Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2000, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 298-300.

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The Special Staining of K3Fe(CN)6 to Vessel Basement Membran

Sun Yilin, Qu Baoqing   

  1. Beijing Neurosurgical Institute
  • Received:2000-03-03 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-10-15 Published:2000-10-15

Abstract: To evaluate the special stain ing effect of potassium ferricyanide on vessel basement membrane, using the K3Fe(CN)6 to treat the biopse specimen and examine the reaction of basement membrane to it under the electron microscope. The result showed the potassium ferricyanide increased the electroncontrast of vessel basement membrane and clearly showed the ultrastructure of it. The staining method provides a kind of special electron stained technology for studying the ultrastructure changes of basement membrane.

Key words: potassium ferricyanide, basement membrane, electron micosco

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