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    15 January 2002, Volume 23 Issue 1
    Molecular Cloning of cDNA of Dopamine D2 Receptor from Human Fetal Brain
    Zhao Huanying;Duan Deyi;Zhang Zhi;Xu Qunyuan;Yang Hui
    2002, 23(1):  1-5. 
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    In order to clone the human gene of dopamine D2 receptor for treatment of Parkinson disease, total cellular RNA was isolated from human fetal brain and reversely transcribed into cDNA, which was amplified by PCR with the specific primers. The PCR products were inserted into pGEM-T vector for sequencing after emzymatic analysis. The results showed that two fragments were obtained. One, 1 445 bp, was identical to that in the GenBank(NM000795)and the other, 1 305 bp with a deletion of 140 bp, was different from all the three transcripts of D2 receptors previously described and it may be a novel transcript.
    Gene Cloning of Human Aromatic Amino Acid Decarboxylase
    Zhang Zhi;Zhao Huanying;Duan Deyi;Xu Qunyuan;Yang Hui
    2002, 23(1):  6-9. 
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    The objective of the study was to obtain the gene of human Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase(AADC), which would be used in gene therapy for Parkinson disease. The fragment of AADC was obtained by RT-PCR from the substantia nigra of humen fetus, and then cloned into the pGEM-T vector and sequenced. Compared with the sequence deposited in GenBank, the sequence of gene cloned in present study is correct.
    Changes of CD34 and LN in Endometrial Vessels of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
    Zhang Guojing;Lu Xin;Xu Qing;Shangguan Fangfang;Weng Jing;Zhu Xigeng;Tian Sujie
    2002, 23(1):  10-13. 
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    To investigate the causes resulting in dysfunctional uterine bleeding, the endometrial vessels of normal and dysfunctional uterine bleeding were observed morphologically, and CD34 and LN were examined by immunohistochemistry. Results showed that there were lots of breaks in endometrial vessels of bleeding and the quantity of CD34 and LN decreased obviously. It can be concluded the decreases of CD34 and LN are closely related with the dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
    Downregulation of Nitric Oxide in the Brain of Mice during their Hypoxic Peconditioning
    Lü Guowei;Liu Hongyan
    2002, 23(1):  13-13. 
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    Downregulation of nitric oxide in the brain of mice during their hypoxic preconditioning. J Appl Physiol91: 1193-1198,2001. An animal model of hypoxic preconditioning was produced in mice by repeated exposure to autohypoxic condition. The animals' tolerance times to hypoxia were 1.7, 1.8,2.1 and 2.3 times longer in runs 2,3,4 and 5,respectively, than that in run 1, and their oxygen consumption and heart and respiration rates were progressively and significantly slowed down during the repetitive exposure to hypoxia. L-arginine concentrat ion, nitric oxide(N0)synt hase positive cells, N 0synthase activity, and NO content in the whole brain and the subregions telencephalon, diencephalons,and brain stem were significantly increased during the first exposure and were, instead of continuing toincrease, significantly decreased in run 4 after the second and third exposure. Tolerance times under thehypoxic condition were significantly shortened and prolonged when preadministration of L-arginine andits analog, respectively, was made. These results indicate that NO in the brain is downregulated undercondition of hypoxic preconditioning and negatively involved in increased tolerance to hypoxia.
    Effects of Manganese with Different Valences on Mitochondrial Membrane Potential in Human SH-SY5Y Cells in Vitro
    Liu Zhen;Li Guojun;Zhang Jie;Zhou Chunyi;Li Penggao;Zhao Chunli;Yang Hui;Wei Zheng;Jing Peng
    2002, 23(1):  14-16. 
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    Human dopaminergic SH-SY5Y cells were exposed to manganese of bivalence and trivalence at the concentrations of 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 mmol/L for 24 h respectively. The mitochondrial potential was determined by incubating the culture with Rhodamine 123, a mitochondrial specific dye, followed by laser scanning confocal microtechnique(LCSM)analyses of fluorescence signal. Results showed that Mn(Ⅱ)and Mn(Ⅲ)treatment significantly decreased fluorescence signal as compared to the controls, suggesting a diminished mitochondrial membrane potential after Mn treatment. The effects were Mn-concentration dependent. In addition, we found that Mn(Ⅲ)appeared to be more cytotoxic than Mn(Ⅱ)in altering mitochondrial membrane potential at the concentration of 0.50 mmol/L and 0.75 mmol/L. These data confirm that mitochondria may serve as the primary target for Mn cytotoxicity by altering the membrane potential.
    Solubility Enhancement of Nicotinic Acid in PAMAM Dendrimers
    Ye Ling;Zhang Jinnan;Zhou Yulan;Gu Wei;Liu Yongli;Hu Jinping;Piao Dongxu
    2002, 23(1):  17-19. 
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    PAMAM dendrimers enhance the solubility of nicotinic acid. PAMAM dendrimers of generation 1 to 6 have been synthesized. The study investigated the effect of pH and concentration of the dendrimers on the solubility enhancement of nicotinic acid. The pH and concentration of the dendrimers influenced the solubility enhancement of nicotinic acid. It suggests that an electrostatic interaction between the carboxyl group of the nicotinic acid and the amine groups of the dendrimers is involved.
    Comparison of Numerical Methods to Process Data of Myocytes Ca2+ Fluointersity
    Yan Yan;Liu Xuezong;Wang Xianming;Niu Weizhen
    2002, 23(1):  20-23. 
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    Compare various linear superposition methods to reduce the random errors in the sequences of aperiodic physiological signals and analyze the distribution function adaptable to the myocytes Ca+ fluointersity and draw the characteristic parameters-slopes and time constants. Methods: make the group of CRPR and the group of blank control for three different kinds of potency with six cells of cavy and note dawn the data of 24 groups of myocytes Ca+ fluointersity with focusing microscope. Calibrate, superpose and make nonlinear fitting to these data and dawn the characteristic parameters from them.The methods of superposition include average superposition with equal weight, superposition of principal component, decomposition of the singular values and maximum likelihood superposition. Take the Gamma distribution function as the fitting function, fit with the way of least square and calculate the characteristic parameters from the Gamma function. Results: ① Give out the weighting coefficients from four superposition methods. The coefficients are approximate, especially the one from the method of principal component, decomposition singular values and maximum likelihood are nearly equal. In the method of principal component, the weighting coefficients of six cells are 0.162, 0.171, 0.167, 0.162, 0.170 and 0.168. ② The characteristics of the fluointersity after superposition is more clear. ③ Give out the characteristic parameters of slopes and time constants. The slopes of CGRP group and blank control group,which have three different kinds of potency and come from the superposition of principal component are 1277, 1326, 2039 and 818, while the time constants are 0.33, 0.29, 0.19 and 0.27. In the case of sample data with only one principal component, the superposition of principal component is recommended. This is a simple way. By this way, we can get a good result of superposition, fit the distribution very well and draw the characteristic parameters.
    Effects of Isoflurane and Sevoflurane on c-fosand bcl-2 Genes Expression in Ischemic Neuron and Neuroprotective Role
    Zhang Jiajin;Zhang Hui;Shao Xinli;Zhai Jing
    2002, 23(1):  24-28. 
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    To study the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane on c-fos and bcl-2 genes expression and protective in ischemic neuron, cerebral ischemia was produced by occlusion of right middle cerebral artery(MCA)and bilateral common carotid arteries(CCAs)for 1 h in rats. The rats were inhaled isoflurane and sevoflurane respectively at 1.0 minimum alveolar concentration during the ischemia. The infarct volume was delineated by triphenyltetrazolium chloride(TTC)stain. The DNA damage was detected by in situ end-labeling staining method on brain section. The expression of c-fos and bcl-2 genes were determined by in situ hybridization on brain section. Infarct volume and apoptotic cell of inhaled anesthetic groups were significant reduced compared with ischemic group at 72 h after 1 h of MCA/CCAs occlusion. The relative levels of c-fos mRNA induction of the inhaled anesthetic groups were significantly lower in the hippocampus at 4 h after 1 h of MCA/CCAs occlusion than that of the ischemic group. There was no statistical difference in bcl-2 mRNA relative levels between the inhaled anesthetic groups and the ischemic group in hippocampus at 24 h after 1 h of MCA/CCAs occlusion. These results shows that the isoflurane and sevoflurane have protective effects in ischemic neuron. For animals that inhaled isoflurane or sevoflurane during ischemia there was attenuation of c-fos mRNA induction in hippocampus, but there was no effect on bcl-2 mRNA expression.
    Comparison of Cellulose Acetate Polymer and Coils for Treatment of Canine Aneurysmal Models
    Yang Xinjian;Wu Zhongxue;Wang Zhongcheng;Li Youxiang;Sun Yilin;Yin Ke;Tang Jun;Liu Zuoqin
    2002, 23(1):  29-33. 
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    Electrolytic detachable coils have been used as main embolic materials for intracranial aneurysms. Liquid aneurysmal embolic materials represented by cellulose acetate polymer(CAP)are still controversial in use. In this research, the embolization result and pathological reaction after embolization of canine aneurysmal models with electrolytic detachable coils or CAP were observed. The comparison between the two materials might be helpful to explore the better one to improve the effect of intracranial aneurysms embolization. We made liquid material CAP, designed and constructed the self-made electrolytic detachable coils, which was named by Wu electrolytic detachable coil(WEDC). Canine aneurysmal models were constructed by anastomosis of venous pouches. The aneurysms were randomly grouped. The aneurysms were occluded with CAP and WEDC individually. Angiogram follow-ups were performed in 24 h, 2 weeks, and 2 months after embolization. The occluded aneurysms were dissected in each stage for light microscopic, electron microscopic, and histochemical research. We found that the result of embolization was significantly better with detachable coils than that with CAP(P<0.01). There was no complications related to embolization. But in CAP group with 12 aneurysmal models, the parent arteries were thrombosed or became stenosed after embolization in 4 aneurysms. Two CAP embolized aneurysms were ruptured in one week. Pathological examination showed that WEDC embolized aneurysms were filled with coils and loose thrombus around the coils and the CAP embolized aneurysms were densely packed with CAP mass 24 h after embolization. Acute chemical damage of the aneurysmal wall was found in early stage. The necks of aneurysms were gradually covered with newly formed endothelial layer and organization appeared inside the aneurysmal sac 2 weeks after embolization in both groups. Inflammatory cellular infiltration was much more prominent in CAP group than that in WEDC group. The damage to aneurysm wall in CAP group became more aggressive, and in some sections of the ruptured aneurysmal wall, the histological structure of aneurysmal wall was so badly damaged that no clear cell structure could be seen. Thrombus inside aneurysm was replaced completely by fibrous tissue and aneurysmal necks were covered with integrated endothelial tissue in both groups 2 months after embolization. But parts of coils might be exposed outside the endothelial layer in the coil embolization group. It is concluded that electrolytic detachable coils are still the most safe, efficient, and reliable method to embolize aneurysm. CAP should be improved greatly before it is widely used because of its difficulty to control and its strong chemical corrosion.
    In Vitro Expansion and Identification of Multipotent Neural Stem Cells from Embryonic Rats
    Liu Kui;Wang Hongyun;Wang Zhongcheng;Li Yiying;Zhang Yazhuo
    2002, 23(1):  34-36. 
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    To establish the protocol of expansion and identification of multipotent stem cells from embryonic rodents central nervous system. Isolated cells from hippocampus and subventricular zone of E18 d rat were cultured in the presence of EGF and bFGF, which showed the self-renewing capability and differentiated to neurons and glial cells after withdrawing GFs. Immunocytochemical staining was used to identify stem cells and their progeny. Under appropriate conditions the neural stem cells not only undergo self-expansion and proliferation but also differentiate into cells, which exhibit characteristics of neuronal and astrocytic phenotypes. The present study showed the presence of multipotent stem cells in rodent hippocampus and subventricular zone of embryonic rats, but the role of them in neurogenesis or regeneration after injury remained to be investigated.
    Protective Effect of APP-11 Mel Peptide on Kidney in Diabetic Rats
    Jia Kebao;Zhao Zhiwei;Zhang Renling;Ai Houxi;Zhao Yongmei;Ji Zhijuan;Sun Yilin;Sheng Shuli
    2002, 23(1):  37-40. 
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    To observe the protective effect of D-Amyloid precursor protein 63~73 named APP-11 mer peptide from diabetic nephropathy, the peptide was administrated by subcutaneous injection for 4 weeks to diabetic rats induced by streptozotocine. The concentration of glucose and its regulated hormones, urea nitrogen and creatinine in the blood were determined at the end of experiment for 3 groups, hade normal group, diabetic group and diabetic group treated by APP-11 mer peptide. The difference of excretion of uric albumin in the above mentioned 3 groups was also detected, and the kidney cortex was taken for ultrastructure research. The results showed that diabetic rats had much more excretion of uric albumin than that of normal rats and diabetic rats treated by APP-11 mer peptide. Although no effect was observed on the concentration of blood sugar, insulin, glucagon and creatinine, urea nitrogen was decreased in the rats treated by APP-11 mer peptide. On the ultrastructure, thickness of basic membrane and enlargement of the endothelial hole of glomerulus in diabetic kidney were found, but APP-11 mel peptide could improve their changes significantly. The results showed that APP-11 mer peptide can improve the diabetic nephropathy, although no one knows the mechanism.
    Hypercholesterolemia Impairment of Endothelial Function through Protein Kinase C
    Zhao Xiangmin;Xie Jinping;Wang Jiarui;Wei Jiaping;He Shida;Bai Dan;Liu Rongkun;Gao Chengmei;Yang Zheng
    2002, 23(1):  41-44. 
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    In order to examine the effects of protein kinase C activation on the impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation induced by hypercholesterolemia, New Zealand white rabbits fed with cholesterol chow were used and the effects of PMA(protein kinase C activator)and H-7(protein kinase C antagonist)on the endothelium-dependent relaxation and the vasoactive prostanoids production of thoracic aorta were evaluated in vitro. The results demonstrated that H-7 restored the impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation of aortic rings from the cholesterol group, and suppressed the abnormal release of Thromboxane B 2 from aorta with endothelium of the cholesterol group significantly. Rings from the control group treated with PMA showed decreased relaxation, and PMA significantly increased the release of Thromboxane B 2 from aortic segments with endothelium from the control group. PMA and H-7 did not cause any significant change in the production of 6-keto-Prostaglandin F 1a in either the control or cholesterol group. In conclusion, hypercholesterolemia impairs the endothelium-dependent relaxation by increasing the endothelial Thromboxane A 2 production, which is induced by the activation of protein kinase C.
    Pathologic Changes of Neuroretina of Wistar Rats in Prodromal Stage of DR
    Lu Yan;Ji Zhijuan;Wu Hang;Zhao Zhiwei;Sheng Shuli
    2002, 23(1):  45-48. 
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    The objective of the study was to observe whether the pathologic changes of neuroretina were earlier than those of microvessels in Wistar rats in prodromal stage of diabetic retinapathy(DR). Male wistar rats,weighing about 200 g, were injected intraperitoneally with STZ at 60 mg/kg to create diabetes. The Wistar rats were decapitated at the time of one week, two weeks, one month after the model created and the retina was removed for electron microscopic observation of the retina and it's microvessel changes. In comparison with the normal controls, there are no obvious changes in the retina and the microvessel of the wistar rats during one week and two weeks with diabtes. In the Wistar rats after one month with diabetes,there were no changes in pigment epithelium layer, rod cell and cone cell layer, outer nuclear layer and microvessel basement membrane and perivascular cells, but there were obvious pathologic changes from outer plexiform layer to neurofibrous layer: swelling and deformity of mitochondria, shortening and disappearance of cristae, medullary degeneration of mitochondria were seen, and the number of mitochondria were reduced. There was obvious neuron cell tuber edema in neurofibrous layer, outer and inner plexiform layer, especially in neurofibrous layer. Dark cells were seen in ganglionic layer. As a result of the edema, some adjacent microvessels were oppressed to be stenosed or even atretic. In the early stage of DR, there is no retina microvessel damage when retinal neuron damage happens. The retinal neuron damage could be the early sign in the progress of DR.
    Influence of Dialyzer Membranes on Coagulation and Fibrinolysis
    Sun Yi;Liu Huilan
    2002, 23(1):  49-51. 
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    To investigate the biocompatibility of dialyzers compared 12 patients on long-term haemodialysis treated with curprophane and polysulphone dialyzers in a cross-over design. During the dialysis TAT, PAP and D-dimer were measured by ELISA. After the dialysis the membranes were observed with scanning electron-microscope. During haemodialysis TAT, PAP and D-dimer with two kinds of dialyzers were higher than before the dialysis. In comparion with cuprophan, concentrations of coagulation and fibrinolysiss parameters in ploysulphone membrane were low. The result indicates that as far as coagulation and fibrinolysis are concerned, the biocompatibility of polysulphone membrane is better than that of the cuprophone one. Biocompatibility dialyzer should be selected to decrease the appearance of the long-term hemodialysis-related complication.
    Clinical Analysis of 125 Patients with Shock
    Jiang Li;Xi Xiuming
    2002, 23(1):  52-53. 
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    One hundred and twenty-five ICU patients with shock in the recent 10 years were analyzed retrospectively. According to the classification proposed by Weil et al, the shock was classified as hypovolemic shock, distributive shock, cardiogenic shock and obstructive shock. It was found that more than half of the total cases were hypovolemic shock. The mortality of hypovolemic shock was significantly lower than other types of shock. No significant differences were found in age, admission APACHEⅡ score and duration of ICU stay among the 4 types of shock. Septic shock is a subtype of distribution shock. Its morbidity of MODS and mortality was significantly higher than that of the hypovolemic shock.
    Expression of ICAM-1 in Liver Cancer, Paracarcinoma and Lung Tissue after Occlusion of Hepatic Vein
    Xu Guangxun;Pan Cheng'en;Liu Qingguang
    2002, 23(1):  54-56. 
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    A hepatocellular carcinoma model of Wistar rat was constructed to study the expression of ICAM-1 in hepatocellular carcinoma and remote organs and to assess the growth, metastasis and invasion of cancer cell after the occlusion of hepatic vein. The change of expression of ICAM-1 in liver cancer, paracarcinoma tissue, nearby hepatic lobe and lung were measured by EnVision immunohistochemistry and the quantity of ICAM-1 in plasma by immunosurvey. The results showed that ICAM-1 in hepatocellular carcinoma tissue samples significantly downgraded after occulsion of hepatic vein compared with the control group(P<0.01). Positive samples of expression in paracarcinoma tissue(33.3%)and positive sample of expression in the left median lobe of the lever(39.6%)were fewer than the negative samples; while there were fewer positive samples than negative samples in hepatic left median lobe. However, we didn't find obviously discrepancy in contrast to the control group(P>0.05). The expression of ICAM-1 in the lung was higher than the control group(P<0.05). In plasma, the quantity of ICAM-1 extremely increased after the operation(P<0.01). Nevertheless, there wasn't a marked change found in the control group from pre-operation to post-operation. Therefore, we have the conclusion that the metastasis of malignant cell is different in different organs or tissues, and occlusion of hepatic vein accelerates cancer cell's transfer to remote part(lung)of body.
    Comparison of Pathologic Grading and Clinical Features of Chronic Hepatitis B
    Ma Hongbo;Lang Zhenwei;Jin Ronghua;Huang Chun;Jin Rui
    2002, 23(1):  57-59. 
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    To raise the accuracy of clinical diagnose on chronic hepatitis B, the correlation between the clinical features, biochemical tests 〔the serum total bilirubin-TBil, albumin(ALB), prothrobin activity(PTA), alanine aminotransferase(ALT), albumin/globulin(A/G), γ-globulin(γ-G)〕 and histopathological data of 202 patients with chronic hepatitis B(CHB)were studied. The Resultes were that some of presenting symptoms and signs were obviously associated with histological grade and stage. The grade of necroinflammatory activity of CHB is associated with the rising of TBIL, ALT, γ-G and the declining of A/G and PTA. The coincidence of clinical diagnose and pathology for ΑLB and γ-G might reach 92.7%, 90.2% in mild chronic hepatitis; the coincidence was lower in moderate chronic hepatitis;the coincidence for PTA,TLB, TBil were 41.0%,38.5%,25.6% in marked chronic hepatitis. However, if the biochemical tests were syntheticlly judged, the coincidence might reach 95.9%, 77.5%, 74.4% in mild, moderate and marked chronic hepatitis. The conclusion might be drawn that great attention should be paid to the significance of symptoms and signs, meanwhile a synthetic judgment biochemical testes is necessary for the diagnosis of CHB.
    Degree Evaluation of Dementia of Alzheimer Disease with 18F-FDG-PET
    Su Yusheng;Ma Yunchuang;Zhang Xinqing;Li Depeng;Zhang Linying;Shang Jianwen
    2002, 23(1):  60-62. 
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    The study explored the diagnosis standard to evaluate the degree of dementia of Alzheimer disease(AD)according to the comparison between AD patients and the normal. PET scan was performed after 40 minutes of injection of 18 F-FDG. The mean counts of bilateral frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital lobe, cerebellum, basal ganglion and the ratio of the above brain lobes via cerebellum were calculated in both AD patients and the normal. The counts ratio of the cerebral lobes, basal ganglion and thalamus via cerebellum was quite stable in the normal, with varying coeffient ranging from 2.78% to 8.95%. The AD patient's hypometabolism was judged according to the normal's standard with mean minus 2 s. The result showed that 4 out of 6 belonged to the mild, 6 out of 7 were middle, 4 out of 4 were severe in the AD patients. At the same time, the specific of the normal was 100%. The range of hypometabolism increased with the severity degree of dementia in 17 AD cases. There was hypometabolism only in the parietal in the mild cases, but hypometabolism occurred not only in the parietal but also in the temporal and the frontal in the middle and severe AD cases. The counts ratio between the left frontal lobe via the cerebellum was a very important index to distinguish between the middle AD patients and severe AD ones according to the degree of hypometabolism. Combining the hypometabolism scope with hypometabolism degree of counts ratio of the parietal, frontal and temporal lobes via the cerebellum could make the diagnosis of AD and evaluate the degree of dementia in a better way.
    Hepatocytes Cultured in Serum-free Medium at High-density for Bioartificial Liver
    Zhang Xianjie;Sun Jiabang;Sun Haichen;Li Fei
    2002, 23(1):  63-65. 
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    To seek ideal source of hepatocytes for bioartificial liver, we cultured hepatocytes in serum-free medium at high density. The morphological and functional characteristics of hepatocytes were observed. Hepatocytes showed the gradual development of bile canaliculi-like structures into an anastomatic network and high level of albumin mRNA expression by in situ hybridization was observed. The results suggests that hepatocytes cultured in serum-free medium at high-density can reconstruct in vivo-like structure and function and can be used as an ideal source for bioartificial liver.
    Difference in Diagnostic Criteria of Prostatic Neoplastic Disease between China and Netherland
    Zhang Xin;Gao Juzhong;Guan Delin;Xu Jianjun
    2002, 23(1):  66-67. 
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    There have been many studies on prostate disease among different countries.We aimed to prove that criteria for the histological diagnosis of prostate disease were comparable in China and Netherland.Therefore we could make further study in this field between the two countries.Five pathologists from China and Netherlands individually reviewed 104 continuously collected prostate tissue specimens from pathological archive in Red Cross Chaoyang Hospital from January to August,1996. Each slide was examined by pathologists from both countries using criteria in different countries and the diagnosis was compared.Among the 104 cases, there were no discrepancies in 94. In 10 cases there were discrepancies consisting of mild discrepancies in 6 cases and severe in 4 cases.There is no significant difference in diagnostic criteria for prostate disease between China and Netherlands therefore we sould make further study in this field between the two countries.
    Clinical Analysis of 141 Cases of Neonatal Clavicular Fracture
    Jiang Guiying;Wu Qingqing
    2002, 23(1):  68-69. 
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    The objective was to analyze the relative factors with neonatal clavicular fracture during labour. The neonatal clavicular fracture happened in 32740 cases of alive fetal were analyzed retrospectively in Fuxing Hospital from January 1984 to December 2000. The rate of neonatal clavicular fracture by difficult vaginal labour was higher than that of natural labour. The rate of neonatal clavicular fracture increased with the weight increase of the neonate. The main manifestations of neonatal clavicular fracture were supraclavicular fossa swelling and bone rub. The way of confirmed diagnosis was X-ray photography.
    Children with Kaposi Sarcoma Associated with HIV and Other Viruses Infection
    Wang Xiulan Zhang Changhuai
    2002, 23(1):  70-72. 
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    The purpose of this research is study the clinical manifestation and classification of Kaposi sarcoma in Africa children, and to analyze the incidence of Kaposi sarcoma associated with HIV infection in pediatric patients. Clinical data of 14 cases were collected. All cases received histopathologic examination, and 14 cases accepted HIV antibody test. Histopathologic examination to 14 cases conformed to the diagnosis of KS and 12 out of 14 tested cases were HIV positive. Among 12 HIV positive cases, the 6-months-to-3-years group accounted for 41.7%. Other three groups accounted for 8.3 %, 25.0%, 25.0% respectively. For the 12 HIV positive cases, lymphatic KS was the main clinical type and occupied 75%. The incidence of pediatric KS associated with HIV infection was not uncommon. Among 12 HIV positive cases, the incidence of the 6-months-to-3-years group was much higher than the other three groups; lymphatic KS was the main clinical type. The result also suggests the possibility of canceration of HIV lymphadenopathy. The delayed diagnosis for most cases requests more attention to this particular problem.