved to normal level after two weeks. In the Q80 combining with cyclosporine intro abdomen group, the insulin level increased two weeks after treatment and reduced to lower level than normal after cyclosporine withdrawal. The result showed that: ① Cyclosporine could increase blood glucose level and reduce insulin level by both intra abdomial and intra oral way . ② Herb Q80 had significant effect of lowering blood glucose resulted from cyclosporine. ③ Q80 taken by oral or injection had some inhibit function on the lowering of insulin secreting led by cyclosporine, but no significant difference. ④ The effect of cyclosporine was temporary, the blood glucose would recover to normal once withdrawal, even if the dose of cyclosporine was added to large enough.
Angiotensin converting Enzyme Genotype Distribution in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Gao Mingming;Xiao Bai;Hu Dayi;Zhu Zhangling;Xu Zhimin;Shao Wei;Zhou Yan;Zhou Ju;Liu Jingzhong
2000, 21(2): 112-114.
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To investigate differences in the angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) genotype between patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM) and hypertensive patients with LVH(HH) in China, polymerase chain reaction technique was used to study the ACE gene insertion/deletion polymorphism in 40 HCM patients, 50 HH patients and 61 random controls. The results suggested that the frequencies of D allele were higher in the HCM group (0.513) than in the C gourp (0.344,
<0.05) and the HH group (0.360,
< 0.05), and that the II genotype were lower in the HCM group (0.300) than in the C group (0.508,
< 0.05). This research indicated that ACE D allele was more common in patients with HCM compared with patients with HH.
Serum Levels of Nitrogen Oxide in Uremia and Hemodialysis Patients
Liu Huilan;Zhang Xiaojie;Cai Yingqiu
2000, 21(2): 115-117.
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To evaluate the influence of uremia and hemodialysis on nitrogen oxide(NO) product and it′s clincal value, serum levels of nitrogen oxide were measured in 10 uremia undialyzed patients, 14 hemodialysis patients and 10 normal controls. Nitrogen oxide levels were significantly higher in undialyzed patients and hemodialysis patients than normal controls(
<0.05). NO level was correlated with tumor necrosis factor α in ureamia undialyzed patients(
<0.001). Nitrogen oxide decreased considerably (
<0.05) after hemodialysis but store up again during the interim. The result suggested that enhanced nitrogen oxide product might contribute to some uremic syndromes.
Correlation between PET and Retention of Water and Sodium of Chronic Glomerulonephritis
Shi Lei;Zhao Yiwen;Zhang Xiaoping;Shan Ruoming
2000, 21(2): 118-119.
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In order to study the correlation between retention of water and sodium of chronic glomerulonephritis and plasma endotheliolysin(PET). PET and 24 hours uric protein excretory volume were examined in chronic glomerulonephritis patients with or without retention of water and sodium, found that PET in the group with retention of water and sodium is obviously higher than that in the control group(
<0.01), and in the group without retenion of water and sodium,it is not obviously different from that in control group(
>0.05). It was also found that not only PET in the group with retention of water and sodium, but also the uric protein excretory volume is obviously higher than that in the group without retention of water and sodium. There is no linear correlation between PET and uric protein exeretory volume(
=0.35, t =1.23). So PET may play important role during the physiopathalogic process of chronic glomerulonephritis, but had no direct relation to uric protein excretory volume.
Analysis of 42 Cases with Nosocomial MRSA Infection in Lower Respiratory Tract
Wei Xiuping;Shao Lili
2000, 21(2): 120-121.
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The clinical data of 42 cases with nosocomial MRSA infection in lower respiratory tract were analyzed. The results showed that the patients mostly came from the wards of general ICU and neurosurgery; and nosocomial MRSA infection were closely related to operation, tracheotomy, mechanical ventilation, glucocorticoid use, unsuitable application of antibiotics and serious illness. The isolated MRSA was of multiple antibiotic resistance and easy to form mixed infection with Gram negative bacilli. The treatment of MRSA infection was difficult and it had higher mortality.
The Study of Grave Disease Associated with HLA in Northern Han Chinese
Lu Meihua;Shao Wenshuo
2000, 21(2): 122-124.
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Northern Han Chinese patients with Grave disease and 52 healthy controls were randomly chosen. Ploymerase chain reaction and sequence specific primer (PCR/SSP) were used to determine the frequency of HLA DR2 and DR3. The frequency of DR3 was increased in Grave disease patients, the relative risk (RR) was 3.84(
<0.05). The RR of DR2 was 1.16(
>0.05). The above results suggested that HLA DR3 is associated with Grave disease in Northern Han Chinese.
Effect of Stellate Ganglionic Block on Endocrine Changes at Tracheal Intubation and Incision with General Anesthesia
Zhao Chunting;Wang Enzhen;Zhang Yingping;Miao Chuanlong;Wang Guosu;Wu Jing
2000, 21(2): 125-127.
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To observe the effect of SGB on endocrine changes at tracheal inubation and incision with general anesthesia and to estimate the effect of cervical sympathetic block on regulating and controlling the stress response during this period of time.Twenty eight ASAⅠ~Ⅱ patients for selective neurosurgery were randomly divided into two groups: Group S contains patients who received left SGB five minutes before induction, while Group N as negetive controll is comprised of those who did not receive SGB.Blood specimens were taken to measure the concentration of plasma corticosteroids, prolactin and insulin before anesthesia induction(t 0), after tracheal indubation (t 1),and at the time of incision(t 2). The patients were induced with fentanyl, pancuroniun, and propofol before tracheal intubation.The results showed that concentrations of COR and PRL decreased while INS increased in group S; Concentrations of COR and PRL increased; while INS decreased in group N. Plama level of COR and PRL in group N significantly increased in comparison with group S(
<0.01). Conclusion: Changes of COR, PRL and INS were relatively smaller after SGB during tracheal intubation and incision with general anesthesia which suggest that SGB before induction effectively suppress the stress response during tracheal intubation and incision in general anesthesia work as stable blood dynamics.
Treatment of In stent Restenosis with Rotational Atherectomy and Balloon Angioplasty
Wu Qiming;Song Yuqing;Liu Xuanzhong
2000, 21(2): 128-129.
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To evaluate the treatment of in stent restenosis with rotational atherectomy and balloon angioplasty. The rotational atherectomy and 405.2~607.8 kPa low pressure balloon angioplasty was performed in 3 patients with in stent restenosis. All cases were successful. The management of in stent restenosis in target vessels using a combination of rotational atherectomy and balloon angioplasty is safe and efficient.
Using Biliary-contrast and Biliary endoscope to Prevent Postoperative Residual Calculi during the Operation
Jia Yulong;Fan Dongpo
2000, 21(2): 130-131.
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Using biliary-contrast and biliary-endoscope to reduce the morbility of residual stone in the biliary tract during the operation. 446 cases of simple gall bladder stone treated from Jan 1987 to Dec 1997 were reviewed. All the patients underwent the intraoperative cholangiography, 139 cases were positive. The 139 cases underwent common bile duct exploration, choledochoscope was applied in 56 cases simultaneously. The residual stone in the biliary tract can be avoided by intraoperative cholangiography, the result may be better by applying choledochoscope simultaneously.
Clinical Significance of Residual Urine Volume in Bladder Outlet Obstruction with Benign Prostatic Hyper plasia
Zhang Yong;Wu Zhijin;Gao Juzhong;Guan Delin;Xu Jianjun
2000, 21(2): 132-133.
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Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) was determined by pressure-flow studies. Residual urine volume was measured by urethral catheterization. 145 patients with or without BOO were investigated for residual urine. The mean residual urine volume was (35.2±37.1) mL and (28.2±20.7) mL in BOO group (87 patients) and no BOO group (58 patients), respectively. Residual urine volume was not statistically differenct between the BOO group and no BOO group (
>0.05). The results of pressure-flow studies were significantly different between the BOO group and no BOO group (
<0.01). It is evident that the absence of post void residual urne does not rule out BOO.
Study on Point Implantation with Allograft Rabbit Cartilage for Repairing Articular Cartilage Defects
Cheng Yiquan;Yong Yimin;Hu Huaijian;Shen Huiliang
2000, 21(2): 134-136.
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A novel method of cartilage transplantation, point implantation, have been developed for repairing articular cartilage defects. 30 New Zealand rabbits were divided into three groups randomly: In group Ⅰ, the new born allograft cartilage masses were transplanted into the holes in the defect which was made previously. In group Ⅱ, The cultured new born allograft chondrocytes were transplanted like group Ⅰ, and then the holes were covered by collagen gel. In group Ⅲ, The holes in the defect were left empty. Healing of the defects was assessed by gross examination、 light microscopy、 histological histochemical scoring and electron microscopy at 2、4、12 and 24 weeks. Twenty four weeks after the transplantation, the defects were filled with hyaline cartilage, while the defects without transplantation healed with fiber tissue and fibrocartilage. The histologic quality scores of the repair tissue were significantly better in all knees in which defects were treated with point implantation compared to knees in which defects were treated with drilling only. Point Implantation can obtain satisfactory hyaline cartilage repair when used in some large area defects.
Alumina Cream-induced Focal Motor Epilepsy in Cats
Zhang Weili;Luan Guoming;Yan Li;Meng He
2000, 21(2): 137-139.
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Various dosages of alumina cream were spectively injected into the unilateral motor areas in cats in order to study its effect on the development of chronic focal epilepsy. The changes of cats′ behaviors, histological analysis and electroencephalographic(EEG) were observed from two to four months. Histological analysis showed that alumina cream produced an epileptic foci. Spikes were recorded easily during EEG monitoring when injection dosage was increased to 100~150 μL. But none of the cats were observed to occur spontaneous seizures. These results indicated that alumina cream could induced the abnormal changes of EEG in cats, however, because spontaneous seizures were less predicatable and were not observed, the reliability of this preparation in cats as a model of chronic focal epilepsy was debatable.
Expression of Angiogenic Factors in Cerebral Vascular Malformations
Yuan Ge;Zhao Jizong
2000, 21(2): 140-143.
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To subject paraffin processed specimens of 22 cases of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and 22 cases of cavernous malformations (CMs) to immunohistochemical staining. Two angiogenic factors were examined, i.e. vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). The results of immunostaining were analyzed by two observes blinded to the antibody and lesion type, and were evaluated in three classes. All 44 lesions were stained positive for VEGF, with the AVMs staining somewhat more intensely (
<0.01). 13 of 22 AVMs and 17 of 22 CMs demonstrated bFGF with different staining intense (
<0.01). The staining of VEGF in CMs had difference with lesions hemorrhaged or not (
<0.05). The results demonstrate that angiogenic growth factors are expressed in all types of cerebral vascular malformations. The pattern of expression suggests diffuse activation of angiogenesis without specific relation to individual vessel types.
Analisis of 208 Cases Acute Cerebrovascular Disease Complicated with Multiple Organ Failure
Zhao Xingquan;Long Jie;Zheng Fangwen;Niu Songtao
2000, 21(2): 144-146.
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To study characteristics of 208 acute cerebrovascular disease cases that complicated with multiple organ failure (MOF). MOF scores of hemorrhage group were significantly more than infarction group(
< 0.01);organs suffered from MOF happened in age between 60~70 years old were more than that in age under 60 years old(
<0.05); quantity of organs with MOF happened in group with two or more two sorts chronic diseases were more than that with less than two (
<0.05);quantity of MOF and MOF scores in group with pulmonary infection were much more than that without infection (
< 0.01), and survive periods were less than it as well(
<0.05). Chronic diseases existed prior MOF happening and pulmonary infection were very important factors for MOF. Controling systemic infection and evaluating important organs function carefully at early stage of acute cerebrovascular diseases were strongly recommended for controling MOF.
The Analysis on the Risk Factors of Relapse of Cerebral Hemorrage
Chen Guirong;Yang Qing
2000, 21(2): 147-148.
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cases of cerebral hemorrage were collected to explore the risk factors of the relapse of cerebral hemorrage caused by hypertension. 47 of the cases had relapsing cerebral hemorrage and the relapse rate was 21%. The relation between relapse of cerebral hemorrage and blood pressure, age, sex and prognosis were also studied,which suggested that the hypertension was the first factor whether it was in the first or the relapsing cerebral hemorrage.The prognosis of relapsing cerebral hemorrage was bad, of which, only 25% had better functional recovery. So, prevention and control of hypertention, especially the level of blood pressure after cerebral hemorrage, is very important to reduce the death and disability caused by cerebral hemorrage.
A Study on Ultrastructure and Clinic Management of Recurrent Meningiomas
Yang Jun;Sun Yilin;Wang Guihuai;Zhang Maozhi
2000, 21(2): 149-151.
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To demonstrate the causes of recurrence of meningiomas, reviewed their experiences of management in 17 patients with recurrent meningiomas. In every postoperative specimens, the light microscope (LM) and eletronic microscopy (EM) examinations were performed respectively. In 9 cases of 17 patients, the EM analysis revealed the trends to partial malignancy, while in all cases LM examinations exhibited typical nature of benign meningiomas. Conclusions for treatment of reccurent meningiomas, total resection should be emphasized and postopreative ultrastructure examinations of the specimens also be ercommended. It maybe effective for patients who have pathologogical malignancy trends to give adjuvent radiotherapy to improve the prognosis.
Treatment of Laryngeal Carcinoma: A Report of 81 Cases
Li Wenzhu;Zhang Yushu
2000, 21(2): 152-154.
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To investigate the results of laryngeal carcinoma, 81patients with laryngeal carcinoma treated from Jan.1980 to Jan.1990 received either radiotherapy (R group,62) or surgery plus radiotherapy (S+R group,19).The 5 year survival rates were 51.6%(32/62) and 84.2%(16/19). The 5 year survival rates of stage Ⅰto Ⅱ were 85% (17/20)and 50%(1/2), respectively (
>0.05). The 5 year survival rates of stage Ⅲ to Ⅳ were 35.7(15/42)and 88.2%(15/17)(
<0.05). It was concluded that for early lesions (stage Ⅰ and Ⅱ)of laryngeal carcinoma, radiotherapy are primary used. For advanced lesions (stage Ⅲ and Ⅳ) of laryngeal carcinoma, combined radiotherapy and surgery are preferred.
Application of Misoprostol for Cervical Ripening and Labor Induction
Feng Ling;Zhao Lian
2000, 21(2): 155-156.
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To research the efficacy of misoprostol for induced term labor. 91 patients with an indication for induction of labor were assigned to two groups.The induction was carried out either with misoprostol, 50 μg intravaginally every 12 hours until active labor, or with installing valium for 3 days, then augment oxytocin continuously up to labor onset. The mean change in the Bishop score was higher in those receiving misoprostol (2.69 vs 1.80,
<0.05). The rate of efficiency was higher in those receiving misoprostol (93.88% vs 64.29%,
<0.01). No significant differences were noted in the time from induction to vaginal delivery between the two groups. The vaginally administered misoprostol is an effective agent for the cervical ripening and induction of labor.
A Clinical Observation of Stellate Ganglion Black Used for Migraine
Zhang Shuzhen;Gao Shuqin;Wang Enzhen
2000, 21(2): 157-158.
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To observe the theraeutic effect of different drugs used in stellate ganglion block(SGB) on migraine, 80 patients suffering from migraine were randomly allocated into two groups. In group A STB were treated with mixture of lidocaine, vitamine B complex and txiamcinolone acetonide, while in group B nimodipine was also added. The analgesic duration and effect were measured by double blinded. The analgesic duration in group B was significantly longer than that in group A and the complete pain relieving percentage was significantly high(
<0.05) in group B.
Study on the Change of ACTH and COR in Patients with Pituitary Tumor
Zhang Tong;Zhang Yunxin;Wang Baoguo
2000, 21(2): 159-160.
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This study is to observe the change of ACTH and COR in patients with piturtary tumor. 28 patients for elective craniotomy were anesthesied with Isoflune and Propoful. They were divied into the normal pituitary function group(group 1, n =7),GH increase group(group 2, n =9), and PRL increase group(group 3, n =12). Sample vein blood wss taken during different stages of perioperation and ACTH and COR were tested by RIA. We observed apparent significance in three groups when compared T 4 with T 1 (
< 0.05), and there is apparent difference between group 1 and group 2, and between 1 and group 3 (
<0.05). So it is concluded that the levels of ACTH and COR at end of operation in patients with pituitary tumor recovered gradully and were higher than that before the operation. This is different from other nerosurgerical patients.
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