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    15 October 2001, Volume 22 Issue 4
    Expression of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 in the Brain of Hypoxia Preconditioned Mouse
    Liang Yuanjing;Lü Guowei
    2001, 22(4):  285-287. 
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    Hypoxia inducible factor -1(HIF-1)is a transcriptional factor induced when mammalian cells are exposed to chronic hypoxia. In this study, chronic hypoxic(H)and nomorxic(C)HeLa cells, brain tissue without hypoxia exposure(H0), that with 1 run of hypoxia exposure(H1)and with 4 runs of hypoxia exposure(H4)were collected. Cellular extract were prepared and analyzed by Western blot assay to detect HIF-1α. HIF-1α could be detected in chronic hypoxic HeLa cells. No HIF-1α could be found in group H0, while a small amount of HIF-1α and much more HIF-1α could be found in group H1 and H4 respectively. These results indicate that HIF-1α in brain cells increases during hypoxia preconditioning. The increase of HIF-1 is a possible mechanism for hypoxia preconditioning.
    Changing of Neurons in the Dorsal Root Ganglion after an Injure of the Peripheral Nerve in Rabbits with Different Ages
    Liu Na;Xu Qunyuan;Jing Peng;Cai Qing;Yang Lianxue
    2001, 22(4):  288-291. 
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    To observe the changes of the cell body and nucleolus of neurons in the dorsal root ganglion of rabbits with different ages after an injure in the peripheral processes of those neurons, the brachial plexus were transected unilaterally in 12 rabbits in ages with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 weeks, respectively. The cell numbers were counted and the sizes of cell bodies and nucleoli were measured bilaterally in the dorsal root ganglia from the segments of C4~T2 after 3 months of the operation. The nucleolus was selected as the counted unit and counted number was corrected according to K.. onigsmark's formula. The measurements of cell bodies and nucleoli were done with a device of image analyzer and 1 200 neurons were randomly selected to be measured. The results showed that the cell number of dorsal root ganglia from the lesion side of C4~T2 was markedly decreased compared with normal side after transecting of the plexus. The neurons with small or medium size were decreased even more distinctly among those decreased neurons. In addition, the cell loss was more seriously in younger animals than that in those older ones.
    Effect of Chinese Herb on c-Jun Expression in Dorsal Root Ganglia in Rats with Spinal Cord Hemisection
    Gao Xiulai;Jing Peng;Hao Yanli;Ma Yuping;Chen Yaliang;Lu Tao;Han Fengyue;Su Jing;Liu Weidong;Zhang Ping;Chang Chaoying;Liu En
    2001, 22(4):  292-295. 
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    The object was to study the mechanism of promoting spinal cord regeneration and repair in rats with SCI after spinal cord injury by fluorescence immunohistochemical method combined with laser scanning confocal microscopy. The results indicated that the up-regulation of c-Jun was heightened in dorsal root ganglia of the injury side by the administration of SCI and the number of nerve cells with intact nuclear in SCI administration group was higher. This study showed that SCI could regulate c-Jun expression and promote regeneration of the spinal cord.
    Effect of APP17-mer Peptide on Expression of Apoptosis Related Proteins in Hippocampal Neurons of Ovariectomized Rats
    Tan Ning;Zhao Yongmei;Zhao Zhiwei;Ji Zhijuan;Sheng Shuli
    2001, 22(4):  296-299. 
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    To study the expressions of apoptosis related proteins Fas, Fas-L, NFκB, c-fos and c-Jun in hippocampal neurons of ovariectomized rats, and the effect of APP17-mer peptide on these expressions, female Wistar rats were bilaterally ovariectomized(ovx), and were treated with APP17-mer peptide. Then they were studied by immunohistochemistry for Fas, Fas-L, c-fos, c-Jun and NFκB, and were studied by TUNEL to observe the DNA fragments of neurons. The number of neurons stained positively by Fas, Fas-L, c-fos, c-Jun antibodies in the brains of ovariectomized rats increased, and the number of neurons stained positively for NFκB was reduced. However, after being treated by the APP17-mer peptide, the expression of these apoptosis related proteins were normalized. There were no apoptotic neurons stained by TUNEL in the hippocampus. The result indicates that expression changes of apoptotic related protein in OVX rats. APP17-mer peptide treatment can normalize the expression of these proteins mentioned above. According to the research, the hippocampal neurons appear in a condition of pro apoptosis, but APP17-mer peptide is able to reverse the pro apoptosis situation of neurons.
    Study on Cloning Human Endostatin Gene
    Liu Hua;Zhang Chengbo;Xiong Ying;Chen Rui;Yu Peilan
    2001, 22(4):  300-303. 
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    In order to obtain the human endostatin gene, the total RNA was isolated from human fetus liver tissue, and two pairs of specific primers were designed for RT-CR. The target DNA fragment was inserted into the clone vector pBluescript and the expression vector pGEX-4T-1 respectively. The recombinant plasmids were used for sequencing.The result showed that the DNA sequence of inserted fragment was consistent with human endostatin mRNA in GenBank database.
    Effect of Rhizoma Curcumate Zedoariae and Herbra Trifolii Repentis on Apoptosis of Human Lung Cancer Cell Line A549
    Wang Zhe;Zhang Jinfeng;Fu Guifang
    2001, 22(4):  304-305. 
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    The object was to study the mechanism of inhibitory and tumor killing effects of two kinds of Chinese traditional herbs, rhizoma curcumate zedoariae and herbra trifolii repentis. Lung cancer cell line A549 was adopted as target cell. The reseach examined tumor cell apoptosis induced by the herbs with flow cytometry when the target cell was cultured with the herb substration for 24 h. The substraction both two kinds of herbs can induce tumor cell apoptosis. The great synergic effect to induce target cell apoptosis was also found out. The results suggested that to induce target cells apoptosis is the main mechanism to inhibit and kill tumor by the herbs.
    Expression of c-fos mRNA and c-Fos Protein Following Focal Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rat and Effects of Electro-Acupuncture
    Zhang Xueqin;Wang Li;Zhang Yong;Lu Zhida
    2001, 22(4):  306-309. 
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    Reversible middle cerebral artery(MCA)occlusion in rats was made by intraluminal filament technique. After 1 h of ischemia, the filaments were withdrawn to allow reperfusion for 1 h and 2 h, respectively. In situ hybridyzation studies showed that after 1 h and 2 h of reperfusion, c-fos mRNA was induced remarkably in ipsilateral ischemic neocortex(frontal, parietal), hippocampus CA1, CA2, CA3 and CA4 areas, and dentate gyrus. c-Fos protein expression as demonstrated by immunohistochemical stain was also induced in all the brain areas mentioned above. With electroacupuncture at the points of "Baihui" and "Fengfu" for 30 min before reperfusion, both induction of c-fos mRNA and c-Fos protein were significantly enhanced in the cortex of frontal and parietal lobe(P<0.001)and dentate gyrus(P< 0.01)in ischemic hemisphere. In hippocampus, electro acupuncture increased the c-Fos protein expression both after 1 h and 2 h of reperfusion significantly(CA1 and CA4: P<0.05; CA2 and CA3: P< 0.01), while marked increase of c-fos mRNA occurred only after 1 h of reperfusion in CA1 and CA4 areas(P<0.05). HE stain showed less neurol degeneration in ischemic area in rats that received electro acupuncture before reperfusion. The results showed that the treatment with electro acupuncture at the point of "Baihui" and "Fengfu" increased the expression of both c-fos mRNA and c-Fos protein after focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion, which may play an important role in the brain protection of the animal model the authors used.
    Changes and Role of Endothelium-derived Nitric Oxide in Experimental Pulmonary Heart Disease
    Zhou Guangde;Chen Ruifen;Luan Liying
    2001, 22(4):  310-313. 
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    To study the changes of endothelium-derived nitric oxide(EDNO)in pulmonary heart disease, adult male Wistar rats were given a single injection of monocrotaline(MCT)(60 μg/g)to build the model of pulmonary heart disease, or L-arginine 〔500 μg/(g·d)〕 was injected at the same time. Three weeks later, the changes of rat lung were observed under light and electric microscopy, and the changes of endothelial nitric oxide synthase(eNOS)in rat lung were measured by image analysis. Three weeks after MCT treatment, the expression of eNOS increased significantly in endothelia of lung vessels, on the contrarary, decreased evidently in bronchial epithelia as the experimental time passed by, and L-arginine could reduce the injury of lung induced by MCT. It showed that NO may play an important protective role during the process of pulmonary heart disease formed, the production of NO is not enough to resist the pulmonary vascular injury.
    On the Reliability and the Validity of a Scale
    Liu Xuezong;Zhang Jian;Yu Shuyan
    2001, 22(4):  314-317. 
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    The object of the reseach was to describe the effect of the negative questions in a scale on the reliability of the scale and the procedure for recoding the negative questions as well as the hypothesis testing method for the questions in a scale, to investigate and to compare the reliability of a scale obtained with different methods, to compute the parallel reliability between two groups of the positive questions in a scale, to analyze the validity of a scale. The method of the parallel reliability, the method of the parallel reliability between two groups of the positive questions, the indpendent t-test method, the canonical correlation, the factor analysis, the methods of computing the Cronbach's coefficient α, the Theta coefficient θ and the Omega coefficient Ω were used. ① Based on the surveillance data of "The Scale of Training the Rural Doctors in Beijing", the comparison of the Cronbach's coefficient α before and after recoding the negative questions was made. ② By using independent t-test to test the null hypothesis of the critical ratio of every question respectively, two questions were sieved and the Cronbach's coefficient rose from 0.892 9 to 0.899 3 after sieving. ③ The simple parallel reliability(r1=0.602 7)was much less trustworthy than the parallel reliability between two groups of the positive questions(rp=0.832). ④ The following indicates the whole scale, α =0.899 3, θ = 0.881 3, Ω =0.956 5 and rp=0.823 0 which showed the scale had excellent reliability. ⑤ For the convenience of discussion, we used one model of the scale named "the reasons of the rural doctors to stay in village or to leave from village" to obtain a distinct statistic structure with the factor analysis method, which showed that the questions in the model could be divided into two groups: one for practical questions, the other rational questions. Endpoints: ① It is important to recode the negative questions in the scale, to compute the reliability and the validity of the scale after sieving the questions without significance. ② It is trustworthy to assess the reliability of the scale with α, θ, Ω and the parallel reliability between two groups of the positive questions except the simple parallel reliability. ③ The statistical structure of the scale obtained by the factor analysis has a very distinct structure, but not unique. The explanation of the statistical structure is based not only upon the statistics but also upon the professional knowledge. And the statistical structure can be a clue to modify the scale.
    New Method to Analyze the Similarity between Two-dimensional Medical Images
    Xu Min;Yan Yan;Jiang Jiuhui;Zhang Jian;Guo Decheng;Liu Xuezong
    2001, 22(4):  318-320. 
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    A new method is posed that analyzes the similarity between the 2D images based on the landmark positions. Get the coordinates of the landmarks and standardized them to make up two groups of vectors, and analyzed the correlation between them, which represented the similarity of the two images. Five cephalometric radiographs images were analyzed in this method and factors affecting the similarity were discussed. It indicated that the number of landmarks and the method of selection could influence the results remarkably but random error had little influence. This method can evaluate the similarity between the images quantitatively and can also be applied to the 3D images.
    Synthesis and Research of Polyamidoamine Dendrimer
    Zhou Yulan;Liu Yongli;Yang Hua;Ye Ling;Gu Wei
    2001, 22(4):  321-326. 
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    A series of polyamidoamine(PAMAM)dendrimers were prepared, with an ethylenediamine core through repetitive Michael addition and amidation. Their structures were characterized by FT-IR, NMR and FAB-MS.
    Gelastic Precocious and Hypothalamic Hamartoma
    Sun Yilin;Qu Baoqing;Bai qin;Luo Shiqi;Li Chunde
    2001, 22(4):  327-329. 
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    To determine the relationship between the ultrapathology characteristic and clinical symptoms, signs of hypothalamic hamartoma, 14 cases of hypothalamic hamartoma were studied. Of them, there are 5 cases with precocious puberty; 4 cases with gelastic epilepsy; other cases with both precocious puberty and gelastic epilepsy. CT or MRI scan showed occupation mass in hypothalamic area. Total surgical resection were done in 14 cases. Biopsy specimen were examined with eptic and electron microscope. Ultrastructural research preved that the hypothalamic hamartoma is composed of neuroectoderm. The tumor parenchymal consisted of neurons and astrocytes. The tumor mesenchyme looked like neuropil. Electron microscopic examination showed that there were Golgi apparatus, microtubules, dense core vesicles and clear vesicles were found in numerous cytoplasm and cell processes. These morphologic features relate to precocious puberty and gelastic epilepsy. It is an important method to diagnosis hypothalamic neuronal hamartoma with eletron microscope technique.
    Evaluation of Duplex PCR Method for Sputum Samples in Early Diagnosis of Legionella Pneumonia
    Zhang Husheng;Jin Jianmin;Chen Dongning;Qin Jie;Qiu Qiong;Wan Chaoqun
    2001, 22(4):  330-334. 
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    To evaluate a Duplex PCR(DPCR)method in early diagnosis of legionella pneumonia by detecting legionella DNA in sputum samples, the sputum samples of patients from four groups, including legionella pneumonia group(n=15), clinical suspected legionella pneumonia group(n=29), ordinary pneumonia group(n=31)and pulmonary tuberculosis group(n=15)were detected with the DPCR method. Two different sets of oligonucleotide primer were stimultaneously used to amplify 386 bp 16SrRNA gene fragment and 206 bp mip gene fragment of legionella during the DPCR process. The DPCR positive rate of legionella pneumonia group(100%)was significantly higher than that of the other three groups(17.24%, 0, 0, respectively, P<0.01). The lowest detection level was 1×103 cfu/mL for the simulated sputum sample. Primary study showed the DPCR method adopted for detecting legionella DNA in sputum samples had satisfactory sensitivity, specificity and stability. The method has its value in early diagnosis of legionella pneumonia.
    The Serum Leptin Level of Hemodialysis Patients and the Relation to Insulin
    Wang Ying;Liu Huilan;Yao Ying
    2001, 22(4):  335-336. 
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    This study investigated leptin levels of hemodialysis patients and the relation to insulin concentration. Thirty maintenance hemodialysis patients and thirty healthy control subjects were recruited for the study. Blood was drawn after an overnight fast. Serum leptin was measured with a human leptin RIA kit. C-peptide and insulin were all measured with RIA kit. There were also blood tests to measure BUN, creatinine and glucose. Mean serum leptin concentration was significantly higher in the HD group than that of the control(P<0.01). HD group have significantly higher concentrations of C-peptide, BUN and creatinine(P<0.01)than that of the contral group. Leptin levels in both groups correlated positively with BMI, C-peptide and insulin(P<0.05). The data suggests that leptin and C-peptide are markedly increased in HD patients. Serum leptin correlates positively with BMI, C-peptide and insulin.
    Multiple Factor Analysis on Glomerular Filtration Rate in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
    Fu Hanjing;Yuan Shenyuan;Zhu Liangxiang;Dai Haojie
    2001, 22(4):  337-339. 
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    To evaluate the importance of different risk factors and their mutual interactions on glomerular filtration rat(GFR)in type 2 diabetes mellitus, an investigation was carried out on the relationship between GFR and various risk factors in 214 cases of type 2 diabetes by way of stepwise regression analysis method. Results: ① The average age, DM course, waist/hip-ratio, hypertension prevalence, coronary heart disease prevalence and diabetic retinopathy prevalence were higher in GFR dropped group than that of GFR normal group(P<0.01). ② The values of GFR, BUN, Scr, UAER were significant difference between two groups(P<0.01). ③ Multiple backward regression analysis showed that age, Scr, diabetic retinopathy, hypertension and BUN were independent risk factors for GFR. Conclusion: To dealy the decrease of GFR and prevent the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy, it is important not only to control blood sugar, but also to control blood pressure and relieve diabetic retinopathy.
    Using Leukocyte Reduction Filter in the Stem Cell Transplantation Unit of the Department of Hematology
    Li Yanchen;Chen Shilun;Liu Jinwei;Wang Huijuan
    2001, 22(4):  340-342. 
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    The study evaluated the effectiveness and safety of using the leukocyte reduction filter in the stem cell transplantation unit of the department of hematology. The filters were used in 11 patients who were treated with peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. The effectiveness of the leukocyte reduction, the recovery of the red cell or pletlet were measured. The occurance of TA-GVHD and the other reaction of transfusion were observed. By using the filters, white cells could be controlled within 10 5, and TA-GVHD could be efficiently avoided. The reaction rate of transfusion was reduced from 37.8%(20/53)which did not use the filters in general ward to 15.0%(6/40, P<0.005). Leukocyte reduction filter could be safely used in the stem cell transplantation of the hema tological department.
    Clinical Study of Antifibrinolytics on Decrement of Postpartum Blood Loss
    Peng Yanli;Chi Guizhu
    2001, 22(4):  343-345. 
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    To investigate the effect and safety of antifibrinolytics on decrement of postpartum blood loss. One hundred and twenty cases of primipara of vaginal delivery were randomly divided into tranexa mic acid group(Group A: pitocin+tranexamic acid), aminomethylbenzoic acid group(Group B: pitocin+aminomethylbenzoic acid)and pitocin group(Group C: pitocin). The postpartum blood loss was collected and measured carefully within the third stage of labor and forth stage of labor. Fibrinogen and D dimer were examined during antepartum(first stage of labor), half an hour postpartum and 2 hours postpartum. Result: ①The postpartum blood loss during the forth stage of labor in Group A was significantly lower than that in Group C(P<0.01), the total postpartum blood loss of Group A was significantly lower than Group C(P< 0.05). ②Fibrinogen among groups and at different times was not statistically different(P >0.05). D dimer was significantly different(P<0.001). In the Group A, D dimer of 2 hours postpartum was significantly higher than that of antepartum(P<0.05), but was not statistically significant with that of half an hour postpartum; in Group B, D dimer of half an hour and 2 h of postpartum was all significantly higher than that of antepartum(P<0.05); in the Group C, D dimer of 2 hours postpartum was higher than that of half an hour postpartum(P<0.05), and was significantly higher than that of antepartum(P<0.01), and was higher than that of 2 hours postpartum in Group A(P<0.05). ③No thromboembolism appeared in any of the three groups. Conclusion:Based on pitocin, proper antifibrinolytics can depress the rise of D dimer and decrease postpartum blood loss.
    Predictive Survive of Cirrhotic Patients with Ascites: Study on Multiple Risk Factors
    Huang Chun;Ding Huiguo;Zhou Xiaolin 
    2001, 22(4):  346-348. 
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    The aim is to study on the risk factors of predictive survive of cirrhotic patients with ascites, and to design a scoring system which could determine patient's prognosis. One hundred eighty randomized patients at the end of hospitalization were divided into alive group(n=89)and death group(n=91). Twenty two clinical and laboratory parameters were investigated as predictive risk factors for patients survival. Univariate analysis was made with the χ2 test for qualitative variable and independent sample t-test for quantitative variable. Variables reaching statistical significance(P<0.05)were subsequently introduced in Logistic regression to identify the independent risk factors for survive. The methods of statistical analysis were performed with SPSS for WINDOWS statistical package. Results: tweleve clinical and laboratory paramenters, age, GI bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy, sydrome of hepatic kinedy, shock, count of ascites WBC and blood WBC, PTA, total bilirubin, serum ALB, sodium concentration and BUN, were closely related to survival of cirrhotic patients with ascites by analysis of univariate. Four independent factors, hepatic encephalopathy(HE), PTA, serum sodium concentration(NA)and BUN, the determined patient′s survive by Logistic regression analysis. A scoring system was designed accroding to the 4 paramenters. The artical score of death was 5. The coincidence rate was 91.7% by retrospective study of 180 cirrhotic patients.
    Clinical Analysis of the Relation Factors of Cysticercosis with Headache
    Guo Dongmei;Xie Shuping;Liu Aihua
    2001, 22(4):  349-351. 
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    In this study 6 585 cases with neurocysticercosis were classified, headache degrees and distribution were analysed. There were middle degree(64.7%)and heavy degree(23.7%)in the cases with intracranial hypertension. There were light degree(39.9%)and middle degree(57.9%)in the cases with meningitis(without intravranial hypertension). And there was light degree(79.4%)in the cases with neither intracranial hypertension nor meningitis. It shows that headache is common symptom in the neurocysticercosis. Intracranial hypertension and meningitis are the primary headache factors.
    A Expression of Dynorphin A(1-8)in Ventral Hippocampus during Induction of Enhanced Seizure Susceptibility
    Wang Jing;Li Yiying;Li Xiaoyong;Zhang Wanqin 
    2001, 22(4):  352-354. 
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    To study a role of dynorphin A(1-8)(DYN A(1-8))in ventral hippocampus during induction of enhanced seizure susceptibility, an acute model as human temporal lobe epilepsy was made by kainic acid(KA)causing seizure episode in the rats. The time course of alteration of dynorphin A(1-8)like immunoreactivity in ventral hippocampus during induction of enhanced seizure susceptibility(1~7 d after KA)was detected by immunocytochamical method. SD rats were given 10 mg/kg,S.C. of KA systemically. Two days later, dynorphin A(1-8)immunoreactive neurons appeared in the nuclei of dentate granule cells(DGC)in ventral hippocampus. The maximal intensity of staining and the largest number of the immunoreactive dynorphin A(1-8)occurred 4 d after KA. Five to seven days after KA, during induction of enhanced seizure susceptibility, dynorphin A(1-8)immunoreactive neurons also gradually disappeared in DGC of ventral hippocampus. Endogenous dynorphin in the seizure sensitive ventral hippocampus appeares to play an important role in regulation of brain excitability, especially in the induction of enhanced seizure susceptibility.
    Clinical Analysis of Excitatory Amino Acids Level in Cerebrospinal Fluid after Acute Brain Injury
    Yu Shuqing;Fu Zhuang;Zhao Jizong
    2001, 22(4):  355-356. 
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    In order to study the neurobiochemical changes and excitotoxicity to neural cells of the excitatory amino acids(EAAs)in cerebrospinal fluid(CSF)after acute brain injury, a total of 30 patients were classified into 3 groups according to the score of Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS): mild, moderate and severe groups, while the other 10 patients were observed as the controls. Fresh CSF was sampled by lumbar puncture no later than 48 h after brain injury in all cases. Concentrations of the EAAs were measured by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). The result showed that the mean concentration of EAAs in CSF of severe, moderate and mild groups were significantly higher in order than that of the controls. The result indicates that the implication of this study is that acute brain injured patrents are exposed to a high concentrations of EAAs. These abnormalities are related to the severity of injury.
    The Sedative Action of Midazolam in the Treatment of Neurosurgically Postoperative Restlessness
    Qian Ke;Li Shuqin
    2001, 22(4):  357-358. 
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    The purpose of this research is to study the sedative action of midazolam in the treatment of neurosurgically post-operative restlessness. Patients were intravenously given midazolam loading dosage(average 0.086 mg/kg), and during 93% of the whole period patients could reach level 3 of Ramsay sedative condition. The intravenous maintaining midazolam dosage was about 0.08 mg/(kg·h), patients could awake quickly after the drug withdraws and there was no evidence of accumulation after long term midazolam usage. The use of midazolam in neurosurgical post operative restlessness is associated with easily controled sedative level, less side-effect and specific antagonist.