Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2000, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 16-19.
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Li Depeng, Xu Qunyuan, Zhang Jinlu, Liu Yujun, Lu Qiang
Abstract: To explore correlation between proto oncogene c-fos expression in the striatum and dopaminergic neurons loss in the midbrain, twenty rats with unilateral 6-OHDA-lesioned dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain, were used for PD models which were divided into two groups, according to postoperative survival time. The abnormal rotations and c-fos expression could be induced by injection of apomorphine in all these rat models. Distribution of TH positive neurons and c-fos positive cells was observed with immunohistochemistry. The immunohistochemical staining of brain sections showed that a significant loss of TH positive and TH intensively positive neurons in the lesion side could be observed from the rats survived 7 days after lesion and completely disappeared from the rats survived 2 months. In addition, an expression of c-fos gene could be induced in the caudate putamen by injection of apomorphine from the rats survived 2 months in the experiment group. The results indicated that proto oncogene c-fos expression in the caudate putamen could reflect dopaminergic neurons lesion of PD. Whether c-fos expression could be induced or not depended on the degree of dopaminergic neurons lesion.
Key words: Parkinson disease, tyrosine hydroxylase, proto oncogene, c-fos, immunohistochemistry
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Li Depeng;Xu Qunyuan;Zhang Jinlu;Liu Yujun;Lu Qiang. Parkinson Disease Models with 6-OHDA-lesioned Rats with Dopaminergic Neurons Loss and Proto oncogene c-fos Expression[J]. Journal of Capital Medical University, 2000, 21(1): 16-19.
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