Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2001, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (3): 199-201.

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Changes of SP and VIP in Ileum of Experimental Spleen Deficiency Rats

Guo Hua, Qu Reiyao, Chang Yanbin, Meng Yang, Li Lisheng, Wang Wei, Zeng Wenhong, Qu Bolin   

  1. Department of Physiology, Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:2000-10-08 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2001-07-15 Published:2001-07-15

Abstract: Substance P(SP)and vasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP)levels in all layers of initial part of ileum in rats were measured by radioimmunoassays(RIA)in order to explore the mechanism of spleen deficiency(SD).SP levels in ileum of experimental SD rats were significantly higher than that of the control groups(P<0.005)while the VIP levels in ileum of SD rats were significantly lower than the control groups(P<0.05). In spontaneous recovery cases, SP levels recovered significantly(compared with the SD rats, P<0.001)and did not drop down to normal until the VIP levels recovered significantly. After the SD rats were treated with Chinese herbs(Sijunzi Tang), SP was improved(compared with the SD cases, P<0.001)and returned to normal(compared with the controls, P>0.10). So the results showed that changes of SP and VIP levels in initial part of ileum of SD rats may be closely related to the gastrointestinal motility disorders presented in SD and the Chinese herbs(Sijunzi Tang)currently used has a partially therapeutic effect.

Key words: spleen deficiency, substance P(SP), vasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP)

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