Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2001, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (4): 357-358.

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The Sedative Action of Midazolam in the Treatment of Neurosurgically Postoperative Restlessness

Qian Ke, Li Shuqin   

  1. Department of Intensive Care Unit, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Affiliate of Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:2000-11-09 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2001-10-15 Published:2001-10-15

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to study the sedative action of midazolam in the treatment of neurosurgically post-operative restlessness. Patients were intravenously given midazolam loading dosage(average 0.086 mg/kg), and during 93% of the whole period patients could reach level 3 of Ramsay sedative condition. The intravenous maintaining midazolam dosage was about 0.08 mg/(kg·h), patients could awake quickly after the drug withdraws and there was no evidence of accumulation after long term midazolam usage. The use of midazolam in neurosurgical post operative restlessness is associated with easily controled sedative level, less side-effect and specific antagonist.

Key words: post-operative restlessness, intravenous sedation, midazolam

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